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206 pages of results. 251. The Curse. Part 2 (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... disposal of the bodies of their dead, but neither in Judea nor in Assyria, Chaldea, Greece, or Rome was there such a cult of the dead as there was in Egypt, nor was such importance attached to the care of the dead by the living. The belief in the afterlife, in which the body participates, caused Egyptians, even those of modest means, to mummify their dead and to supply them with all the necessities of life, including a dwelling. Some other peoples, notably the Carians, also built expensive burial chambers and offered libations to the deceased, but nowhere were the cult of the dead and the care of the living for their places ...
252. Forum [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... as Shishak would have had to reign for some 40 years" to have been king before Solomon's 10th year as well as in Rehoboam's 5th year. They disqualify Thutmose III on the grounds that his "sole reign" lasted only 33 years. This strikes me as either blind or dishonest. Rohl & James must surely be aware of the Egyptian habit of including co-regency years in their regnal records. Thutmose III's reign, including his co-regency with Hatshepsut, totalled 54 years according to the monuments; long enough to cover the required span. Rohl & James also accuse Hatshepsut of suppressing Thutmose III. A "simple calculation" will show that Thutmose was much younger than his female co-regent ...
253. The Celestial Whirlpool Lake [Books]
... and Customs Home | Issue Contents SECTION III The Celestial Whirlpool Lake Winds as carriers of good and evil-Chinese "fung-shui" doctrine - Seasons and Cardinal points -Revolving "Great Bear" constellation - The Chinese "Bushel " - Scandinavian "World Mill" - The Revolving Heavens - " World Mill" and Whirlpool - Northern Stars in Pyramid Age Early Egyptian stellar myths solarised -Northern Stars in "Sun-boat " - Sirius as "Year Star " - " Great Bear" as Set who felled Osiris - Pole Star as Babylonian god - Biblical reference - Aryo Indians and Pole Star-" Great Bear" as source of Magic -Magicians as early scientists - Polynesian "mana " - Magical ceremonies Wind ...
254. Menkheperre Thutmose, A.K.A. Shishak Melech [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... is Sksk h'rw (kharu). Here is the actual name Sksk applied to one of the Thutmosids. As Thutmose III was the greatest of all conquerors, it would be only natural that this would be his appellation - Shishak being the local pronunciation - and that it would be passed on to his successors. In Faulkner's Dictionary of Middle Egyptian , I find that Swsh - close enough to the cuneiform transliteration is "extend" boundaries. A further point to strengthen the identification is that in the Encyclopaedia Judaica , under the entry "Shishak", we read that "in the Aggada, Shishak's real name is said to be Zevuv (fly)". Breasted (Vol ...
255. The Celestial Whirlpool Lake [Books]
... and Customs Home | Issue Contents SECTION III The Celestial Whirlpool Lake Winds as carriers of good and evil-Chinese "fung-shui" doctrine - Seasons and Cardinal points -Revolving "Great Bear" constellation - The Chinese "Bushel " - Scandinavian "World Mill" - The Revolving Heavens - " World Mill" and Whirlpool - Northern Stars in Pyramid Age Early Egyptian stellar myths solarised -Northern Stars in "Sun-boat " - Sirius as "Year Star " - " Great Bear" as Set who felled Osiris - Pole Star as Babylonian god - Biblical reference - Aryo Indians and Pole Star-" Great Bear" as source of Magic -Magicians as early scientists - Polynesian "mana " - Magical ceremonies Wind ...
... of equal length crossing at right angles found on Assyrian and Persian monuments and tablets, Greek coins and statues. St, Andrew's cross, Crux decussata, (fig. 3) is the same as the Greek cross, but turned to stand on two legs. Fig. 4. The Crux ansata (fig. 4) according to Egyptian mythology, was Ankh, the emblem of Egyptian CrossKa, the spiritual double of man, It was also said to indicate a union of Osiris and Isis (Crux Ansata) and was regarded as a symbol of the generative principle of nature. The Key of Life. The Tau cross (fig, 5), so called from ...
257. The Opening Of The Mouth Ritual - Part III [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon Volume VI, Number 6 Home | Issue Contents Two Lords of the Dead- One Egyptian, one Mayan The Opening Of The Mouth Ritual - Part III Ken Moss Death & Resurrection in Egypt and Mesoamerica To conclude this three-part inquiry into the Opening of the Mouth Ritual, primarily Egypt's, we will now look at some intriguing similarities and differences found in civilizations across the Atlantic. I am speaking of the Mesoamericans, particularly the Maya and Aztec. I will not be discussing actual physical contact between ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica, and definitely not some kind of spiritual or extra-sensory connection. Although sympathetic to a degree, I'll leave that to the lovers of mysticism and ...
258. Assessing Middle Kingdom Lunar Dates [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Dating the End of the Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt to the Early Second Millennium: A Reassessment',JNES 53:4 (1994), pp. 237-261 In his reassessment of the astronomical evidence for dating Egypt's Middle Kingdom, Professor Rose is primarily concerned with re-evaluating Richard A. Parker's use of lunar documents from the time of the Egyptian 12th Dynasty in support of his El-Lahun (Illahun) Sothic' date of 1872 BC for Year 7 of Sesostris III. Rose has selected Parker because it is the latter's Sothic' date, based upon Borchardt's identification of the unnamed pharaoh of the Illahun Papyrus as Sesostris III, that is the one largely accepted today. As a result ...
259. The Pentagram of Venus [Journals] [Horus]
... Sun and the Earth each time it overtakes the latter. An inferior conjunction occurs when Venus is on a straight line between the Sun and the Earth. And the time between two successive inferior conjunctions Is 584 days (to the nearest integer), which is called the synodic period. Using a 365-day year (as did the Mayans and Egyptians), five circlings of Venus is very nearly equal to eight Earth years, since 5 x 584 = 8 x 365 = 2920 days. Venus is not visible at the time conjunctions occur, but her first appearance as a Morning Star (heliacal rising) occurs within a few days after inferior conjunction, indicating completion of a synodic ...
260. A Re-examination of the Sothic Chronology of Egypt [Journals] [Kronos]
... 261-274. For many years now we have accepted and incorporated the astronomical chronology of Egypt into our histories of the ancient Near East. It is wise, however, to be aware of the potential error in the interpretations and conclusions of the past and the possibility that realignment may be necessary. We still do not possess a final and unquestionable Egyptian Sothic dated historical framework. Recently, Read challenged the traditionally held astronomical chronology of the Eighteenth Dynasty (JNES 29 [1970] ). A re-examination of the evidence is in order before our conception of an absolutely established and near perfect chronology influences our judgment of different possibilities. Certain ambiguous and problematic issues, the solutions of which are ...
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