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119 pages of results. 161. Lamarckism: Still Alive and Thriving [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon IV:3 (Dec 1995) Home | Issue Contents Lamarckism: Still Alive and Thriving A candid conversation with Edward J. Steele E. J. (Ted) Steele achieved a fair measure of infamy early on in his career with his impassioned defense of Lamarckian mechanisms of evolution. Originally offered as a hypothesis in Somatic Selection and Adaptive Evolution: On the Inheritance of Acquired Characters, published in 1979, Steele's theory drew positive reviews from the likes of Nobel laureate Howard Temin, Karl Popper, and Arthur Koestler. Orthodox science, however, regarded Steele's hypothesis as an ill-advised throwback to a long-discredited biology. Steele's hypothesis, briefly, is as follows: ...
162. The Domestication of Cattle. Interdisciplinary Evidence in Support of Catastrophism [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol VII Part A (1985) Home | Issue Contents Forum Archaeology & Evolution The Domestication of Cattle. Interdisciplinary Evidence in Support of Catastrophism by Jill Abery Jill Abery has an M.A . (Cantab.) in Natural Sciences and Zoology, and is one of the editorial team for S.I .S . Workshop. A paper some 20 years old, "On the domestication of cattle" (Science, 20 July 1962, vol. 137, no. 3525) is a work of great interdisciplinary interest and importance. Written by a geographer, Erich Isaac, and employing such advanced methods as statistical archaeology, zootechnology and comparative anatomy ...
163. ALL Honorable Men [Books]
... his dogmatism frightens me." But how solidly based are Martin Gardner's insights into science as opposed to pseudoscience? Gardner's knowledge of pseudoscience is well expressed in his book, Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science. In it on page 137, Gardner, arguing with Dr. Mortimer J. Adler regarding Adler's concept of the validity of evolution, discusses Neanderthal man whom Gardner describes by asking, "Where is one to place the dozens of well-preserved skeletons which have been found of Neanderthal man- a creature with a low forehead like an ape, a head hung forward, no chin, and non-opposable thumbs?" For all his understanding of science, Gardner's statement on each and ...
164. The Evolution of the Bronze Age [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1995 (Vol XVII) "Proceedings of the SIS 1995 Braziers College Conference" Home | Issue Contents The Evolution of the Bronze Age John Dayton Notes These uncorrected dates, for all their possible variations and differing materials, do show a logical progression and overall provide a valuable relative system, with copper and bronze technology developing first in those areas that have copper and tin and then being diffused eastwards. The Copper Ages of Spain, Bohemia and the Balkans develop about the same time, c. 2300 BC, while the Bronze Age I of Spain and Bohemia (both of which have tin) also develop simultaneously. The Balkans use arsenical ...
165. Personal Notes [Journals] [Pensee]
... who brought up some problems relative to the biological implications of your overall theory. Because of the limits of time, I did not have the opportunity to explain clearly enough the points I raised. I am afraid that some, perhaps even you, may have misunderstood. For many years I have been very disenchanted with the current theories of evolution as well as those dealing with fossilization, extinction, geological processes, etc. Other biologists have argued at length with me basing their position on the claim that there is no other possible alternative. They, of course, object to individual special creation, and catastrophic evolution hardly ever enters into the discussion as a real possibility. The ...
166. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... taking Gold seriously: they are helping to fund a project to drill into the bedrock of Lake Siljan in central Sweden to look for large stores of natural gas, as the lake is a site of meteor impact 360 Myrs ago, and may yield up its underlying gas as a result of fractured bedrock from the ancient impact. Mutation and Evolution source: NEW SCIENTIST 20.6 .85, p.9 Plants growing close to the Nagasaki A-bomb explosion site show a mutation rate from 3 to 6 times that of plants of a control area. This is not surprising, but what is surprising is the associated finding that many plants have flourished for 40 years afterwards with no ...
167. Focus [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... p.29) and at such times possesses a diffuse comet-like coma of glowing gas. When Schwassman-Wachmann-1 is quiescent it has common characteristics with 944 Hidalgo: they share the reddish dark colour of the RD class of asteroids, and it has been suggested that Hidalgo may be a more evolved nucleus of the Schwassman-Wachmann type. The evidence for comet-asteroid evolution is strengthened by the existence of other small asteroids with comet-like orbits, and comets with asteroid-like ones. The asteroids 1983SA and 1983XF strongly resemble short period comets in their orbital paths, extending out well beyond the asteroid belt. Other comets display asteroidal orbits, e.g . comets Arend-Rigeaux and Neujmin-1. These comets possess stable orbits avoiding ...
168. Morning Star* [Journals] [Aeon]
... "asserted by Velikovsky and pressed more recently by Cardona," (1 ) is still being challenged. This belief has been called a "big lie that drastically oversimplifies ancient religion." "According to A. B. Cook," this critic continues, "Zeus and Kronos were originally general sky gods whose nature underwent a long evolution with their names becoming associated with planets at a late date." So often has this allegation been made that I am growing tired of having to counteract it. In various publications, I have repeatedly demonstrated how, among the Greeks, the gods' identity with the planets was forgotten, only to be rediscovered by Aristotle. ( ...
169. Index of Titles
... , Dwardu: The Archangels Cardona, Dwardu: The Baalim Cardona, Dwardu: The Beginning of Time Cardona, Dwardu: The Cairns Of Kintraw Cardona, Dwardu: The Cosmic Origin of the Swastika Cardona, Dwardu: The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory Cardona, Dwardu: The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory Cardona, Dwardu: The Evolution of the Cosmogonic Egg Cardona, Dwardu: The Kaaba Cardona, Dwardu: The Last Supper Cardona, Dwardu: The Methodology of Patten's Martian Scenario Cardona, Dwardu: The Mystery Of The Pleiades Cardona, Dwardu: The Reconstruction of Cosmic History Cardona, Dwardu: The Reflective Canopy Model and the Mytho-historical Record Cardona, Dwardu: The Rites ...
170. Society News [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the evidence of the thousands of mammoth remains frozen and buried at a latitude they could not have survived in. Alasdair's presentation was neatly rounded off by Eric Cooley auctioning off, for Society funds, a replica Piri Re'is map he had purchased in Istanbul. After a short break, Trevor Palmer led us through the history of ideas on human evolution, showing that, just as astronomers are beginning to take a more catastrophic approach to their subject, so biologists are beginning to forsake gradualism in favour of erratic processes. The main problem with deciphering human evolution has been the extreme paucity of specimens which enabled protagonists of various schemes to fit the specimens to their theories rather than the other ...
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