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230 results found.
23 pages of results. 81. The Twelfth Planet: by Zecharia Sitchin [Journals] [Kronos]
... known language. Even if Sitchin is referring to written rather than to spoken language, it is unlikely that his contention can be persuasively defended, since Sumerian ideograms were preceded by the Azilian and Tartarian signaries of Europe as well as by a variety of script-like notational systems between the Nile and Indus rivers. Sitchin's "pan-Sumerianism" gets him into etymological difficulties on p. 43, where he derives Latin toga from Sumerian tug, "garment". Actually, Latin toga is derived from the base of tego, "I cover," by the same process of apophonic nominalization that produced procus, "suitor," from precor, "I entreat," or socius, " ...
82. The Creation of the Earth -- the Third Account [Books]
... which the Authorized Version renders as mist' Hebrew',Fd. This rare word occurs only twice in the Bible: Once in Job xxxvi 27, the Authorized Version rendering as vapour' is pretty certain, but the Book of Job uses a very much later form of language than does the beginning of the Book of Genesis. The etymological meaning of the word is wetness, moisture', and there can be little doubt that it is related, if not derived from, the Assyrian word idd, an overflowing. Hence a tentative rendering of this passage as, nor used the flood to come up any more and inundate the land, would have many good points in ...
83. Mountain Myths (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... is why it is written concerning it that In the last days the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established [past tense, prophetically changed into the future tense] in the tops of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it' (Isaiah ii. 2). Moreover the etymology of the name of Zion points away from the fortified hill of the Jebusites: it is usually derived from Hebrew words meaning to be dry' or to offer protection' or to set up high', each one of which is significant. Another holy mountain of the Jews is Horeb, or Sinai. Either of these names is ...
84. Planetary Identities: II The Mythology of Homer [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , both sky' and heaven' are rendered ouranos' so that if Boyles had wanted to find a Greek deity identifiable as the sky he should have picked on Uranus who is also rendered Ouranos in Greek. There, then, is a god whose name is sky - but, as always, one must tread with caution here. Etymologically, Uranus has been identified with the Indian god Varuna [24], whom the Rig Veda equates with Agni [25] and thus, inadvertently with Saturn [26]. As strange as it may seem to us, this would associate the mythological sky, or heaven, with the planet Saturn. The proof of this comes ...
85. Dating the Trojan War [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Greek) Tursenos is a little strange for the eponym of a people. When we compare the Italian Tu(r )s-ci with Turs-enoi we see that -enoi is a Greek ending denoting a people's name. I think the Tursenoi were not named after Tursenos but after "Turs" or "Tros." Billigmeier [14] has established etymological connections among the words "Tros," "Troia" (Greek for Troy), "Tu-ru-sa," "Ta-ru-i-sa" (both Hittite names for Troy or the Trojan region), and "Tursenoi." About the historical implications of this theory- acceptable, in my opinion- he is silent. We meet Tros in ...
86. Morgan le Fay, Maid Marian and May Day [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... . Herne the Hunter, a variation on Robin Hood, is associated with Windsor Great Park, a large tract of woodland, by Shakespeare. Herne is associated with oaks and adorned with great horns and is accompanied by a great noise and the smell of fear. Matthews claims Herne has Anglo Saxon roots, and Robin of the Hood. Etymologically Woden and Herne have a connection and likewise hood/hod/wood. Woden led a select band of warriors, the herjar or Herian = Herne. Woden rode an eight legged horse, Sleipner, which seems to have features in common with the Obby Orse of traditional country mummers plays. We may note a link between the hood ...
87. An Ancient Latin Name for Venus [Journals] [Kronos]
... in today's bright morning star a hairy apparition resembling a lion's mane.(4 ) Seneca and Pliny used the word iubar to describe a comet in the sense of a star with hair.(5 ) Modern scholars, however, unable to see how the word "hairy" could possibly be applied to Venus, have sought for different etymologies of iubar, for "the morning star does not appear as a luminous trail, but as a point lightly twinkling".(6 ) True, it does not now so appear; but that hardly gives us license to reject the ancients' description of Venus as having been hairy (iubata) in an earlier age. References ...
88. Fragments of Myths of Culture Heroes [Books]
... .) .. . Thou wast upon the holy mountain of God . . . ' Also, a mountainous location of Paradise is indicated by the reference to minerals and metals in Genesis ii. 11 f. The Garden' (Hebrew gan, an enclosure, or enclave, a garden', or park', in the severely etymological sense of the English words) in Eden' would thus reveal itself as a small sheltered island of verdure in a large elevated region, which somehow had remained unscathed by the cataclysmal happenings. This was soon found and settled by deluge survivors who seem to have turned their agricultural and horticultural knowledge to good account there. Indeed, many ...
89. The Myth of Osiris (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... more violent death! Notes. 1. Horns and disk, as indicative of the characteristic phases of the Moon, the crescent and the full,are the distinctive headgear of many definitely lunar Egyptian deities, as of the Moon-god Aah. 2, Plutarch equates Set with Typhon, the terrible dragon-monster, and calls him the Overwhelmer'. Etymologically, Set must be equated with Satan. 3. The word Loki also seems to be related to lux, Lucifer, light, etc. ...
90. The Earliest Arrival of Celts in the British Isles [Journals] [Kronos]
... 252. 18. Ibid., pp. 245-6. 19. Ibid., pp. 99-100. 20. In Gaulish, a P-Celtic language, the word for "five" was pempe; in Proto-Goidelic, ancestral to modern Gaelic, it was *kwonkwe. (The first of these forms comes from Julius Pokorny, Ein Indogermanisches Etymologisches Woerterbuch (Bern, 1959), vol. 1, p. 808. The second is my own reconstruction, based on Old Irish coic, "five".) \cdrom\pubs\journals\kronos\vol1003\070celts.htm ...
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