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206 pages of results. 451. The Sun Of Night [Journals] [Kronos]
... The Sun of Night . Today, no mythologist will contest the fact that Kronos was the Greek name of the planet Saturn. Yet Macrobius, in the fourth Christian century, identified Kronos as the Sun.(16) Granted that by that time, as Velikovsky pointed out, there began "a tendency to see in many gods of Egyptian and Greek antiquity the personification of the sun"(17)- can we honestly say that Macrobius was that much in error? Earlier, Diodorus Siculus, in discussing the names that the Chaldeans gave to the planets, also stated that "the one called Cronos by the Greeks .. . they [the Chaldeans] call the ...
452. Introduction to the Proceedings [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in the undergrowth of academe" - who have had to pursue their investigation of Velikovsky's work outside the established journals and institutions. As eight out of the ten conference papers are directly concerned with ancient history it might be helpful here to outline the development of Velikovsky's historical thesis. The idea that a fundamental error in the absolute dating of the Egyptian dynasties had systematically distorted the entire history of the ancient Near East first came to Velikovsky in the early 1940s. By 1945 he had developed an outline model of a revised chronology in which the fall of the Middle Kingdom in Egypt and the beginning of the Second Intermediate Period were contemporary with the biblical Exodus; this was published as Theses ...
453. The Cosmic Serpent by Victor Clube and Bill Napier [Journals] [Kronos]
... part of the Solar System and made many passes around the Sun before it disintegrated.* For hundreds of years, at more or less regular intervals, this provided spectacular heavenly displays as viewed from Earth, and from time to time fragments of the comet collided with our planet. Weaving a cloth from threads of Greek, Biblical, and Egyptian history, Clube and Napier argue convincingly that many of the myths and legends of ancient times can be explained in terms of the evolution of this comet. Cometary fragments, seen apparently fighting in the night sky, were regarded as gods and named accordingly; meteor impacts can explain the Biblical flood and other phenomena. Much of this will ...
454. A Lowered Chronology for the Twelfth Dynasty [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... the boundary between the third millennium and the second millennium! One of those El-Lahun papyri puts the heliacal rising of Sirius on IIII prt 16 in Year 7 of Sesostris III. I would argue that this was July 13 Julian, -394, and that the observation-post was Elephantine. Other El-Lahun papyri contain references to various lunar situations, with their Egyptian dates. Thirty-six of these reports now seem to be usable for astronomical purposes: that is, they contain enough information to enable us to determine just where the lunar months began. For example, we might be told that psdntw, the first day of the lunar month and the day on which the old crescent was no longer visible ...
455. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... return to the home base. Women eventually lost their power as the climate changed and the big game became scarce, forcing society to become more dependent upon gathering and eventually leading to agriculture, but by then the core of cultural relationships which women had initiated had become the basis for future civilisations. The Square Boat People and the Origins of Egyptian Civilisation After lunch David Rohl, Director of ISIS and frequent contributor to these pages, gave his audience a fascinating, and as one would expect, controversial account of the reasoning which had led him to believe that the origins of Egyptian civilisation lay far to the north in the Caucasus region. For those of us who had earlier in ...
... of Prehistoric Britain by Comyns Beaumont CD Home | Contents Part One: Britain's Great Antiquity Chapter VII The Secret Chambers "Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider. . . . Histories make men wise." FRANCIS BACON. WHAT was the relationship between these stone-worshippers and the Egyptians? There are somewhat strange clues which have not received the attention they deserve, one being that archaeology is slowly beginning to recognize that the origins of the land of the Pharaohs must be sought rather in the West than in the East. One interesting indication concerns the Egyptian rock-cut tumuli, with their various compartments, and the dolmen-passage tombs ...
457. Velikovsky in America [Journals] [Aeon]
... Velikovsky died. Despite the intellectual gifts and forceful personality his son had displayed on numerous occasions, Immanuel Velikovsky, already in his early forties, had accomplished little. That same year, Sigmund Freud began publishing in serial form what would be his final book, Moses and Monotheism. The book's central theses were that Moses was not Jewish but Egyptian; that he did not originate the monotheistic principle that is at the heart of Judaism but borrowed the concept from the heretical Pharaoh Akhnaton; and that his followers, "a throng of culturally inferior immigrants", (1 ) did not even create the distinctive rites and practices of their religion but merely adapted the forms used by the ...
458. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Aharoni and Benno Rothenberg preferred to use the Early Iron ware, with its Palestinian parallels, as the basis for dating the Arabah mines to the 12th-11th centuries BC. Glueck, however, upheld his earlier view, and was strongly supported by William Albright. The dispute took a dramatic turn with the discovery at Timna of the remains of an Egyptian temple dedicated to the goddess Hathor, including material bearing the cartouches of various pharaohs from Seti I of the XIXth Dynasty to Ramesses V of the XXth. In the conventional Egyptian chronology these date to c. 1300 to c. 1150 BC. (Dr Bimson noted that a further cartouche, although damaged, is considered by Kenneth Kitchen ...
459. Solving the Exodus Mystery by Ted T. Stewart [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and moved the capital from Thebes to Itjtowy in the Delta. A letter exists from Amenemhet to his son, Sesostris, describing how he had survived an assassination attempt but was severely wounded. Stewart connects this to the story of the baker and butler in the Bible and surmises that Khenty-bau, the Vizier, was involved and executed. His Egyptian time-line then becomes: 1688 Amenemhet I seizes the throne 1667 Attempt to assassinate Amenemhet 1667-1657 Co-regency of Amenemhet with Sesostris I (Joseph appointed Vizier 1665) Amazingly, a monument recording Sesostris' instruct- ions to the Vizier, appointed in Sesostris' 3rd year, exists in Cairo and was translated by Lichtheim. Joseph married Asenath, daughter ...
460. The Shadow Of Death, Part 1 Venus Ch.6 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... very colourful. Lava dust suspended in the air and carried around the globe accounted for this phenomenon.(1 ) In 1783, after the eruption of Skaptar-Jökull in Iceland, the world was darkened for months; records of this phenomenon are found in many contemporary authors. One German contemporary compared the gloomy world of the year 1783 with the Egyptian plague of darkness.(2 ) The world was gloomy in the year of Caesar's death, -44. "After the murder of Caesar the dictator and during the Antonine war," there was "almost a whole year's continuous gloom," wrote Pliny.(3 ) Virgil described this year in these words: "The sun ...
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