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Search results for: etymolog* in all categories

230 results found.

23 pages of results.
... does so continuously [prosechos], and he gives him all the measures of the whole creation." [n43 Kai panta ta metra tes holes demiourgias endidosin. We might even say: Kronos "grants" him all the measures.]. In Proclus' style, the same phenomena which look simply flat and childish, mere "etymologizing," when handled by others, sound extremely difficult- which they actually are. So let us shortly compare how Macrobius deals with the responsibility of Kronos for the "division of beings" (Sat. 1.8 .6-7). After having mentioned the current identification of Kronos (Saturn) and Chronos (Time), so ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  28 Nov 2007  -  URL: /online/no-text/hamlets-mill/santillana5.html
... , Waddell adds as a footnote to the phrase "I came from Myself" the following: "Explanation is difficult. The name of the goddess Neith with whom Athena is often identified has been interpreted that which is, or exists' (Mallet, Le Culte de Neit a Sais', p.189). As a genuine etymology of the name, this is impossible; but it may be that in the late period a connection was imagined between Nt, Neith', and nt(t ), that which is' (B .G .) . It is suggestive that the Coptic word meaning come' is na (A .Rusch, Pauly- ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/vel-sources/source-3.htm
... .15, where the god Nergal, rather than the planet Mars, is featured as king of battle and lord of the storm etc.). Furthermore, on p.xxiii of his introduction, Muller writes: "There can be no doubt about the meaning of the name, whatever difference of opinion there may be about its etymology. Marut and maruta in ordinary Sanskrit mean wind, and more particularly a strong wind, differing by its violent character from Bvayu or vata. Nor do the hymns themselves leave us in any doubt as to the natural phenomena with which the Maruts are identified. Storms which root up the trees of the forest, lightning, thunder, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/vel-sources/source-2.htm
... on the change in the agitated deep, Varuna was no longer a shiner, but Mitra came as the "new born sun". This appearance of Mitra from his concealment in the upper heavens was mistaken for his rise from the underworld. The fact that Varuna lost his power as Mitra came forth ought to settle this problem. The etymologists tell us that in the name Varuna the root var means "water", and we learn the important truth that Varuna was a watery heaven, and a shining one, too, and for this very reason he had to be a coverer, and a sun-regent. All Vedic scholars will admit that the sun as a power is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  19 Jun 2005  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/vail/misread.htm
225. Hittites and Phrygians [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... me" (Tudhalyas IV) as politically important. These are "the king of Egypt, the king of Babylon, the king of Assyria, and the king of Ahhiyawa"- thus the major powers in the Hittite sphere. This seems to favor Forrer's assertion that the Ahhiyawa were in fact Homer's "achaiwia" (Mycenaeans), etymological or other difficulties notwithstanding. It also serves to refute Velikovsky's claim that the king of the Hittites was also the king of Babylon, or that the Hittites belonged to the post-Assyrian period (he identifies Tudhalyas IV with Nabonidus). Velikovsky68 notes that the Phrygians were allies of the Trojans in the war against Mycenae. Therefore they were in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/cat-anc/vol0402/071hitt.htm
226. The Sibylline Oracles [Books]
... . Ann. XIV. 27, Laodicea tremore terrae prolapsa . . . propriis opibus revaluit. 115. the men of Jerusalem: the word used is " the Solymi," which was the name of a Lycian tribe and mountain (Hom. Il. vi. 184, Od. V. 282) ; a natural but inaccurate etymology of the word Hierosolyma suggested the use of the adjective " Solymi" for the Jews: and this is found both in Greek and in Latin, cf. Juv. Sat. vi. 544, " interpres legum Solymarum." 118. hateful deeds: the excesses of the Zealots during the siege of Jerusalem : Jos. B ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  19 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/sibylline/index.htm
... . When it comes to the expulsion of the Hyksos, we have various Egyptian documents that serve to illuminate the occurrence. But as far as the invasion of the Hyksos is concerned, we only have Manetho who wrote about it close to one thousand years after the event. What does the name Hyksos mean and/or imply? Various etymological derivations have been suggested for the term "Hyksos." Manetho himself, writing in Greek, offered the following: "Their race bore the generic name of Hycsos, which means king-shepherds. ' For Hyc in the sacred language denotes king, ' and sos in the common dialect means shepherd' or shepherds; ' the combined words ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0504/30return.htm
228. From Myth to a Physical Model [Journals] [Aeon]
... a clue. Yet somehow the identification established itself in more than one land. The famous Greek Cyclops, literary echo of the Heaven Man, is the "wheel-eyed;" the Norse great god Odin possessed a single eye, remembered as "a giant wheel." The language of the wheel is instructive, for there is a self-evident etymological link of the wheel's nave and the mythical navel. The nave is the receptacle or sleeve at the center of the wheel, in which the axle turns. If one applies the concepts discussed here to the language of the cosmic wheel, the implications are inescapable: the nave of the cosmic wheel must be the goddess, and the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0303/005myth.htm
... hills on either hand which are neither steep nor high above the valley... a watcher posted on the hill above Lejjūn could descry an approaching army at least a mile above the mouth of the pass." (50) As an afterthought, Nelson warns not to be deceived by the Arabic name (wadi) Ara: "Etymologically, it seems hardly possible to equate (Egyptian) Aruna with (Arab) Ar'arah." (51). Neither the physical appearance of the road as described by Nelson, nor its use as an international highway justify its identification with a road described as "inaccessible", "secret" or "mysterious" in the Egyptian ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v0203/64thutm.htm
... ." and "[ the] Egyptian Set is the primordial serpent or dragon, but set also means mountain'" and "[ the] ancient Sumerian dragon...was the Kur...but kur also possessed the meaning mountain'" and "[ the] Greek Boreas is the primeval serpent...but etymologists connect the serpent-dragon's name with a primitive bora, mountain'." [102] As Suhr tells us: "Among primitive peoples there are signs of the column in the form of a python or dragon rising from the level of the earth to the clouds." [103] In fact, Suhr adds that, among the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  03 Jan 2005  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0601/047dem.htm
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