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119 pages of results. 341. Editorial [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... presentations, this is also an informal event, and there will be ample opportunities for friendly discussions, and high spirited banter into the early hours. Index I've added an index to this issue of Internet Digest. If there is positive feedback I shall keep it in, otherwise it will be replaced with additional reports and digests. Catastrophism and Evolution Catastrophism and Evolution: The Ongoing Debate by Trevor Palmer. This book can now be obtained from the SIS Book Service (address and payment options inside front cover). The cost is £52.95 ($ 90.55) for both UK and overseas members. Overseas postage is by surface only. Internet Survey The SIS ...
342. The Role of Collective Amnesia in Retarding the Acceptance of Correct Ideas in Science [Journals] [Kronos]
... out that the Earth, the whole Earth under our feet, moves. (How spontaneously and instinctively correct when the entire population of a city runs outside in panic at the first rumblings of an earthquake.) Later it was also very unpleasant to be told by the biologists that animal species are not immutable, that there is change and evolution in the animal kingdom, and that these natural mechanisms had produced humankind itself. Still more recently, it was markedly unpleasant to learn from psychoanalysis that man's motives are not always those that he thinks; that in his instincts he is much more primitive and animal than he wishes to admit; and that consciousness thus has understructures of an ...
343. Towards a New Chronology of Ancient Egypt (Review) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... at best an ephemeral individual. His case seems built on little more than an obvious similarity of names which is, by itself, unconvincing. He might be right but it is not because of anything that he has argued in detail. The problems of the script have to be sorted out after a researcher has a sound chronology as the evolution of writing does not favour any chronology of and by itself but rather their evolution is determined by the chronology we finally choose, except to the degree to which they appear to evolve based on an observable process of simplification. I do not accept that Sumer and Samaria are the same- the difference in initial consonants should command greater circumspection ...
344. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Scientist 3.4 .04. pp. 8-9; Connecticut Post 14.3 .03; Science Frontiers, no. 152, Mar-Apr 2004, p. 2) Methane has now been detected on Mars and this could be a sign of bacterial action. The latest consensus is also that there was water on Mars, enabling the evolution of life. Ripple marks in layered bed-rock indicate it was laid down as sediment in water, probably a salty sea and the mineral Jarosite, which can only form in water, is present. The extent of haematite deposits suggests there was at least one lake, larger than the UK. At present, however, life on the ...
345. Introduction to Ramessides, Medes and Persians [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... chapter on the fall of the 19th Dynasty for example could not have been written without the combined insights provided by Manetho and Herodotus, as well as the hieroglyphic documents of Egypt herself. Throughout the work I have made frequent use of the evidence presented in ancient art. The design of chariots, for example, went through a very definite evolution, an evolution accurately depicted by the artists of the time. Examination of this type of evidence may help us to date the reign of a king with a high degree of accuracy. Thus, for example, artistic and technological parallels prove beyond question that the so-called Neo-Assyrian Empire established by Ashurnasirpal was contemporary with the 19th Dynasty of Egypt ...
346. Metallurgy and Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... tiny geographical areas, to question the very bases. The tombstones of those rash souls who have questioned the fundamentals lie scattered along the dusty by-ways of history, forgotten and unlamented. (p . 6)" With apparently little concern for his own safety, Dayton develops his work, "which started out as a simple study of the evolution of glazing technology", throughout the book into a massive and devastating attack on traditional chronology, concluding that the history of the Bronze Age is utterly wrong from start to finish. His scope is vast and his claims are sweeping and extraordinary. In challenging the accepted dates and synchronism for the Early and Middle, as well as the ...
347. Cratonic Stability and Rapid Erosion Events [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... (100 Ka - 1 Ma) and correspond usually to major chronostratigraphic boundaries. Relative to the cratonic regime, these episodes of stripping assume catastrophic proportions and are the essential mechanism of cratonic lowering. References Brown D.A ., Campbell K.S .W ., Crook K.A .W ., 1968: The Geological Evolution of Australia and New Zealand. London: Pergamon, 409p. Chorley R.J ., 1963: Diastrophic background to twentieth-century geomorphological thought. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 74:953-970. Cooper M.R ., 1977: Eustasy during the Cretaceous: its implications and importance. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol. 22 ...
348. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... science fiction-like note, with Dale Russell suggesting that, had the dinosaurs not all been exterminated they would have continued to suppress the small, primitive mammals, and signs of their increasing intelligence would have led inevitably to the development of a bipedal, manually dextrous, binocular-visioned, large-brained creature - a sort of Homo scaliens. The implications that "evolution" has some innate pattern to follow were interesting, though unperceived by Russell; dare we suggest that Homo scaliens have avoided the point in development where something went seriously amiss with our ancestors? - that Homo scaliens would not have suffered a tendency to subconscious repression? - Jill Abery [ * Evidence for this is apparently found in studies ...
349. Of "Pre-existing Ideas" In The Souls Of Peoples, Part 2 Mars Ch.6 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... as a story of cosmic upheaval. Traditions about upheavals and catastrophes, found among all peoples, are generally discredited because of the shortsighted belief that no forces could have shaped the world in the past that are not at work also at the present time, a belief that is the v ery foundation of modern geology and of the theory of evolution. "Present continuity implies the improbability of past catastrophism and violence of change, either in the lifeless or in the living world; moreover, we seek to interpret the changes and laws of past time through those which we observe at the present time. This was Darwin's secret, learned from Lyell."2 It has been shown ...
350. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... as one could hope to find." Most people would not be so easily convinced. Even if the facts are as stated (which is by no means certain), it is surely over-simplistic to believe that because organisms have certain properties, they must have had to use every one of them to the limit in their natural existence or evolution. One might just as legitimately argue that since human beings can tolerate quite large doses of alcohol, we must have originated on a planet where it rained whisky or gin. It is important to realise that the interactions within living organisms are extremely complex, and a particular property may well be a side-effect of a quite different property. ...
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