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206 pages of results. 151. Chronological Implications of a Proper Identification of the Labyrinth: Part II [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1993 No 1 (Aug 1993) Home | Issue Contents Chronological Implications of a Proper Identification of the Labyrinth: Part II by Jesse E. Lasken In Part I (C &C Workshop 1992:2 ), I equated the Step Pyramid complex with the Egyptian Labyrinth described by Herodotus. This equation was argued independently of chronological considerations, but it has important chronological implications. As I have elsewhere discussed in some detail, conventional chronologists assume that the epitomes of Manetho by Africanus and Eusebius provide a valid framework of Egyptian chronology consisting of some thirty dynasties - an assumption formulated a few years after Champollion announced the decipherment of hieroglyphics in 1828 ...
152. The Enclosed Sun-Cross [Books]
... and fertility, with four rivers flowing "toward the four different points of the compass." (8 ) The tradition is repeated by many other nations. The Mandaeans of Iraq enumerate four great rivers flowing from the north. (9 ) Just as the Babylonians recalled "the land of the four rivers," (10) the Egyptians knew "Four Niles," flowing to the four quarters. (11) The home of the Greek goddess Calypso, in the "navel of the sea," possessed a central fountain sending forth "four streams, flowing each in opposite directions." (12) In the Scandinavian Edda, the world's waters originate in the ...
153. Chapter 5 Pottery Dating, Faience, and Tin [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... an almost complete lacuna after the tenth century." (W .F . Albright, The Excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim (New Haven 1932), vol. 1, p. 76) According to Velikovsky, "The real cause of these changes [introduced by Albright] is in the conflicting evidences of Palestinian archaeology which relies on Egyptian chronology."3 Thus, because there was a complete break at the Gezer site after the tenth century, according to Albright, the scarabs that gave these much older dates could be disregarded. But what was one to do when archaeologists working in Palestine found scarabs with Egyptian signs and names of pharaohs all over the place that indicated ...
154. Applying the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Pensee]
... "Late Helladic" or "Late Bronze" Age of Greece as the period of Greek prehistory contemporary with the reigns of the 18th and 19th Dynasties of Egypt; this alone is responsible for the absolute dates of ca. 1550-1100 B.C . for the "Mycenaean Age" (6 ). If Velikovsky is correct in lowering the Egyptian dates by 500-700 years, the Mycenaean dates must follow suit. If Stiebing is right, and the Mycenaean period is soundly established, it follows that the Egyptian dates cannot be lowered. In my previous article in this journal the Mycenaean-Egyptian dependency was explained, and examples of 600-year stratigraphical, archaeological, and radiocarbon problems were mentioned for the ...
155. The Place of Horemheb in Egyptian History [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol III No 2 (Autumn 1978) Home | Issue Contents The Place of Horemheb in Egyptian History Geoffrey Gammon Geoffrey Gammon has an Honours B.A . in History from London University and is currently studying for a Diploma in Archaeology at the University's Institute of Archaeology. WITH THE PUBLICATION of Ramses II and his Time, Immanuel Velikovsky's "Ages in Chaos" series, devoted to a reconstruction of the ancient history of the Near East between the fall of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom and the conquest of Persia by Alexander of Macedon, is near completion [1 ]. One further volume (or possibly two), covering the Assyrian domination of Western Asia ...
156. Ras Shamra (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... which dwellings were dug up are numbered from I to V starting at the surface. The first or uppermost layer is the most explored, but in the first nine archaeological seasons only about one eighth of this level had been unearthed. Digging in deeper strata has been confined to very small areas. The second layer yielded a few objects of Egyptian origin of the time of the Middle Kingdom; during the Middle Kingdom the north Syrian coast was in the sphere of Egyptian influence. At a depth of more than ten meters still older civilizations have come to light; remnants of the Neolithic (Late Stone) Age were found on the underlying rock. The age of the remains found ...
157. Palaeo-Egypt (The Atlantis Myth) [Books]
... | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 | Ch. 15 | Ch. 16 | Ch. 17 | Ch. 18 | Conclusion | Notes | Bibliography | Index | Palaeo-Egypt Many critics of the Atlantis myth have found two things strange: first, that an Athenian like Plato should have been so `unpatriotic' as to credit the Egyptians with superior knowledge; and, second, that he should have tried to make out that Palaeo-Attica suffered so grievously from the great cataclysm-only little less than the hostile Atlantis-while Egypt was left unscathed. There is no reason to doubt that the Egyptians really did possess more knowledge at the time of Solon than any other civilization then existing. The ...
158. Pharaoh Seti the (Great and His Foreign Connections - II [Journals] [Kronos]
... tomb of Osiris. It is also sometimes referred to as the Osireion (see K. Michalowski, Art of Ancient Egypt, N.Y ., 1968, pp. 526-527).] of Seti at Abydos, Egypt. The principal axis of this complex actually runs from North-East to South-West, the Abydos Temple facing North-East. But Egyptian temples were constructed with respect to the River Nile. Near Seti's Temple, the Nile runs from South to North by local standards, thus the Temple faces local East. Fig 1: Seti's Cenotaph and Temple at Abydos (from Atlas of Ancient Egypt).] Fig 2: General plan of Cenotaph by Al Gable (who was ...
159. Was Hatshepsut the Queen of Sheba? [Articles]
... attitude to Velikovsky could be described as that of a sympathetic critic. Dr John Bimson: "The title I have been given is, WAS Hatshepsut the Queen of Sheba? '. Now anyone who isn't familiar with Velikovsky's revision will be surprised by the title because to them the question won' t arise. Hatshepsut is conventionally placed in Egyptian history in the early 15th century BC, that is over 500 years before the time of Solomon, who was visited by the Queen of Sheba. But those who ARE familiar with Velikovsky will know that this identification is one of the main anchors of his revised chronology of the XVIIIth Dynasty which brings that dynasty down, in other words ...
160. Exodus Or Exile. Ch. 7. (Ramses II and his Time) [Velikovsky]
... period which ends with -as [ -es] is Ahmes or Amasis."4 Amasis ruled Egypt from about-568 to-526. "This tablet is remarkable for the fact that it is the only historical tablet which we have from this epoch. That the king chose a small clay tablet whereon to record his conquest of the Egyptian and Mediterranean alliance is most surprising and demands explanation."5 The author of this last quotation thought that the document was a royal letter. But no reference to the fact that Nebuchadnezzar actually invaded Egypt exists in Egyptian or Greek sources. Nor do the Hebrew sources speak of a conquest of Egypt by him or of the fulfilment of ...
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