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119 pages of results. 231. On Velikovsky And Darwin [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 4 (Summer 1982) "Evolution, Extinction, and Catastrophism" Home | Issue Contents On Velikovsky And Darwin Lynn E. Rose The so-called "Darwinian Revolution" stands in sharp contrast to, and was of an entirely different character from, the Brunian Revolution of the sixteenth century. It is well known how Darwin sailed with the Beagle and patiently collected facts from the Galapagos Islands and elsewhere around the world. Many people take it for granted that these actual observations are the basis for his theory of gradual evolution by natural selection. Darwin did make many observations, but his theory was chosen in defiance of observational data, not ...
232. Predicting The Past [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... 2000:2 (Dec 2000) Home | Issue Contents Predicting The Past Volume III of The Osiris Series: Predicting The Past: An Exploration of Myth, Science, and Prehistory by Roger William Wescott Is the present condition of the world the result of eons of peaceful evolution? Or has Earth been shaped by wrenching catastrophes some of which were recent and widespread enough to have deeply traumatized all of humankind? Did early human societies develop gradually in uneventful natural surroundings, moving incrementally from savagery to civilization? Or did cataclysms forcibly conclude a long period of primitive harmony and precipitate our "fall" into history? ...
233. Science Frontiers 1977-1978 [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... and general appearance, blending deceptively into the host's foliage. Plant mimicry for purposes of protection (stone plants, for example) and for propagation are well known and, in the logic of evolutionists, have evolved because of the advantages conferred on the species. Since the Australian mistletoes are evidently highly palatable to arboreal marsupials, the tenets of evolution hold that it is only natural that these mistletoes should develop so as to resemble their hosts for purposes of protection. This is called cryptic or camouflage mimicry. Australian mistletoes parasitize a wide variety of plants, and it is truly marvelous how they can detect and imitate the leaves and appearances of such a wide variety of hosts. [ ...
234. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... with Von Däniken's astronauts, out-of-body experiences, and the Amityville Horror. Jill Abery's conclusion - "Sagasimov strikes again." Microbes in the Sky source: New Scientist 13/8 /81, p. 412 Sir Fred Hoyle and Prof. Chandra Wickramsinghe, having echoed Velikovsky without acknowledgement in their books Lifecloud, Diseases from Space, and Evolution from Space, now take their "cosmic origins of evolution" a stage further, claiming that the particle grains in dust clouds between the stars are the remains of bacterial cells formed at the birthplace of new stars. Their conclusion: "The start of Life on Earth must have occurred with the input of viable, interstellar micro-organisms, ...
235. The Domestication of the Human Species [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Press, 1988) Professor Wilson considers that the role of architecture has been underrated in many presentations of social theories. In a well documented and keenly argued exposition, he presents his own rather unorthodox view that the step made by mankind when settling into buildings comprising the first villages was as decisive for the development of future human behaviour and the evolution of social relationships as the earlier descent of pre-hominids from an arboreal way of life. The ultimate development of complex city life and technological achievements stems directly from the centralisation of large communities of people round monumental ceremonial centres. But what was the original incentive for the tremendous amount of work involved in the building of these earlier centres? Professor ...
236. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... : SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1998:2 (Mar 1998) Home | Issue Contents Bookshelf Great Feuds in Science by Hal Hellman, John Wiley, £16.50 This is an entertaining account of ten of the liveliest feuds in the history of science, including Wegener's theory of continental drift, Johanson and Leakey at loggerheads over human evolution and, naturally, Galileo versus the Pope. Science is shown to be as bedevilled by human foibles as any other subject. Night Comes to the Cretaceous by James Lawrence Powell, WH Freeman, $22.95 This is an account of the evidence for a massive impact at the end of the Cretaceous and how it has transformed ...
237. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Martian-Period disasters in Egypt, possibly finding the evidence around the time of Merenptah or Ramesses III. ALFRED DE GRAZIA Research Professor of Social Theory New York University Catastrophic Spelling Sir, When Dr Alfred de Grazia's talk to the Society of 26th April 1980 was reported (under my editorship) in SISR, his version of neo-catastrophism - a theory of evolution occurring in leaps coaeval with recountable catastrophic episodes - was referred to as "quantevolution" (SISR IV:4 , pp. 74-5). Dr de Grazia, however, prefers the designation "quantavolution", as is clear from his book Chaos and Creation. It is, of course, the prerogative of any inaugurator of a ...
238. Mona Lisa And The Antarctic. File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... far as the lunar orbit. Another claim made in my Forum lecture of 1953- namely that Jupiter could be a source of radio signals- had been confirmed in the spring of 1955, as told in a preceding section. Years later Hess took the initiative to organize open discussions about my work. One of these was to be a debate on evolution based on the uniformitarian principle versus evolution based mainly on cataclysmic events. My opponent should have been Princeton professor of biology, Colin Pittendrigh. There was a mutual respect between us (earlier he had visited me and also inscribed to me a biology text that he coauthored with G. G. Simpson, my early antagonist), but ...
239. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the planet's absorption of ultraviolet radiation. Scientists have found the atmosphere of Venus to be fundamentally different to any other they have studied, and also surprisingly variable over time scales of months and years. This, as Jill Abery explains, could be because Venus is "a young planet, still in the process of settling down". Hominid Evolution- Exercise in Futility sources: NATURE 9/7 /81, p. 113-122; CORRIERE DEL TICINO 10/7 /81 Orthodox evolutionists appear to be fighting a last-ditch stand against mounting evidence that the development of life on Earth has not been a uniformly even process. Ever since Eldridge and Gould brought forward their theory of punctuated ...
240. Time, Electricity and Quantavolution [Books] [de Grazia books]
... . A persistent theme of the ancient voices is quantavolution, that is, that the world and all that is in it owe most of their changes to forceful torsions and saltations. That quantavolution plays a role in the theory of natural and social science has never been denied. But the role has been grotesquely reduced by ignoring it and stressing evolution, by consigning manifestations of it whenever possible to times beyond mind, by framing scientific principles in prejudicial terms, by associating quantavolution with disreputable or outmoded religions and scientific beliefs and by unconscious editing of the evidence. To our view quantavolution affords an instrument for scientific inquiry as useful as and perhaps superior to that allowed us by evolution. ...
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