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206 pages of results. 411. The Pyramid Age, by Emmet J Sweeney (Review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of dynastic Egypt, as one and the same. Joseph is identified as Imhotep, the wise vizier of Pharaoh Djoser of Dynasty 3. He claims the Exodus occurred during a second catastrophic era, which ended the Early Dynastic period at the end of the 3rd Dynasty. He finds no convincing evidence for the conventional three separate Intermediate Periods in Egyptian history and merges these into one. He dates Djoser from Khnumibre's genealogy to circa 930BC and refers to the pyramid builders of the 4th Dynasty as no more than lords of the Delta'. In summary, his revision starts with a catastrophic destruction around 1300-1200BC. Then comes a brief pre-dynastic epoch followed by a further destruction episode around 1050-1000BC ...
412. KA [Books]
... . SACRIFICE Notes (Chapter Seven: Sacrifice) 8. SKY AND STAGE Notes (Chapter Eight: Sky and Stage) 9. TRIPOD CAULDRONS Notes (Chapter Nine: Tripod Cauldrons) 10. THE EVIDENCE FROM PLUTARCH 11. THE PRESOCRATIC PHILOSOPHERS 12. MYSTERY RELIGIONS Notes (Chapter Twelve: Mystery Religions) 13. KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC Notes (Chapter Thirteen: KA" and Egyptian magic) 14. BOLTS FROM THE BLUE 15. LOOKING LIKE A GOD 16. HERAKLES AND HEROES 17. BYWAYS OF ELECTRICITY 18. ROME AND THE ETRUSCANS Notes (Chapter Eighteen: Rome and the Etruscans) 19. THE TIMAEUS Notes (Chapter Nineteen: The Timaeus) 20 ...
413. "13", Part 1 Venus Ch.2 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... month Aviv (Exodus 12:6 ; 13:4 ). This is the night of Passover. It appears that the Israelites originally celebrated Passover on the eve of the fourteenth of Aviv. The month Aviv is called "the first month" (Exodus 12 :18). Thout was the name of the first month of the Egyptians. What, for the Israelites, became a feast, became a day of sadness and fasting for the Egyptians. "The thirteenth day of the month Thout [is] a very bad day. Thou shalt not do anything on this day. It is the day of the combat which Horus waged with Seth."(1 ...
414. Introduction to Ramessides, Medes and Persians [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... initiated the reconstruction of ancient history, but which left the task half-completed and the reader, as it were, dangling in mid-air. On the other hand, the work is intended to demonstrate how Gunnar Heinsohn's radically shortened chronology can be applied to the details of ancient Near Eastern history. In Ages in Chaos Velikovsky unveiled a detailed synchronisation of Egyptian and Hebrew histories from the Exodus to the time of kings Ahab and Jehosaphat, whom he revealed to be contemporaries of the heretic pharaoh Akhnaton. Velikovsky thus made the early Monarchy of Israel contemporary with Egypt's glorious 18th Dynasty, and the wonderful picture he painted brought both the Egyptian and Hebrew histories to life in what can only be described ...
415. Vox Popvli [Journals] [Aeon]
... of day [Morning Star], beautiful day." [4 ] This, again, looks like a reference to our day, for that is when planting and sowing is done, an interpretation that also fits with the historical period in which the document was (presumably) written. Finally Cochrane supplies a quotation from the much older Egyptian Coffin Texts (3rd millennium BCE): "To become the Morning Star. The paths of the Netherworld are opened for N, the gates of those who are in the horizon are opened for her, the beautiful star (shd)...N is the Lone Star on the horizon, and her father Re has given ...
416. Night of the Gods: Polar Myths. The Eye of Heaven [Books]
... supreme heavens-god-putting the sun out of court-is the only one that answers all requirements. It will be evident that here we have origins in abundance for the Freemason's Eye and its " nunquam dormio." A Chinese constellation is called " the Eye glyph of Heaven that judges the wicked." Glyph 10 The single and the dual ut'at Eye of Egyptian symbolism is of the utmost importance in the interpretation of the sacred lore of Egypt's past. The conclusion which I advance here is that the pair of these Eyes indicate the deities of the North and the South poles respectively (see " North and South " supra). The scarab with a green globe on his head is seen at ...
417. The Stream Surrounding the Earth [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the Babylonians and the Akkadians had the northeast as their polar orientation, possibly accommodating the orientation of the ring [24]. Egypt Egypt provides clear dating of relevant mythological material to the 2300 BC time period. I will start off with a statement by Anthes, a principal scholar in the field [25]: The basic concepts of Egyptian mythology were already established about 2200 BC, and the succeeding changes represented an increase in variations and combinations rather than alterations of the concepts'. He establishes this date by a reference to the appearance of this mythology in the Pyramid Texts between 2300 BC and 2200 BC [26] at the end of the Fifth Dynasty of the Old ...
418. Velikovsky's 360 days/year calendar [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... a number of different lengths of years for different ceremonial purposes. The 360 day year was no more significant than any other ceremonial year. From: Joe Canepa, Date: 22 Apr 1996 05:19:30 GMT After the original post about the 360 day calender, several scholars commented about the Egyptians and Mayans used two calendars. These scholars however may not have looked carefully at the original post or at Velikovsky. Velikovsky listed not only the 360 day calendars of the Egyptians and the Mayans, but also those used in India, Persia Babylon, Assyria, Israel, Greece and Rome. (see chapter 10 Worlds in Collision) ...
419. Finding the Limits of Chronological Revision [Journals] [SIS Review]
... continue into LB II, the period characterised by Mycenaean pottery [14]. LB IIB sees the appearance of 19th Dynasty scarabs and inscriptions, and at the transition to Iron Age I items from the 20th Dynasty begin to appear. Here I will mention just a sample of sites where this sequence is attested. Lachish A good deal of Egyptian inscribed material has been unearthed at the important city of Lachish. The three strata of the Fosse Temple, built outside the NW corner of the mound, produced scarabs and other objects bearing the names of Thutmose III, Amenhotep III and Ramesses II, along with much LB I-II pottery including Cypriot and Mycenaean imports [15]. In ...
420. New Archaeological Dates for the Israelite Conquest Part II [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Dibon (Dhiban), and Heshbon (Hesban)- all towns which the Bible says were in existence at the time of the exodus- were not occupied during the Middle Bronze Age. [23] Bimson and Livingston argue that Middle Bronze II Heshbon and Dibon must have been located at sites other than Hesban and Dhiban, and that Egyptian texts prove that Dibon was occupied at least in the time of Thutmose III and Ramesses II (the Late Bronze Age). [24] But the reading of "Dibon" in the Egyptian texts they cite is not certain, [25] so we cannot be sure that Dibon was occupied in the Late Bronze period or that ...
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