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119 pages of results. 391. Northwest Indian Myths of Catastrophe [Articles]
... stand still-little can be gained from the other traditions on the globe without some reasonably tight analyses that would suggest planetary climatic conditions or unusual events-the volcanism or mountain-building events. Then there are almost insurmountable barriers prohibiting a linkage of American Indian traditions to time-lines of world history whether it is catastrophic or not. One immense barrier is the doctrine of human evolution. Although European anthropologists have mostly surrendered the idea that Neanderthal evolved into Cro-Magnon, American scholars cling to this idea as if it were gospel. No Neanderthal remains have ever been found in North America and consequently this fictional evolutionary link of Neanderthal preceding Cro-Magnon is cited as evidence that American Indians came to this hemisphere late and via the Bering ...
392. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... mechanisms against damage by ultraviolet radiation in the 2600Å range, despite the fact that such radiation is met with only above the ozone layer (i .e . above 60 km) and is never experienced by earth-bound organisms. It seems a pity that the authors rather spoil their case in chapter 10 by over-stretching their theory to account also for evolution. They see this as brought about by the gradual incorporation into animals and plant cells of viral genes from space - ". .. the increasing aggregate of cometary genes against which terrestrial natural selection has been able to operate". To this reviewer it is a paradox that they can write on page 8: "In science one ...
393. Aeon Volume III, Number 5: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... , Frederic B. Jueneman, Lewis M. Greenberg, Jan Sammer Volume III, Number 5 ISSN 1066-5145 AEON, 2326 Knapp, Ames, IA 50010, USA Copyright (c ) May 1994 IN THIS ISSUE.Editor's Page Ev Cochrane The Great Comet Venus David Talbott explores the origins of Venus worship in early Mesoamerica. Page 5 The Evolution of the Cosmogonic Egg Dwardu Cardona investigates ancient traditions of cosmic egg. PAGE 52 The Beginning of Time Dwardu Cardona discusses the curious relation between the planet Saturn and time. PAGE 71 Sothis and the Morning Star in the Pyramid Texts Ev Cochrane offers a reassessment of astral worship in ancient Egypt. PAGE 77 Dark Matter..., ...
394. On Models and Scenarios [Journals] [Aeon]
... themselves, presented in the only language possible for those who experienced them. Analysis must begin with man's own perceptions. From the abundant mythical-symbolic images the ancients have left us, together with vital planetary identifications of the later astronomical era, numerous deductions are possible concerning the placement of planets, the relationships between planets and the event-sequences associated with the evolution of the configuration. The goal of an interdisciplinary synthesis is to find the unified basis in physical theory for the reconstructed images, and to achieve this without distorting or overlooking any verifiable aspects of this experience. Roger Ashton, in his article, "The Unworkable Polar Saturn" (AEON I: 3), has helped to put ...
395. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1986 No 1 (Jul 1986) Home | Issue Contents Bookshelf THE AQUATIC APE. A theory of human evolution by Elaine Morgan. Souvenir Press, London 1982. Elaine Morgan takes up, with persuasive argument and detail, Sir Alister Hardy's twenty-year-old theory of man's descent from aquatic forebears. This is a theory which has been pushed undeservedly to the back of the palaeoanthropological drawer. Overlying it have been the Leakey line in Kenya hominids unlimited and the neoteny theory whereby man is seen as a foetal ape. The latter theory certainly explains many of the unique' features of man and why we differ from the chimpanzee and gorilla so much more ...
396. Propaganda And Scientific History [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... the Earth. None of them had a following within the Church. It was to some of these churchmen that Washington Irving had alluded. Nevertheless, in spite of the utter falsity of Irving's thesis, the flat Earth fiction was promulgated to the public by certain individuals. Thus, when Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace presented the theory of evolution in 1859, 31 years after Irving's book had appeared, the supporters of Darwinian theory had a ready made weapon with which to assault those who still adhered to Biblical creation and even against those who denied Darwinism evolution on scientific grounds. It was an ideal propaganda weapon with which to tar Darwin's opponents. In 1874, John W. ...
... he cares to imagine. [103] Dr. Velikovsky is really a very intrepid scholar. In "Worlds in Collision" he sought to realign certain celestial chronologies. In "Ages in Chaos" he assayed a similar chore for historical and cultural timetables. Now he tackles the very sequence and timing of geochronology and the processes of organic evolution. Little by little, time and space are getting into step according to the good doctor's pace and cadence! . . . I have never doubted that Velikovsky reads widely- if not always wisely and well.. . . [198] .. . as generously packed with nonsense as were its predecessors . . . quotes sonie ...
398. Collapsing Tests of Time [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the species. Originally, evolutionists were composing calendars that were under 100 million years in all. The discovery of natural mutation introduced a dynamic of change, but a successful mutation turned out to be, in theory at least, a most rare event. So more time was needed. Now a billion years or more is allotted for the evolution of species. But quantavolutionary theory permits short mutation intervals, quick and widespread extinction, the opening up of a great many life niches for pre-existing and new species, and the possibility of less restricted and therefore exponential growth of population. Hence all the time may not be needed to explain evolution, even as evolution is understood by neo-Darwinians ...
399. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the 1991 SIS publications. The article will include an explanation for variations in q[dot] for tippe tops, and will (I hope) also present a mathematical model for beach balls. Unlike tippe tops, I believe that a trial and error solution is required for beach balls. T. William Field, Saskatchewan, Canada Catastrophist Evolution of Venus?A 1989 paper on Venus [Yu. A. Tarakanov, N. Sh. Kambarov and V. A. Prikhod'ko (O . Yu. Shmidt Institute of Earth Physics, Moscow State University): Astron. Zh. 66, (Jan. - Feb. 1989), pp. 120-125] translated into ...
400. The Empire Strikes Back [Books] [de Grazia books]
... but I do not see in the article by Mr. Margolis any statements of such nature with respect to yourself or to the contributors of your journal. If all polemics over matters of scientific competence would end in court, this would be bad indeed for the climate of free discussion in this country. In our society, the enemies of evolution can call scientists, espousing this theory, ignoramuses, or heretics; the enemies of fluoridation can call the medical authorities supporting it whatever like names they might choose- short of character assassination- and the proponents of fluoridation can do the same to their critics. This is as political processes should be in a democratic society. In his ...
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