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23 pages of results. 101. Shamir [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Apollo is described as he who strikes from afar' and he of the silver bow'. Theodorakis claimed Apollo has the meaning = to destroy'. According to Velikovsky, Apollo has the meaning = to meet or gather', or a collision or meeting in space [6 ], i.e . in the air. Velikovsky's etymology is fascinating and conceivably could denote an atmospheric event such as an exploding bolide or loud clap of thunderous noise. This is also compatible with the idea of to destroy and the act of destruction (by the agency of blast). The term shafts (as in arrows and darts) [7 ] almost always occurs in the plural ...
102. The Celestial Tower [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the Garden of the Hesperides, this would indicate that the Tree of Life, or World Tree, is another manifestation of the tower. It could be that at certain times the uppermost parts of the plasma pillar put forth great branch-like sparks, and it seems that even the words tree' and tower' (Old English torr) are etymologically linked. Virtually all versions of the World Tree myth, it should be noted, have a dragon either entwined around it or lurking at its roots. Thus in the Scandanavian version the dragon-monster Nidhoff gnaws at the roots of Yggdrasill. The same pillar is depicted in a thousand artefacts from all over the near-east, some of which portray ...
103. Letter [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... would do just as well, why not? Velikovsky reviewed every known major theory on a particular subject before presenting his own. But a number of revisionists have since brought forth their own chronologies as if into a vacuum, claiming to be the first to evolve a coherent picture. Thus David Rohl, on the strength of a few dubious etymologies and a retrocalculated eclipse (not valid in catastrophic times), after closely (and tacitly) following Velikovsky through half his book - and John Bimson for the brilliant placement of Joseph - did not hesitate to scrap 1,000 closely woven years of Velikovskian New (and Late) Kingdom for a quite sketchy New Kingdom of his own ...
104. My Kingdom for a Horse ... [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... end to these discussions, however; the Germans in particular did not want the world to know that the Jews had come from such a great civilization but were simply ever wandering. Anti-Semitism- traceable all the way back to grumbling over Hebrew dominion over Egypt- was at its worst. [7 ] Many scholars have attempted to give the etymological derivation of the word "Hyksos." Sir Alan Gardiner in The Dictionary of Egyptian Grammar says it is derived from the expression "Hik-Khasa," meaning "Chieftain of a Foreign Hill Country." Palestine in those days was referred to as a hill country, and the Hyksos did govern there as well as Syria. Another authority ...
105. The Rites Of Moloch [Journals] [Kronos]
... with the Egyptian Isis.(58) Cannot the same be said for Astarte, Ishtar, et al. ? In fact, has not Talbott already indicated that this class of deities originally symbolized, if not Saturn, at least aspects of the primeval Saturnian configuration? (59) The word "aster", which, as an etymological root, is common to all these deities, originally signified "star".(60) Ishtar, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Attar, Athtar - these names simply meant "star". There is nothing in their names which signifies the Venerian star. Originally, however, humankind acknowledged only one star-god or goddess. Thus, in ...
106. The Beginning of Time [Journals] [Aeon]
... : Saturnus was chosen as the one to have as his province the intervals and cycles of time. In Greek this god is called by the very word time, since Kronos is the same as chronos, that is, time. We call him Saturnus because he saturates himself with years. (10) Stecchini goes on with: The etymological connection of the two words Kronos and chronos has been positively affirmed by some linguists and strongly denied by others, because, on the one hand, the semantic similarity of the two words is evident and, on the other, from a technical linguistic point of view, the difference between the K and the ch is most significant. ...
107. The Saturn Thesis (Part 4) [Journals] [Aeon]
... thought of early cultures, and they will not pause to consider the linkage in form between the scallop shell and other symbols of the Radiant Venus. These other forms- sun wheels and multi-rayed "stars"- are so clearly celestial that the specialists will not see what is actually obvious. Though the scallop shell of the Greek Venus is etymologically linked to the mystic yoni or womb of the goddess, the connection with "radiance" has been missed altogether by the experts. But can you see how the same form could have inspired the idea of a spread peacock's tail? Or the fan or shade held by so many ancient goddesses? Feathered headdress of power. Ha-na-tah-nu-mauh- ...
... H. Grassmann, Worterbuch zum Rig-Veda [1955], pp. 976f.) as we have it in the famous Amritamanthana, the Churning of the Milky Ocean, and this very quality of India's churn and fire drill has had far-reaching influence on cosmological conceptions.]. So it is, indeed. But Rydberg, after establishing the etymology, has not followed up the meaning. The locomotive engineers and airplane pilots of today who coined the term "joy stick" might have guessed. For the Sanskrit Pramantha is the male fire stick, or churn stick, which serves to make fire. And Pramantha has turned into the Greeks' Prometheus, a personage to whom it ...
109. Ezra and Nehemiah in Recent Research [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... : "the Persians even in daily usage employ honorifics and titles more than their own names."6 The term Artaxerxes, which means having just rule, ' is most emphatically a title expressing a religious or political program. It does not mean great king or Shah or anything like this as both Anstey and Faulstich opine based on possible etymologies in Anstey's day and out-dated ones by the time Faulstich wrote.7 Not only is it patently a title it appears in the personal memoirs of Ezra and Nehemiah exactly where one would expect to find titles and honorifics if the sources were based on intimate contexts as the memoirs suggest. The memoirs would represent the daily intimate contexts, and ...
110. Thoth Vol III, No. 13: Oct 15, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... forms as borrowings from I.E ., for 4 reasons: (1 ) these forms are wide-spread in I.E . but not in Sem.; (2 )revised chronology no longer requires us to regard written Akkadian as older than Hittite; (3 ) I.E ., unlike Sem., permits an internal etymology for "star", relating it to English "stare" and other verbs expressing strength and persistence; and (4 ) Afrasian language families related to Sem., such as Cushitic and Ancient Egyptian, fail to exhibit forms with this shape and meaning (as they should if the form were primarily Afrasian). EV COCHRANE adds ...
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