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2055 results found.
206 pages of results. 331. Rejoinder to Velikovsky [Journals] [Pensee]
... the eighth-seventh centuries rather than the fourteenth, the absolute dates for archaeological deposits in Palestine are all wrong. But that would not change the fact that in Palestine the material which archaeologists have classified as Late Bronze Age preceded the material designated as Iron Age. What I attempted to point out in my article was that in Palestine material of the Egyptian Empire (including the Amarna Period) and of the Mycenaean Age is found stratified in deposits with artifacts characteristic of the Palestinian Late Bronze Age. But pottery and other objects of the Assyrian Empire are found in occupation layers of Palestinian cities with artifacts characteristic of the Iron Age II. The occurrence of the Iron Age layers above Late Bronze ...
332. The 1552 Exodus [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... of the delta by plagues. The expulsion of the Hyksos followed by the Exodus of the sons of Israel marks the beginning of the end of the Middle Bronze Age. According to the proposed chronology Jacob entered Egypt in 1766 during a period of chaos known as the Second Intermediate Period. Joseph would have served more than one of the 76 Egyptian kings of Xois, who exercised divided rule in the western delta. The pharaoh "who did not know Joseph" (Exodus 1:8 ) was likely the Hyksos Salatis, who took control of the Egyptian delta about 1663. The sons of Israel were "more and mightier" (Exodus 1:9 ) than the Hyksos ...
333. Index of Authors
... The Surface Of Venus- "A Newborn Babe" Charles Ginenthal, The Youthful Atmosphere Of Venus Charles Ginenthal, William H. Stiebing, Jr., and Immanuel Velikovsky Charles H. Hapgood, The Punctuation Marks of Geological History Charles H. Seitz, The Sacred Mountain Charles McDowell, Solomon's Temple: An Astronomical Observatory Charles McDowell, The Egyptian Prince Moses Charles Raspil, Archetypes Showing The Presence of Anomalous Electromagnetic Activity Charles Raspil, Observations of Venus by James I Charles Raspil, Snapshots of the Gods? Charles Raspil, Solar Eclipses and the Historical Record Charles Raspil, Spatters And Planetary Iconography Charles Raspil, The Ching Hsing Charles Raspil, Trisms and Planetary Iconography (1 )" ...
334. Catastrophe and Divine Fires [Books] [de Grazia books]
... due here. I must reason out the position as well. Was the whole world electrified beyond any later historical awareness? Is there an alternative to the comet: could there be another cause of all the disturbances? What was the fate of the comet? Figure 6. On Eagle's Wings "You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, how I bore you on eagle's wings and brought you to me." Ex. 19-4 (The Torah: The Five Books of Moses, trans from the Masoretic text. Philadelphia: Jewish Publications Society, 1962) Cf. Deut. 32: 10-3. The cometary images are of Comet Swift-Tuttle (1962) III, NASA ...
335. p108.htm [Journals] [Aeon]
... REVAMPED TIMNA SEQUENCE UNDERSCORING TECHNOLOGICAL CONTINUITY TIMESPAN WORKERS SEQUENCE NARRATIVE OUTLINE OF OCCUPATION LEVELS FOCUS c100 AD Roman,Christian Nabatean Roman Iron Age Post Jewish Diasporan into Byzantine Era TENTED SHRINE 349-100AD Midianite Nabatean Midianite Iron Age Conversion of disused Hathor Temple to Semetic tented shrine contemporary with 2nd Persian Period and Macedonian/Ptolemaic Dynasties into Roman era. 383-349 Dyn XX Egyptian Egyptian Midianite Late Bronze Early Iron Ages Egyptian return to Arabah and Southern Sinai following rout of Persia by Ramesses III Nekht-A-Neb. Copper mining interest waned in favour of Greek Atika (Great Harris Papyrus which remained prime source for Egyptian ore throughout Macedonian/Ptolemaic period into Roman era. SECOND HATHOR TEMPLE 564-383 Midianite Midianite Early Iron Age. Fully ...
336. Forum: The 900-700 BC era - a Conundrum C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of Syria; the payment of tribute by Jehu of Israel to Shalmaneser III of Assyria; correspondence between Suppiluliumas of Hatti, Aziru and Tutankhamun's widow, etc., etc.) but a far more potent synchronism is one which appears to have gone all but unnoticed in the literature. This is the hypothesis that the Israelitic Baal and the Egyptian Aten were one and the same. The more one studies this hypothesis, the more one comes to appreciate that it is almost certainly a valid one. Both had some earlier history - Baal as a minor deity suppressed by I Samuel 7:4 (confirmed by I Sam. 12:10), the Aten as an apparently ...
337. Ramesses II And Greek Archaic Sculpture [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 2 Upper part of a statue of Ramesses II from his mortuary temple near Luxor, Egypt, now in the British Museum (photo: T. Palmer) It has long been accepted that Greek Archaic sculpture - particularly the kouros type - owes a certain debt to Egypt [6 ], though Greek art could never be termed derivative. Egyptian artistic and architectural achievements were inspiring for the Greeks but did not lead to mere imitation [7 ]. Rhys Carpenter, long ago, incisively summed up the situation:'... the origin of Greek monumental sculpture must be sought elsewhere than in Greece itself. And since the date of the oldest surviving examples of the art ...
... , the species of a genus, and even the genera of a great family, must have had a common point of departure. What, then, was the single stem from which so many varieties of form have ramified ? Were there many of these, or are we to refer the origin of the whole animate creation, as the Egyptian priests did that of the universe, to a single egg ? * Phil. Zool. p. 64. . Co. XXXIIL] TRANSMUTATION OF SPECIES. 573 In the absence of any positive data for framing a theory on so obscure a subject, the following considerations were deemed of importance to guide conjecture. In the first place ...
339. Variations on a Theme of Philolaos [Journals] [Kronos]
... have had several more centuries of prior observations to draw upon, and it is feasible that he was indeed the first to discover precession. But I would not want to rule out the possibility that some earlier people might have discovered the variety of precession that characterized the arrangement of the solar system during their world age. For example, the Egyptians of the Eighteenth Dynasty might well have had the ability and the several centuries of prior observations that would have enabled them to detect whatever kind of precession obtained at that time. A careful reexamination of the alinements of the Egyptian temples, from a Velikovskian point of view, might settle this question. Nor would I want to rule out ...
340. Conventional Chronologists: Sothic or So Thick? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... convincing. Part 1: How Sothic Dating Was Invented Convention, in the person of the great Sir Alan Gardiner in his respected book Egypt of the Pharaohs, explains for us the concept and introduction of Sothic Dating. He says Various theories have been put forward to explain how the brilliant star Sirius (the dog star, equated by the Egyptians with their goddess Sopde, Greek equivalent Sothis) began to be recognised as offering a sound basis for determining the most suitable date for New Year's Day. Perhaps it had been noted that the Nile began to rise with special rapidity about the same time when Sirius, after having been invisible for a prolonged period, was first again observed ...
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