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206 pages of results. 171. A Survey of Archaeological Evidence for a Revised Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... surveyed, from the Middle Bronze Age to the end of the Iron Age, all of which point to the need for a revised chronology. In particular, problems occurring throughout the Iron Age in Palestine provide consistent evidence for lower dates than those currently in use. The changes needed to resolve these difficulties cannot be achieved without shortening the accepted Egyptian chronology. Where the evidence permits a comparison of the revisions offered in Centuries of Darkness and A Test of Time, the former emerges as the stronger candidate. Introduction: setting limits to the survey As there is currently a whole supermarket shelf of revised chronologies on offer, it would be impossible in the context of this short paper to ...
172. The Fall of Imperial Egypt [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... united, they are pacified; everyone that is turbulent is bound by King Merneptah, given life like Re, every day." 62 VELIKOVSKIAN Vol. V, No. 2 The inscription is of course named the "Israel Stele" for these lines; which are widely believed to constitute the one and only mention of the Israelites in Egyptian hieroglyphic literature. In 1978 John Bimson made a detailed study of the stele, and concluded that the despoliation and pacification of Syria and Palestine described on the monument was the work, not of Merneptah himself, but of Tiglath-Pileser III. Bimson was able to show, in some detail, that both Assyrian and Biblical sources could be made ...
173. Hittites and Phrygians [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Khaldis to be the ancestor god, these people may then tentatively be identified with the Armenian tribe known to the Greeks and Romans several centuries later as the "Chalybes" or "Chaldians." In any Velikovskian type of revision (Glasgow chronology or others) it is a necessity for the second millennium Hittites to be moved, with the Egyptian 19th dynasty, into the first millennium-contemporaries perhaps of Urartu (or otherwise). This may explain why (i ) both Urartu and the Hittites of the post-Suppiluliumas imperial period recognized the Hurrian deity Teshub, (ii) similarities in dress occur, including the use of the crested helmet, small round shield, and short spear, ( ...
174. The Ramesside Star Tables [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol IV No 2/3 (Winter 1979/80) Home | Issue Contents The Ramesside Star Tables Michael G. Reade M. G. Reader D.S .C ., a confectionary technologist, is also a specialist in marine navigation. His earlier contribution to SISR on Egyptian astronomy dealt with mythological/astronomical ceiling decoration. Information recorded on astronomical tables in the Ramesside tombs can be charted to show the movements of stars across the sky over the course of a year. From the consistent variation of the resultant star-tracks from the expected vertical lines, it must be concluded that the year of the tables' compilation - provisionally, ca. ...
175. The Milky Way [Journals] [Aeon]
... the Polynesian Islanders it was known as the "Water of Life." (5 ) The Inca of South America knew the Milky Way as Mayu, "River." (6 ) In Africa more than one tribe referred to the Milky Way as yaer dori, "the river of the sky." (7 ) The ancient Egyptians called it the "Winding Waterway." (8 ) To the Akkadians, apparently, it was Hid tsirra, "River-of-the-Snake." (9 ) The aboriginal peoples of Australia likewise knew the band of heaven as a great river, (10) as did the nomads of Siberia. (11) The very popularity of this ...
176. The el-Amarna Letters [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... established, this would have major consequences for Biblical and other ancient studies. Some of the material was familiar to readers of JACF or David Rohl's book A Test of Time, but it was succinctly presented with new content scattered through the presentation. What happened in Palestine while Akhenaten was ruling? This is primarily revealed to us (on the Egyptian side) by the tablet correspondence found at Tell el-Amarna, which gives good insight into the social and political condition of this area. On the Biblical side, the two books of Samuel give considerable amounts of equivalent information for the time of Samuel, Saul and David. The similarity between the two sets of conditions has been noted before ...
177. Egyptian Dynasties 20-21 - Tony Rees responds [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1993 No 2 (Jan 1994) Home | Issue Contents Egyptian Dynasties 20-21 - Tony Rees responds I applaud the efforts of Bob Porter, Bernard Newgrosh and David Rohl ( 'Forum', Workshop 1992:1 )as they try to achieve a major compression and reduction in the dates for Egyptian dynasties 20-21. The results, at first glance, are not unreasonable and it is noted that all three separate attempts are in broad agreement on the overall timescale. Indeed, the dates proposed by Bob and David, with the exception of those for Ramesses XI and Shoshenq I, are very close. Because David's proposals are more comprehensive, ...
178. Untitled [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Proceedings of The Third Seminar of Catastrophism and Ancient History (1986) Home | Issue Contents Some New Factors Bearing Upon the Date of the Exodus William H. Shea I. Introduction The oldest historical writing in which an attempt was made to connect the biblical Exodus with Egyptian history is found in the works of Josephus (c . 90 A.D .) . There he employed some statements from the Egyptian priest Manetho (third century B.C .) to link the Exodus of the Israelites with the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt. If this connection were correct it would date the Exodus to the end of the fifteenth (Hyksos) dynasty in the ...
179. Saul, David and Solomon [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Velikovsky argued that the story of Saul's attack on the Amalekites [4 ] was the same attack that saw the Hyksos driven out of Avaris. It followed that the Hyksos were the Amalekites. This is well argued [5 ] and appears a correct identification. The argument for Saul [2 ] is summarised below. The One' of Egyptian Records In setting the Egyptian scene Velikovsky claims that a foreign army assisted the Egyptian patriots, Kamose and Ahmose. He does this based on the indefinite pronoun' used by the author of the main text we have to rely on. Velikovsky makes a definite statement - and then explains it away [6 ]: The Egyptian document says ...
180. Assuruballit [Journals] [Kronos]
... are two letters in the el-Amarna collection signed by Assuruballit. These letters, though rather unimportant, are given much attention by the chronologists, not for their content, but for the name of their author. Assuruballit is not an unusual name, but the existence of an Assuruballit in the fourteenth century would link the Assyrian king lists with the Egyptian dynasties of the New Kingdom. Thus, the letters play an important role in conventional chronology, being the sole link in the space of many centuries between the Egyptian and Assyrian histories. In Assyria were found king lists in which the names of the kings and the number of years of their reigns are given, and nothing more. ...
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