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23 pages of results. 21. Thundergods and Thunderbolts [Journals] [Aeon]
... elucidate its mythical significance is Ananda Coomaraswamy, who notes that a wealth of symbolism pertaining to the axis mundi surrounds the unerring marksman (Sanskrit akkhana-vedhin). As to the etymology of the phrase, Coomaraswamy writes as follows: "The etymology of the word akkhana has been disputed: as PTS remarks, We should expect either an etym. ... . Montelius, "The Sun God's Axe and Thor's Hammer," Folklore 21 (1910), p. 70. [101] J. de Vries, Altnordisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (Leiden, 1977), p. 390. [102] P. Cate, "The Hittite Storm God: his Role and his Rule According to ...
22. The Poem of Erra [Journals] [Aeon]
... very same phenomena. First we consider the evidence from ancient language. (47) In "Apollo and the Planet Mars," it was argued that the most probable etymology of the name of the Latin god Mars refers it to the root mar. Here it is significant that the root appears at the base of words meaning "death ... W. Roscher, "Mars," Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der griechischen und romischen Mythologie (Hildesheim, 1965), p. 2437-2438. 49. J. Pokorny, Indogermanisches etymologisches Worterbuch (Bern, 1959), p. 735. 50. Ibid., p. 351. 51. M. William, Sanskrit Dictionary (Oxford, ...
23. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning [Books]
... Amos the word Orion for the original Hebrew word Kdi, literally signifying " Foolish," Impious," " Inconstant," or "Self-confident." This perhaps is etymologically connected with Kislev, the name for the ninth month of the Hebrew calendar, the tempestuous November-December. Julius Furst considered this Kislev an early title for Orion. The ... words; and he was followed in this by Saint Isidore of Seville (Isidorus Hispalensis), the Egregius Doctor of the 7th century, and author of the Origines et Etymologiae; although even as late as the rqth century we see confusion in their use, for Minsheu mentioned the " astrologers " as having formed the "asterismes," ...
24. Eden's Flaming Sword by Isaac Vail [Books]
... Scandinavian Heimdaller, like the Japanese sun-gods, stood on the "Bifrost Bridge", and in this connection Warren says: "It is interesting to note that Heimdaller is etymologically Con sidered the "world-judge" or "world-divider", which is very significant. All men saw that all these vapor scenes were the collective "divider" of ... evidence than this to prove that a vapor canopy or floating bridge over-arched the Eden of Japan. The old Persians had a heavenly bridge and it was called Chinvat, and etymologists tell us the name means the "bridge of the Judge". This is readily understood when we recall that in ancient times a "judge" was simply a ...
25. Night of the Gods: The Pillar [Books]
... rent and Lat-inns, which seem to be adjectival forms from lat, which I suggest in limine is the Greek and the Indian lat, a stone-pillar. Latium, "etymology unknown." Saturn fled there for sanctuary from his son Jupiter, which is like Orestes flying for refuge to the Omphalos, and is quite consistent with the sacred ... , the tombs of the Tyndarides (that is, of Kastor and PolyDeukes) in the archaic Spartan town of Therapne, were also called by the same name. The Etymologicum Magnum goes on to explain it presented the appearance of an open tomb. This would be comparable to the Egyptian tomb-door which gradually developed into the funereal stela.12 ...
... and Developments. New York-Toronto-Bombay, 1922. Mayer, Maximilian. Die Giganten und Titanen in der antiken Sage und Kunst. Berlin, 1887. Mayrhofer, Manfred. Kurzgefasstes Etymologisches Worterbuch des Altindischen. Heidelberg, 1956. Meier, Gerhard. "Ein Kommentar zu einer Selbstpradikation des Marduk aus Assur," ZA, vol. 47 (1942 ... and illustrated by notes! by H. H. Wilson, 3rd ed. Calcutta, 1961. 1st ed. London, 1840. Vries, Jan de. Altnordisches Etymologlsches Worterbuch. Leiden, 1961. Waerden, B. L. van der. "The Thirty-Six Stars" (Babylonian Astronomy 2), JNES, vol. 8 ...
27. Deluges [Books] [de Grazia books]
... who flowed down from the sky to earth. He was the "beloved end of the earth, ruler of the pale" and his name, too, is derived etymologically from "heaven." Jane Harrison also found that "Okeanos is much more than Ocean and of other birth."[12] He was the "daimon ... in the past. He stands in an Orphic hymn as "beloved end of the earth, ruler of the pole," and in that famous ancient lexicon, the Etymologicum magnum, his name is seen to derive from "heaven." Boreal means "northern." It also means "bore," a "hole". ...
28. The Two Faces of Love [Books] [de Grazia books]
... feminine country becomes "America." THE ROMAN VENUS We ought not settle the Aphrodite identity without a parallel investigation of the word "Venus." Malcolm Lowery conducted appropriate etymological research. Its root, he discovered, contained the senses of seek, desire, want, wish, and winsome, while its relative venire (to come) ... , once again, we see an old goddess at work, a lunar goddess, a pre-planet-Venus goddess at work, an Aphrodite of the Love Song of Demodocus. Some etymologists say that the word "Venus" is of an unknown Italian origin but crept out of fertility and bucolic functions onto the skies, where it may have become a ...
29. On Mars and Pestilence [Journals] [Aeon]
... Apollo. (84) A link between the planet-god Mars and the phenomena of pestilence and/or death is also suggested by evidence from ancient language. The most probable etymology of Mars refers it to the root m(a )r , an early name of the Latin god being Marmar, a duplication of the root in question. ... earliest pantheons of Egypt and Mesopotamia. 86. Ibid., pp. 2437-2438. 87. Ibid., p. 351. 88. J. Pokorny, Indogermanisches etymologisches Worterbuch (Bern, 1959), p. 735. 89. M. William, Sanskrit Dictionary (Oxford, 1872), p. 748. 90. ...
30. Canopy Skies of Ancient Man by Isaac Vail [Books]
... see in this the perpetual rotation of polar scenes around the celestial omphalos and their constant gathering to this Cosmic Earth. And now I must spend a little effort on the etymology of the name Crete. It has been called the "white isle" because men derived the name from Crete, chalk; but from all I can gather from ... assume in their sterile condition, and that, too, at the pole. The harpe is, to me, a most significant fossil. I must leave to the etymologist the task of elaborating our harp from the ancient "harpe" Or sickle of Kronos, but when I learn from other sources that this ancient sickle was said to ...
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