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119 pages of results. 351. The Planet Earth, Prologue Ch.2 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... He knew only of "many fruitless attempts" already made and he did not find himself able to offer a solution. "These ideas have haunted, I may almost say have tormented me during my researches among fossil bones."(2 ) Cuvier's theory of stabilized forms of life and of annihilating catastrophes was supplanted by a theory of evolution in geology (Lyell) and biology (Darwin). The mountains are what is left of plateaus eroded by wind and water in a very slow process. Sedimentary rock is detritus of igneous rock eroded by rain, then carried to sea, and there slowly deposited. Skeletons of birds and of land animals in these rocks are presumed ...
352. Directed Mutation in Bacteria [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... (newly adapted characters) before adopting any new genotype (heritable characters). " Cairns sums up by saying: "It therefore seems almost perverse to maintain, as a matter of principle, that such a mechanism has never evolved." However these results may eventually be explained, there is no doubt that the purely mechanistic dogma of evolution by natural selection of completely random mutations leaves much to be desired. The more biologists discover about the complexity of living organisms the more there is to explain. An alternative scenario could be that our present era is one of relative stasis in which natural selection serves to keep the status quo and that evolution proceeded in catastrophic leaps at times ...
... . Further, it could have been shown that Velikovsky's concepts were not useful as a basis for disciplined scientific activity. But one cannot by science absolutely prove Velikovsky wrong,just as one cannot by science disprove the proposition that the earth and all else were created in 4004 B.C ., complete with fossils and other apparent indications of evolution over billions of years. Both notions may seem to many of us to be highly, even absurdly, improbable- but, then, so is life itself, and the universe, after all. One person's faith is another's improbability. As Boring [~ ~] observed, "Functional, practical truth is social, the truth ...
354. The Cosmic Serpent by Victor Clube and Bill Napier [Journals] [Kronos]
... less regular intervals, this provided spectacular heavenly displays as viewed from Earth, and from time to time fragments of the comet collided with our planet. Weaving a cloth from threads of Greek, Biblical, and Egyptian history, Clube and Napier argue convincingly that many of the myths and legends of ancient times can be explained in terms of the evolution of this comet. Cometary fragments, seen apparently fighting in the night sky, were regarded as gods and named accordingly; meteor impacts can explain the Biblical flood and other phenomena. Much of this will be familiar, of course, to readers of this review; but there is a blindingly simple insight here which moves the whole package ...
355. Psychology and Ancient Astronomical Discovery [Journals] [Kronos]
... reminiscent of Upper Paleolithic traditions. Some examples prefigure the symbols for astronomic gods of early historical civilisations. Because of such evidence, the case for prehistoric developments in astronomy is significantly enhanced. Yet the question remains controversial and scholars generally are reluctant to accept prehistoric knowledge of astronomy. The bias stems in part from the prevailing uniformitarian interpretation of human evolution. As the first stages of development toward present civilisation, Upper Paleolithic people have been conceived as too primitive to have achieved astronomy. But the bias extends far into the historical period where the practice of astronomy and capacity for accurate measurement are fully evident. Study of ancient astronomical knowledge has shown that, prior to the 7th Century B ...
356. The Paleo-Saturnian System [Journals] [Aeon]
... not more than a few thousand years old; all those species of trees would have had to suddenly mutate into perfect photosynthesizers just as recently. We know that's not possible. Even if Cardona were to say that there had been a period of light before an age of darkness which lasted thousands of years, modern environmental destruction has demonstrated that evolution is far too slow to keep up with vast changes within a short timeframe. The Amazon rain forest alone contains over 60 percent of the biota of this planet and 80 percent of the genetic diversity. Ecosystems of half that complexity require millions of years of evolution. You can't get a continent-wide spread of millions of different photosynthesizing species of ...
357. The Saturn Thesis: Questions and Answers [Journals] [Aeon]
... , feet-on-the-ground folk. Myth is, I believe, a window to early human history, a more intensely dramatic period than we've realized. The myths have their roots in a time of celestial catastrophe, and more often than not the appearance of confusion results from viewing myth as something other than what it is. In the course of cultural evolution and scientific advance, we left behind the fabled "long ago," whose images seemed wholly out of touch with our own world. Yet my personal conviction is that ancient myth, when seen as a symbolic record of earth-shaking events in the sky, will permanently change man's view of his celestial environment. But your conclusions are not ...
358. Night of the Gods: The Pillar-Axis as Tower [Books]
... all analogy must have continued prior pagan forms in their religious edifices, and not alone so, but the early Christian Irish must have appropriated the buildings of previous cults. When one faith is succeeding and supplanting another, the change is not made by an instantaneous right -about - face, the alteration must be gradual to be successful, the evolution proceeds slowly; there remains a great deal of superstitio, much is left standing. The mantle of Elias always descends to some Eliseus, the new gods take up the myths and trappings of the old. The later creed impropriates the rites sites and sacred buildings of the older one, but at the same time proceeds to dish up ...
359. Precursors of Quantavolution [Books] [de Grazia books]
... he lost sight of most of the world's people when accusing mankind of a collective amnesia of ancient catastrophes, focusing his mind upon the uniformitarian intelligentsia of modern times. He was loath to draw sustenance from and give thanks to the long line of Christian defenders of the historical and catastrophic accuracy of the Bible, whose works on subjects such as evolution and geology were, for their times, as good as his own in Earth in Upheaval. He was unfriendly to religiously committed writers who pursued parallel paths and sought to ignore them. When Donald Patten, who had published an extensive and substantial scientific work on the Biblical Flood in 1966, was introduced to him at a home reception ...
360. Electric Stars in a Gravity-Less Electrified Cosmos [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Some long-lived process was necessarily the generator within the Sun, because the geological requirements forbade a short-lived Sun. The Sun had to have radiated constantly over hundreds of millions of years, if not for thousands of millions of years, to allow the Earth to attain its present form after a long, slow metamorphosis of its original surface. Biological evolution required an equally long time to allow living things to be generated by chance from common chemical precursors, and then for life forms to emerge from the sea-bottom ooze as amoebas, some to aggregate and become fish, some to fly off as birds and others to crawl out on to the emerging land to become reptiles, and eventually for ...
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