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206 pages of results. 61. The Opening Of The Mouth Ritual - Part I [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon Volume VI, Number 4 Home | Issue Contents The Opening Of The Mouth Ritual - Part I Ken Moss Figure 1. Falcon-headed Horus presenting life and stability to his father Osiris-Seker. Death & Resurrection in Egypt and Other Lands "The mind of the Egyptian was incapable of abstract thought in the modern sense of the word, and in every subject he sought for concrete facts, which could be expressed in definite statements." (E .A .Wallis Budge) [1 ] "O King, I have come in search of you, for I am Horus; I have struck your mouth for you, for I am your beloved son; I ...
62. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Mackey may think he's found something worthwhile but he ignores facts that cannot be overlooked and introduces extra complications in what are basically several different tales. 1. Solomon The whole problem starts, of course, with Velikovsky. He seemed to be unaware that Solomon is a fictional character and tried to tie him into real, i.e . Egyptian, history. I was surprised to discover, in the 1980s, in a serious and orthodox French-language serialisation of the Bible, richly illustrated and interspersed with reports of archaeological findings, that there is not a shred of evidence to prove that either David or Solomon were real people, unless we take the El-Amarna correspondence as providing literary proof ...
63. More Problems with Sothic Dating [Journals] [SIS Review]
... SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2001:1 (Apr 2001) Home | Issue Contents More Problems with Sothic Dating Jesse E. Lasken Summary This paper is a follow-up to the paper in C&CR 1999:2 Sothic Dating: the Shameless Enterprise'. Contrary to the assumptions of Sothic dating, as late as the Persian period the Egyptians were actually using a calendar that was 41 days ahead of the calendar Sothic dating posits. Geminus and P. Paris 1 have been misused, and, based on more detailed analysis of the documents. There is also a correction to the earlier explanation given for the matches achieved by Porten using the Sothic dating calendar and the Babylonian calendar ...
64. The Ship of Heaven [Journals] [Aeon]
... like the great shaman of the Yenisei Ostiaks, who "rows his boat in heaven." (13) So also did the legendary Hiawatha navigate "a white canoe which moved without human aid." (14) In ancient Egypt the ship is an extremely popular theme in all local traditions. It was the hope of every pious Egyptian, on their death, to be crowned like the sun god, to enter the celestial city and to alight "upon the forehead of Ra in the bows of his boat which is in heaven," (15) or to "see the Sektet boat of the sacred Sahu passing forth over the sky." (16) ...
65. Chronological Placements of the Dynasties of Manetho [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 1997:1 (Oct 1997) Home | Issue Contents Chronological Placements of the Dynasties of Manetho by Jesse E. Lasken Jess Lasken works as an attorney with the US National Science Foundation. He has argued in articles in C&CR, C&CW, JACF, Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers, Discussions in Egyptology and elsewhere that the Egyptian and other cross-dated chronologies are seriously flawed. He is especially interested in researching the origins of literate civilisation and assessing the historicity of the Bible. Summary Based on Manetho, 31 mostly consecutive dynasties are thought to have ruled Egypt, many of these assumed to have ruled all of Egypt, even though his epitomes associate them with particular cities ...
... . Sculptured Serpent from the Mounds. Sculptured Serpent and Egg, from Copan. Sculpture at Uxmal. Serpent swallowing a human Figure, from Mexico. Great Serpentine Structure, Abury, England, Parallelitha at Mervale and Moreton, England. Serpentine Stone Temple, Stanton Drew, England. Ancient work in Kentucky, opposite Portsmoutb, Ohio. The Egyptian Hierogram of Serpents, Globe & Wings. Serpents, Globe, and Wings& Nakshi Rustam, Persia. Ornament, Globe, and wings, from Ocosingo, Mexico. Preface I HAVE been for some years engaged upon a work of comprehensive design, in which I propose to bring together, under a single view, all such leading ...
67. A Chronology for the Middle Kingdom and Israel's Egyptian Bondage - II. Israel in Egypt [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol IV No 1 (Autumn 1979) Home | Issue Contents A Chronology for the Middle Kingdom and Israel's Egyptian Bondage - II. Israel in Egypt John Bimson Copyright (C ) 1979 J. J. Bimson Dr. Bimson, a regular contributor to this journal, specialised in Hebrew Chronology at Sheffield University; his doctorate thesis was recently published under the title, "Redating the Exodus and Conquest". He is currently continuing his researches into the stratigraphy and chronology of Palestine. The second and concluding part of this paper examines biblilical and Egyptian evidence in support of Velikovsky's synchronism of the Exodus and the Hyksos invasion. IN PART I OF THIS ESSAY ...
68. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... [ CD-Rom Home ] The Dawn of Astronomy A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians J. Norman Lockyer CONTENTS Title Page Chapter Page Preface vii I. The Worship of the Sun and the Moon 1 II. The First Glimpses of Egyptian Astronomy 9 III. The Astronomical Basis of the Egyptian Pantheon 20 IV. The Two Horizons 40 V. The Yearly Path of The Sun-god 51 VI. The Probable Hor-Shesu Worship 58 VII. Methods of Determining the Orientations of Temples 67 VIII. The Earliest Solar Shrines in Egypt 73 IX. Other Similar Shrines Elsewhere 86 X. The Solar Temple of Amen-Ra at Karnak 99 XI. The Age of the Temple of Amen-Ra ...
69. The Queen of Sheba (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... Ages in Chaos Volume I: From the Exodus to King Akhnaton CHAPTER THREE The Queen of Sheba Immanuel Velikovsky Two Suzerains The beginning of the famous Eighteenth Dynasty, whose kings were native Egyptians and who freed Egypt from the Hyksos, coincided with the beginning of the line of Kings in Judea. Saul delivered the fatal blow to the hegemony of the Amalekites-Hyksos; David established Jerusalem as his capital; in the time of Solomon the realm achieved its splendor. According to the scriptural narrative, Solomon had one thousand and four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen; he reigned over all the land from the river Euphrates to the land of the Philistines and the border of Egypt. The ...
... Chapter XXXIV The Origin of Egyptian Astronomy- the Northern Schools So far we have dealt with the dawn of astronomy in Egypt. We have found that from the earliest times there were astronomical observations carried on, and that practically there were three schools of thought. To all three schools sun-worship was common, but we may clearly separate them by the associated star-worship. We have found worshippers of northern stars, east and west stars, and southern stars. The northern star-worshippers we may associate with Annu, the east and west star cult with the pyramid fields at Gîzeh, and the southern star-worshippers with Upper Egypt. What we have to do in the present chapter is to see ...
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