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206 pages of results. 481. The Death of Gods in Ancient Egypt [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2000:1 (May 2000) Home | Issue Contents The Death of Gods in Ancient Egypt The Death of Gods in Ancient Egypt: An Essay on Egyptian Religion and the Frame of Time by Jane B. Sellers ( originally Publ. 1992, revised and Updated Edition, 1999. Electronic version available online. An early representation of Sahu-Orion Out of print for over three years, the only information has been through such New-age writers as Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, who I feel have misrepresented my ideas. This work is not about astrology, although the zodiac must be ...
482. The Great Terror [Journals] [Kronos]
... possibly dangerous people. "During the night they contemplate the stars, raising their eyes towards them and invocating them in their prayers."(18) The strange spectacles which Moses and Aaron enacted together with their rod, such as transforming it into a serpent (Ex. 7:9 ,10) or using it to change the Egyptian waters into blood (Ex. 7:20), may have gained them the reputation of magicians but at the cost of losing their popular attractiveness. Last, but not least, the most distasteful act which lessened Moses' popularity was his bidding: Nobody is allowed to approach a woman (Ex. 19:15). ...
483. Testing Rohl's Test of Time [Journals] [Aeon]
... although in both cases Judah became vassal. Ramesses II- original statue in the Turin Museum. Was he the Biblical Shishak who plundered the Jerusalem temple? (Illustration by Wilke.) In this context, Ramesses/Necho's Judean contemporary was Jehoiakim and the graphic portrayal of the latter "bowing the knee" to Egypt grew out of the Egyptian king's return to the field after a somewhat ignominious and hasty departure a couple of years previously. Only six years had passed since Necho had become Jehoiakim's mentor by granting him the throne of Judah in the stead of a brother whom Egypt had summarily dismissed for pro-Babylonian sympathies [3 ] in the lead-up period to the celebrated battle of Carchemesh ...
484. The Libyan Period In Egypt [Journals] [Kronos]
... sources. The beginning of the Libyan Dynasty was dated to -945 because a synchronical link was claimed to exist between the Biblical references to Pharaoh Shishak, who conquered Palestine in the fifth year after Solomon, and Shoshenk I of the Libyan Dynasty. The placing of Shoshenk I in the second half of the tenth century did not follow from the Egyptian material,(4 ) but from the supposed synchronism of Rehoboam- who followed Solomon on the throne in Jerusalem - and Shoshenk I. In Ages in Chaos, I have already pointed out that this alleged synchronism is not supported by the available evidence, and I was able to show that the conqueror of Jerusalem and sacker of its ...
485. The Red World, Part 1 Venus Ch.2 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... . Because of these particles of ferruginous or other soluble pigment, the world turned red. The Manuscript Quiché of the Mayas tells that in the Western Hemisphere, in the days of a great cataclysm, when the earth quaked and the sun's motion was interrupted, the water in the rivers turned to blood.(1 ) Ipuwer, the Egyptian eyewitness of the catastrophe, wrote his lament on papyrus:(2 ) "The river is blood ' " and this corresponds with the Book of Exodus (7 :20): "All the waters that were in the river were turned to blood." The author of the papyrus also wrote: "Plague is throughout the ...
486. Chapter XXV: the Vague and the Sirian Years [Books]
... Chapter XXV The Vague and the Sirian Years DURING three thousand years of Egyptian history the beginning of the year was marked by the rising of Sirius, which rising took place nearly coincidently with the rise of the Nile and the Summer Solstice. I have insisted upon the regularity of the rise of the Nile affording the ancient Egyptians, so soon as this regularity had been established, a moderately good way of determinin<J the length of the year, but we have seen they did not so employ it. It is also clear that so soon as the greatest northing and southing of the sun rising or setting at the solstices had been recognised, and the intervals between them ...
487. Mitcham's Questions in Question [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... :1 ) and concludes that Amenhotep III and Kadashman-Enlil lived before the time of Solomon. In the first place, the fact that Amenhotep III may have said such a thing is no guarantee that it was true. If we look at the context of EA 4, we see that Kadashman-Enlil had been pestering Amenhotep III to send him an Egyptian princess. Amenhotep was having none of it. Kadashman-Enlil was even willing to take an Egyptian commoner, reasoning that, so far away, who would know the difference? Amenhotep refused. For historians today to accept a diplomatic "brush-off" as fact would be overly naive. All this, of course, supposes that Amenhotep III actually ...
488. Precise Synchronization Involving the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Kronos]
... relatively simple task of plotting the revised chronology (at least through the reign of Akhnaten) to within an accuracy of a year or two. (The charts in Pensee IV and KRONOS I, 3 were drawn vaguely enough to allow at least ten years' error.) This is an important task, however, for obviously if the Egyptian and Hebrew chronologies cannot be so synchronized within the limits of the available data, we can reasonably say that Ages in Chaos has been effectively killed. Accordingly, I have here provided two schemes by which this synchronism can be accomplished, using the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Ages in Chaos, and Sir Gardiner's Egypt of the ...
489. Society News. C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... relegated to the realms of science fiction by establishment historians, more and more evidence for such contacts continues to surface and has direct bearing on theories of reconstructing ancient history. Our speakers gave us the results of serious study and research which cannot be lightly dismissed. Steve Mitchell, with some knowledge of Chinese script, was flabbergasted to see an Egyptian papyrus in the British Museum which looked to him like Chinese, although it was labelled Ancient Hieratic' from around 1900BC. Further, both scripts were read right to left. Steve made a more detailed comparison between the two types of script and their development. Both moved from incised script on stone, bronzes or oracle bones to brush ...
490. Out of Egypt [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... a role in Pharaonic Egypt, this role - apart from certain events which are graphically recorded in the Old Testament - remains curiously shadowy and confused when the Hebrew scribes eventually set down in writing what had been an entirely oral tradition. The result is that the chronology of the Old Testament is wildly at variance with the chronology of the written Egyptian records, and a principal factor in the confusion is that at the time of writing the Israelite nation was at pains to dissociate itself from its earlier involvement with the Egypt of the Pharaohs. For example, the Old Testament scribe, who was writing many centuries after the Exodus, has it that Sarah's son Isaac was fathered by Abraham ...
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