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119 pages of results. 301. In Defence of Sir Fred Hoyle [Journals] [SIS Review]
... hostility shown towards Jayant Narlikar, a former Hoyle collaborator, who never recanted either, and whose work still involved finding alternatives to the controversial cosmology. However, the ideas that worry the scientific community most are these: first, that life did not originate on Earth; secondly, that it did originate in space; and thirdly, that evolution in space requires "cosmic control". Biologists, of course, do not like physicists treading on their patch (a sociological aside only). Hoyle has said, rightly, that the divisions of nature into subjects is not a reflection of nature but the result of a poor educational system. The Universe, he says, does ...
302. Thrusting and Orogeny [Books] [de Grazia books]
... crust, a swelling of the Earth beneath the rear echelons, inertial continued movement in the same direction by weaker overlaying sedimentary strata, in some cases even overrunning the halted forward elements. Under this scenario, one would have numerous cases of inverted strata, older on top of younger, and hence the fossil inversions sometimes deemed a disproof of evolution. One would also expect then the occurrence of thrusts in regions of the world where no ice sheets were at work; in fact the Alpine overthrusts, the Atlas mountains and other overthrusted areas were not near to overpowering ice masses. Thrusting played a large role in the formation of coal, lignite, and fusain deposits, which range ...
303. Aeon Volume I, Number 5: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... , by Frederic Jueneman. While popular traditions associated Hermes with the planet Mercury, the original identity may have been with the planet Mars, according to the author. Page 80 The Organization of the Solar System: Part Two Co-authors Donald Patten and Samuel Windsor, continuing their challenge to the conventional nebular hypothesis, offer an altemative model of planetary evolution. Page 98 Aeon Volume 1, Number 5 CONTRIBUTORS Ev Cochrane has devoted the past nine years to catastrophist research. He is an Associate Editor of KRONOS and a frequent contributor to that journal. Dwardu Cardona, a Senior Editor of the journal KRONOS, has also published in Topper, The Ubyssey, Pensée, The Sourcebook Project, ...
304. I.Q.: A University Program [Books] [de Grazia books]
... of the Deluge; cometary theories of catastrophes; Plato; G. Bruno, Whiston, Cuvier, Donnelly, et al. Q4. The Scientific Reception System and New Science. The Velikovsky Affair and analogies related to PQ in other problem areas of science: ethics and rules of science. Q5. The Catastrophic Origins of Human Nature. Evolutional and quantavolutional possibilities in the rise of mankind; effects of primeval experiences upon human nature, culture and modern man: Jung, Freud and racial memories. Q6. The Bible and the Catastrophic Record. A review of ancient traditions of Exodus and the Books of Moses; influences of disasters upon Judaic-Christian-Muslim thought and practice. Q7. Catastrophism ...
305. Aeon Volume One, "The Cataclysm": Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... Gunnar Heinsohn summarizes his findings, listing the many anomalies removed by placing the "Sumerians" and "Akkadians" in the first millennium.B .C . as alter egos of the Chaldeans and Assyrians. Page 18 The Signature of Catastrophe Engineer James Strickling asks us to reconsider the conventional geological column. As usually presented it speaks for uneventful evolution. But the actual record indicates unexplained, catastrophic breaks between levels. Page 53 Stars, Galaxies and Electro-Gravitic Theory Following up on his introduction of electrogravitic theory (presented in issue number one), Charles Ginenthal reviews some of the ways the theory can be tested. Topics range from binary stars to spiral galaxies. Page 69. Aeonic ...
306. Evidence for the Extreme Youth of Venus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... CO2, or even the runaway greenhouse effect', first suggested by Fred Hoyle in 1955 and worked out in detail in the late 1960s by Ingersoll and Pollack of Caltech. Such explanations also rely on the assumption that both Venus and Earth have had largely parallel development (twins again) and that therefore something went seriously wrong with the atmospheric evolution on Venus. Firsoff noted: "Earth's seas are not boiling hot, despite the total greenhouse effect of water and average sunlight stronger than at the ground level of Venus. Nor is it at all clear how such a condition could have become established" [11] Venus receives 1.9 times more solar radiation than Earth but ...
307. Ancient Astronauts [Books] [de Grazia books]
... when man was ready for everything except reflective thought? Although it is true in a sense that "everything is miraculous," it is false that therefore every highly improbable idea must be true. And, even if the improbable were accepted, and a fully technologized modern type of human developed elsewhere, one would still have to explain their evolution. If backward Moonmen had existed and surrounded our landing craft on July 20, 1969, and had been impregnated culturally and otherwise by our doughty astronauts, the Moonmen's descendents would still have to figure out how the astronauts evolved. Those who flirt with the idea of ancient astronauts are justifiably critical of the absence of evolutionary explanations for the ...
308. Early History of the Israelite People: Biblical Fundamentalism in History (II) [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Aramaic texts dated by fundamentalism begin around -900 or earlier. In an article published in Vorzeit-Frühzeit-Gegenwart, I compiled the evidence available on that matter. (8 ) Scholars of Aramaic were always bewildered by the fact that Aramaic writing dated from -900 to -600, looks very much like Aramaic dated between -500 and -300. There was little or no evolution of script and language. Yet, after -300, the evolution of Aramaic immediately sets in. The scholars were even more stunned by the fact that the shift from cuneiform Akkadian to alphabetic Aramaic had to be made twice by two different ancient Near Eastern empires. First, the Assyrians of -900 managed to do this. Around -520, ...
309. Whence Homo? [Journals] [Aeon]
... in the geological record, dated to 3.0 million years BP. A still earlier and smaller form (A . afarensis) is dated to 3.77 million years BP. (8 ) The uncertainty concerning the evolutionary role of Australopithecus is widely recognized: "There have been many interpretations of the role of the Australopiths in hominid evolution and the relationship of Australopithecus to Homo. The views of this relation ship have varied from the placement of Australopithecus, at least the gracile forms, as a direct ancestor to Homo to the view that Australopithecus and Homo represent very different evolutionary lines, although these may still be an early common ancestor. "The robust Australopiths are certainly ...
310. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... arguments for doubting whether gravity is a separate force. The last speaker was Prof. Alfred de Grazia who had increased his six absolutes for testing a 1500 B.C . catastrophe as advertised, to ten, and in those ten areas set out specific objections to the accepted chronology. He also introduced us to a new word for catastrophic evolution - quantavolution - evolution proceeding by sudden jumps. The meeting was well attended with Members coming from as far as Scotland, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Switzerland. Val Pearce had books and sets of Pensee available for sale and these were in great demand, and helped to make the day a great success. A more detailed account ...
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