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119 pages of results. 91. Darwin's Dangerous Idea: A Critique [Journals] [Aeon]
... cognitive studies at Tufts University, a philosopher of science, an aficionado of Artificial Intelligence, a self-admitted ACLU liberal [3 ]- whatever that is- and a bluntly candid Darwinian. In his 1995 book, [4 ] he sums up Darwin's idea in a succinct and magnificent statement: "In a single stroke, the idea of evolution by natural selection unifies the realm of life, meaning, and purpose with [that of] the realm of space and time, cause and effect, mechanism and physical law. But it is not just a wonderful scientific idea. It is a dangerous idea." [5 ] Further, it cannot be stressed enough that Dennett ...
92. Religion and Education [Books] [de Grazia books]
... to tolerate Reaganism awhile longer, but at least not that bit about God building the world in a week. The expert testimony against the law may have been misleading, however, as to the current posture of science respecting biological change. Walter Sullivan (NYT Dec. 27) has deftly indicated the short-fall of truth: that theories of evolution now also include theories of genesis in outer space or in transferences from cosmic bodies; that evidence of transitional types or "missing links" in evolution is today scarcely richer than in Charles Darwin's time; and that, in some quarters, jumps in evolution are considered probable. In this last case, we go back to catastrophic and ...
93. 2nd SIS Cambridge Conference Abstracts [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... from a variety of sources ranging from long-period comets to the main asteroid belt. Recent dynamical results show that the orbits are chaotic, and that comets may in principle evolve into orbits similar to those of objects usually classified as asteroids (and vice-versa), and that comets and asteroids may resemble one another depending on the phase of their physical evolution and heliocentric distance. This paper reviews progress towards understanding the nature of the NEO population, particularly whether the source flux is principally cometary or asteroidal, and assesses the question of probable time-dependence in the flux and size distribution of the impacting objects. Evidence for impacts in the astronomically recent past and of historical variations in the NEO population will ...
94. New Scenarios for Solar System Evolution [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1999:2 (Oct 1999) Home | Issue Contents New Scenarios for Solar System Evolution http://www.unibg.it/convegni/NEW_SCENARIOS/Conference: New Scenarios for the Solar System Evolution and Consequences in History of Earth and Man, June 1999. Milano, Sala Conferenze della Provincia, via Corridoni 16, June 7 and 8 Bergamo, Sala dei Giuristi, Citta' Alta, June 9 Introduction: This workshop deals with a wide range of scientific topics based upon developments in the research of the last twenty years that cast new light in the recent past of planet Earth and consequently in the ancient history of ...
95. Homo Schizo -- the Catastrophic Evolution of Man [Articles]
... SIS SPRING MEETING, 9th April 1983 Homo Schizo- the Catastrophic Evolution of Man Prof. Alfred de Grazia Introduction by Brian Moore: Dr de Grazia is extremely veil known to all of you as a very prolific writer and a highly original thinker in the field of catastrophism, particularly with his new book Chaos and Creation which has recently been published and which is downstairs now on our bookstand. He is a sometime professor of political science at New York University, founder-editor of the American Behavioral Scientist, one issue of which was the basis of The Velikovsky Affair. He is currently working on an immense series of books, it seems to me, on Catastrophism or Quantavolution, ...
96. Earth in Upheaval by Immanuel Velikovsky [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... Chapter 12 The Ruins Of The East: Times And Dates Chapter 13 Collapsing Schemes: Geology And Archaeology Chapter 13 Collapsing Schemes: Collapsing Schemes Chapter 13 Collapsing Schemes: In Early Ages Chapter 13 Collapsing Schemes: Coal Chapter 14 Extinction: Fossils Chapter 14 Extinction: Footprints Chapter 14 Extinction: The Caverns Chapter 14 Extinction: Extinction Chapter 15 Cataclysmic Evolution: Catastrophism And Evolution Chapter 15 Cataclysmic Evolution: The Geological Record And Changing Forms Of Life Chapter 15 Cataclysmic Evolution: The Mechanism Of Evolution Chapter 15 Cataclysmic Evolution: Mutations And New Species Chapter 15 Cataclysmic Evolution: Cataclysmic Evolution Chapter 16 The End: The End Chapter 17 Supplement: 1895 And 1950: The Time Was Ripe For A ...
97. Dynamic Evolution of a Collinear Planetary System [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon V:6 (Aug 2000) Home | Issue Contents Dynamic Evolution of a Collinear Planetary System Emilio Spedicato & Antonio Del Popolo Abstract Starting with Talbott and Cardona, some mythologists have been arguing that, during man's prehistoric period, the Solar System was configured radical different from the way it is at present. In this earlier configuration, according to these theorists, the planets Saturn, Venus, Mars, and Earth were aligned in a collinear system, one "beneath" the other, with all of them sharing the same axis of rotation, even as they revolved around the Sun. At least according to Talbott, Jupiter was also a member of this ...
98. On the Nature of Natural Selection and Speciation [Journals] [Aeon]
... possible combinations becomes astronomical. Some traits, however, are inherited on the sex chromosomes; their patterns differ from those of autosomes. Mutations: Chromosomal Abnormalities Hugo De Vries (1848-1935) succeeded in resolving certain ambiguous concepts concerning the nature of the variation of species. These ambiguities had precluded universal acceptance and active investigation of Darwin's system of organic evolution. De Vries envisaged evolution as a series of abrupt changes radical enough to bring new species into existence in a single leap, a phenomenon for which he coined the term mutation. It was during his experiments with plant breeding that he drew up the same laws of heredity that Mendel had. While surveying the literature on the subject, ...
99. 1895 And 1950: The Time Was Ripe For A Heresy. Ch.17 Supplement (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... of the solar system: all deflections of the planets from their paths are only periodic oscillations from their mean courses; and the celestial mechanism is wound up to go on for ever. Laplace's contemporary, Jean Baptiste Lamarck (17441829), set out to demonstrate in a series of works that this earth has ever been an abode of peaceful evolution, free from spasmodic disturbances, in opposition to the dominant views of his day. These ideas of harmony or stability in the celestial and terrestrial spheres gained ground in the nineteenth century and became the foundation of scientific thought. In 1846 Leverrier, by announcing the existence of the planet Neptune, which was immediately thereafter discovered in the part ...
100. Conclusion: Entropy [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... another orbiting the Sun over its poles, all exhibit systematic problems of the same nature. It does seem very probable that they could all be affected by a similar force that would bring about systematically the same behavior. The test offered in the Appendix of this work will determine this question quite directly. The theory presented here, regarding stellar evolution, claims that all galaxies and stars are born from black holes of a range of masses and the stars then evolve to pulsars and white dwarf stars to main sequence stars and thence to old red giants and super-giants. Once born, they do not change character and become some other main sequence star or turn back into a quasar or ...
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