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206 pages of results. 471. A further synchronism between Palestine and Egypt [Journals] [SIS Review]
... precise (e .g . by half the number of reign lengths involved, which would make an uncertainty of 6 years or so by the time of Rehoboam). Note also that the 245.6 (or 246.2 ) year total for the kingdom of Israel will be similarly subject to cumulative rounding error. The dates of Egyptian dynasties XVIII and XIX can only be derived from such cross-links with the Kings of Judah as can be found, though there is also always the possibility of being able to date Ramesses II from purely Assyrian/Babylonian/Hattian links between Hattusilis and Tiglath-Pileser III or his successors (as may well be possible on the basis of leads given ...
472. PREFACE [Books]
... were available to him; before he had any idea of the origins or the conditionings of the things around him. In the present volume I propose to give an account of some attempts I have been making in my leisure moments during the past three years to see whether any ideas could be obtained as to the early astronomical views of the Egyptians, from a study of their temples and the mythology connected with the various cults. How I came to take up this inquiry may be gathered from the following statement:- It chanced that in March, 1890, during a brief holiday, I went to the Levant. I went with a good friend, who, one day ...
473. Egyptian Monumental Evidence [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1991 No 2 (Jan 1992) Home | Issue Contents Egyptian Monumental Evidence by Tony Rees ". .. The true value of any model lies in its potential to absorb entire fields of interdisciplinary evidence, whether scientific, monumental or literary. To just the degree that a model fails to use or to explain all the available evidence, in its entirety, then to that same degree, is that model invalidated, no matter how logical the evidence, or how fluently presented..." The above extract concluded a talk I gave at the Nottingham annual meeting in November 1990, entitled - Jewish and Greek Traditions and their Value ...
474. Child of Saturn (Part V) [Journals] [Kronos]
... as the Babylonian Ishtar,(11) whose Venerian identity has never been contested.(12) Anat's identity as Venus can therefore be considered as established. We ask then: Whose child was Anat? The answer is not hidden. As William Albright explained: "The figure of Anath can be better understood in the light of several Egyptian accounts of the goddess, questionably translated from an original Canaanite myth . . ." (13) In one of these Egyptian accounts, Anat's father is alluded to as Re (or Ra).(14) That the Egyptian Ra was originally Saturn, I have already indicated elsewhere.(15) But, because it has ...
475. Open Forum, chaired by David Fairbairn [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , might be Hyksos, they were Apopi I and Apopi II, so that 1000 or 800 years supposedly separating those two dynasties needs to go. Q: It seems to me that the Assyrian King List is a classic example of creative history. The Assyrian Kings Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal were almost certainly treated to exactly the same address from the Egyptian priests: you people are children compared to the Egyptians, look at our king lists, 300 kings, and I don't think it went down very well, and I'm pretty sure that Ashurbanipal went home and got together his priests and his scribes and said: make a king list, produce some history! These people, under threat ...
476. Velikovsky's "The Dark Age of Greece" [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... consequence is thought to have happened in Greece for hundreds of years. Velikovsky immediately directs our attention to the reason why the Helladic period is adrift in history. The Mycenaean Age in Greece and the contemporary and partly preceding Minoan Age on Crete have no chronologies of their own and depend on correlations with Egypt. Objects inscribed with the names of Egyptian kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty, found at Mycenaea, were like a calendar leaf. Then excavations at el-Amarna in Egypt established the presence of Mycenaean ware in Akhnaton's short-lived city...thus providing a link between Mycenaean history and the established Egyptian chronology. It was therefore concluded that the Mycenaean civilization was at its apogee in the days ...
477. On the Survival of Velikovsky's Thesis in 'Ages in Chaos' [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Catastrophism and Ancient History (1986) Home | Issue Contents On the Survival of Velikovsky's Thesis in Ages in Chaos Donovan A. Courville It was apparent to Velikovsky himself that if his thesis in Ages in Chaos[1 ] was to survive, it was going to be necessary to define a satisfactory method for considering the chronology of the late Egyptian dynasties to meet the forward movement of the earlier dynasties by some 500 years. In the last chapter of his volume he had promised that such a reconstruction would be forthcoming in a subsequent publication. The fact that 25 years elapsed before the promised work appeared suggests that the task turned out not to be so readily accomplished as he had ...
478. The Libyans in Egypt: Resolving the Third Intermediate Period [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... problems with the Libyans. After their eventual triumph over the Nineteenth Dynasty it would be understandable for Sheshonq I to count his reign-length from the establishment of his first bridgehead in the land of the Nile. Now, on my model the 770-760 B.C . period was the time of Uzziah-Azariah's occupation of the eastern delta, recalled by the Egyptians as Arzu. While Egyptian rebels, backed by Uzziah, struck from the east, the Libyans would have established themselves in Egypt from the west. Dirkzwager [11] suggested that "during the late years of Ramses II .. . a prominent role could have been played by Sheshonq I and Osorkon I." It is noteworthy ...
... , and afterwards the name Amen-Ra, "concealer of the sun", becomes prominent. It would seem from this that the sun-worshipper had come to know that there was a concealed power behind the throne, and thus Amen-Ra became the "regent of the sun". According to the monumental annals Osiris was the most prominent sun-god of the Egyptians, and yet he is very far from being the true sun, for one of the most striking features of this god is his concealment. The annals state plainly that his brother sun-god, Typhon, treacherously concealed him in a golden coffin, usurped the solar throne, and ruled in his stead. Here again we have the unmistakable ...
480. The Primordial Light? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the sky was the main deity of the peoples of antiquity." (23) It is not our purpose to demonstrate that indeed Saturn was once a senior deity by giving exhaustive proofs. Many learned books have been written on just this topic. We do propose to identify Saturn in the many mythologies, e.g . in the Egyptian as Osiris (24), Greek as Kronos, Babylonian as Ninurta (25), Hittite as Kumarbis (26), Hindu as Brahma (27) . . . etc. Tacitus records the Jews as worshipping the planet Saturn (Shabbatai) as their god (28). From the importance of these deities in their respective ...
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