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1190 results found.
119 pages of results. 251. SERVANT OF THE SUN GOD [Journals] [Aeon]
... dust, gas or cosmic debris stretching from Mars toward the Earth. Visually, this luminous column seemed to support the revolving wheel of Saturn. (Fig. 1) Having previously suggested several aspects of Mars' position in the polar configuration,(1 ) I will now begin a more comprehensive analysis of that planet's substantial contribution to the evolution of the configuration. In the course of developing this presentation, I have watched the content grow substantially beyond what I had originally envisioned, while space limitations have made it necessary to divide the manuscript into a number of separate submissions. This first will serve as an introduction to several essays which will follow. To briefly recap our starting ...
252. Aeon Volume V, Number 6: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... Smith) Editorial By Dwardu Cardona Vox Popvli Our readers sound off. Page 5 The Standard of Longitute Visibility of Venus The Speed of Gravity & High-Velocity Impacts Forvm Debates concerning gravity, pterodactyls, and ancient sea maps. Page 7 Gravity and Pterodactyls: More Points to Consider by Mike Twose and Frederic Jueneman Imaginary Worlds by Alasdair Beal and Dynamical Evolution of a Collinear Planetary System by Emilio Spedicato & Antonio Del Popolo Mathematical evaluation of the Saturnian configuration system of planets as espoused by Dwardu Cardona, David Talbott, and Ev Cochrane. Page 14 Day Star by Ev Cochrane A succinct study of the Venerian goddess which outlines the reasons behind some of her ancient epithets. Page 21 Antiquated Textbooks ...
253. Fifty years after Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:1 (Jun 2001) Home | Issue Contents Fifty years after Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision"Classical and new scenarios on evolution of solar system. A workshop in Bergamo, Italy. October 20 and 21 , 2001 Program Saturday 20th, morning: Prof. Emilio Spedicato, Un. Bergamo: Introduction to the workshop Prof. Federico Di Trocchio, Un. di Lecce: Velikovsky as a rejected genius Dr. Shulamit Velikovsky, Israel: Velikovsky and Einstein: facts and personal recollections Dr. Jan Sammer, Prague: The Velikovsky website and his unpublished monographs Alfred De Grazia and Immanuel Velikovsky (presented by Amy De Grazia, Princeton-Angouleme-Naxos) ...
254. Focus [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop Vol 4 No 3 (Dec 1981) Home | Issue Contents Focus A New Science of Life There has recently been a major breakthrough in biological thinking which has important implications for Velikovskian ideas of evolution and collective, subconscious memories. Although the physicists, though their investigation of the properties of atomic particles where probability rules in place of matter, have for some time been working within the realms of metaphysics, the biologists have remained steadfast materialists. Life is completely explicable in chemical terms, they think, and the molecular biologist will eventually unlock all hidden secrets. Now one biologist, a Cambridge scholar and a Rosenheim Research Fellow of the Royal Society, a ...
255. The Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion & Cosmology, by Charles Ginenthal [Journals] [SIS Review]
... payable to a US bank) Reviewed by Eric Crew Judging by the number of references to the scientific literature listed (278 in 132 pages of text - an average of 2 1/page) Charles Ginenthal has read more astronomy than most professional astronomers, who tend to concentrate on restricted fields. The list of contents include the origin and evolution of stars, galaxies and the solar system; entropy and an appendix of measurements and mathematics. In his last pages, he describes the Electro-Gravitic theory as monumental heresy, a totally new weltanschauung that, if valid, overthrows the world view of cosmology, following the view of Immanuel Velikovsky that electromagnetism must play a role in celestial mechanics ...
256. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... records ranging from unequivocal statements in written documents, through remembrances expressed in myth and legend, to mute archaeological evidence in the form of obsolete calendars and sundials - and his examination of geological and paleontological reports from all parts of the globe led him to conclude that modern man's snug little world, set in a framework of celestial harmony and imperceptible evolution, is but an illusion. Velikovsky's reappraisal of world history ravages established doctrine in disciplines from astronomy to psychology: universal gravitation of masses is not the only force governing celestial motions-electromagnetic force must also play important roles; enigmatic breaks in the geological record denote, not interminable ages of languorous erosion and deposition gently terminated by cyclic submergence ...
... Babylonia, China, Finland, Greece, Iceland, India, Japan, Mexico, the Pacific Islands, Persia, Peru, Rome, Siberia, Tibet, West Africa. More than ten years of research had gone into the book [217, 218], and its conclusions were unique, revolutionary, extraordinary- contradicting prevailing views in evolution, history, and physical Science, and arriving at ideas about gravitation just put forward also by Albert Einstein [27 i]. Velikovsky's work was comparable to the efforts of Darwin and Jeans [284] and provided support for true believers in the Old Testament [271, 284]. Since Velikovsky's views ran counter to such established ...
258. Thoth Vol V, No 2: Jan 31, 2001 [Journals] [Thoth]
... line, that snakes from the upper left down toward the lower right. The line falls very steeply at the lower right end. There are two other less populated clouds of points: one group at the upper right and another one strung out across the bottom of the plot from a concentration in the lower left of the diagram. STELLAR EVOLUTION: Mainstream "stellar evolution" attempts to describe how stars age (run out of nuclear fuel) and slowly migrate, taking hundreds of thousands of years to do so, tracing paths from one location on the HR diagram to another (the star going from one spectral class to another). The paths that stars "must take ...
259. Super Uranus and the Primitive Planets [Books] [de Grazia books]
... occur for orbital periods shorter than ten days. For longer periods the synchronism falls except as postulated above. Batten (1967, p36) notes that some semi-detached binary systems, particularly the Algol group, have primaries which rotate appreciably faster than would be expected for orbital synchronism [29]. We see these systems as a later stage of evolution of the binary. Solaria Binaria did not detach in this way until after the Saturnian period (see ahead, Chapter Fourteen). The evolution of Solaria Binaria was such that the two principals were slowly driven apart, in part by the momentum of the flow of mass from one to the other and in part from increased repulsion caused ...
260. Predicting the Past (advert) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... :1 (Apr 2001) Home | Issue Contents Advertisement FRESH OFF THE PRESS: Vol. III of the Osiris Series Sponsored by Cosmos & Chronos, Series Ed. D. Cardona Predicting the Past: An Exploration of Myth, Science and Prehistory by Roger Williams Wescott Is the present condition of the world the result of aeons of peaceful evolution? Or has Earth been shaped by wrenching catastrophes some of which were recent and widespread enough to have deeply traumatised all of humankind? Did early human societies develop gradually in uneventful natural surroundings, moving incrementally from savagery to civilisation? Or did horrific cataclysms forcibly conclude a long period of primitive harmony and precipitate our fall' into history? ...
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