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35 pages of results. 81. Our Universe: Unlocking its Mysteries [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Scott: Our Universe: Unlocking its Mysteries 9:00 Michael Armstrong: Context for Reconstruction 9:30 Mel Acheson: Verbal Vignette 9:35 Don Scott: Our Electric Sun 10:45 Dave Talbott: Symbols of an Alien Sky: Part I 11:30 Mel Acheson: Verbal Vignette 11:35 Ted Holden: The Impossible Dinosaurs Our Universe: Unlocking its Mysteries Annis Scott ANNIS SCOTT is a freelance writer and editor. It was mentioned that at conferences such as this, there is a lot of information to digest, and people tend to end up seeing the trees, but not the forest. An overview would go somewhere towards helping us out, and this ...
82. Quantalism: The Big Picture [Journals] [Aeon]
... , none of these disruptions have occurred since the appearance of human beings. Caenocatastrophism is the theory that global disruptions have occurred within the memory of mankind. Palaeocatastrophism, though long out of favor, has made an undeniable come-back in recent years as a consequence of the Alvarez theory that a late Cretaceous asteroid strike brought about the extinction of the dinosaurs and related fauna. [4 ] Caenocatastrophism, however, has yet to regain the acceptability that it enjoyed in the 18th century. To the temporal distinction between palaeocatastrophism and caenocatastrophism, I would like to add an etiological distinction between endocatastrophism and exocatastrophism. Endocatastrophism is the theory, set forth by Brendan Stannard, [5 ] that global ...
83. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in minerals, including gold. Bits of another asteroid which fell in S. Africa 144 Myrs ago have been discovered intact in its crater. New data from fossil plants from the end of the Cretaceous, 65 Myrs ago, indicate a climate change so rapid that it must be linked to the Mexican impact thought to have seen off the dinosaurs, scotching the belief that they died off slowly from some other cause. Were there multiple impacts? Another much smaller crater has been found in the North Sea. It produced a pattern of concentric rings unknown from any other crater on Earth but similar to two craters found on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons. Even closer in time ...
84. Fossil Deposits [Books] [de Grazia books]
... life forms in the high mountains, in the atmospheric bands, deep, below the land surface, and in the deserts. The inhospitability of these environments is only relative to dubious premises. Conventional long-time uniformitarian evolution and adaptation would have permitted all niches to become life-niches. Recent catastrophes provide of extinct niches such as would support a 50-foot winged dinosaur. If the oceanic salt seas carry few analogous niches for today's species, the reason may be limits imposed by the recency of drastic change, rather than limitations of nature. Rocks dredged from the bevelled tops of a number of seamounts carry imbedded fossils of current species that give 8 to 12,000 years readings on C14 dating ( ...
85. C&C Workshop 1989, Number 1: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the El-Amarna period with questions from Derek Shelley-Pearce, Anthony Chavasse & Anthony Rees and answers from Bernard Newgrosh & David Rohl 20 On Eric Crew's core ejection hypothesis with comments from C. Leroy Ellenberger and response from Eric Crew 26 FOCUS: On the Eocene Climate Puzzle 27 MONITOR : * Blow for Milankovitch Theory * Volcanic Mass Extinction * Polar Region Dinosaurs * 14C Dating Disarray * New Bone Dating Method * Diamond Dating Anomalies * Modern Maize by Mutation * Asteroid Phaethon an Extinct Comet? * C-T Impact Evidence * Chaotic Solar System * Cretaceous Catastrophe * Venus Oceans * New Venus Heat Problem * Incredible Star Turn * Evolutionary Rethink? * Catastrophism Reappraised * Stable Solar System * Lunar Magnetism * ...
86. Thoth Vol S I-III, INCLUDING 66 ISSUES) [Journals] [Thoth]
... movement over the past two decades or more. This includes Native American author, Vine Deloria (whose talk was a classic combination of original research and delightful humor); Richard Heinberg, author of Memories and Visions of Paradise; Wal Thornhill on the youthful planet Venus and the scars from its cometary past; Ted Holden on the "impossible dinosaurs;" Oxford astrophysicist Victor Clube on evidence of cometary catastrophes devastating early civilizations; AEON publisher and author Ev Cochrane on ancient images of the Saturnian configuration; Dwardu Cardona on Mars as the ancient "Morning Star;" and many others whose work is equally important but may not be as familiar to our circle: Irving Wolfe, Roger ...
87. Polymathics and Catastrophism: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Problems of Evolutionary Theory [Journals] [Kronos]
... Epoch Taxon Rank Paleozoic Cambrian helicoplacoid (spiral echinoderms) class Ordovician protomedusan (earliest jelly-fish) class Silurian cystoid (spherical echinoderms) class Devonian graptolite (plankton) phylum Carboniferous mesosaurian (aquatic reptiles) order Permian pteridosperm (seed ferns) order Mesozoic Triassic therapsid (reptile-like mammals) order Jurassic pantothere (long-jawed mammals) order Cretaceous saurischian (largest dinosaurs) order Cenozoic Tertiary Paleocene Eocene belemnite (squid-lake molluscs) order Oligocene aepyornith (elephant birds) genus Miocene Pliocene oreopithecian (man-lake apes) genus Quaternary Pleistocene mammutid (mammoths) family * NOTE: This chart has been prepared on the basis of present understanding and may prove to be subject to significant future modification. In reading this diagram ...
88. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... is now so little genetic variation between individual cheetahs that they have problems breeding: transplant studies have shown that unrelated individual cheetahs behave as if they were identical twins, so alike is their genetic make-up. Scientists conclude that very, very few individuals survived the population crash 10,000 years ago: one wonders if the recent evidence for some dinosaurs lingering on into the Tertiary Period is not a similar phenomenon. Likewise, one has to question the fossil record of an extinction' horizon - is it a complete or a near-extinction, like that of the cheetah? Eocene climate puzzle source: National Geographic June 1988, p. 757 On Ellesmere Island, 500 miles from the North ...
89. Catastrophism and Evolution [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... . 3.1 The birth of neocatastrophism. 3.2 Eustasy, impacts and mass extinctions. 3.3 Phyletic gradualism and quantum evolution. 3.4 Punctuated equilibrium and species selection. 3.5 Gould's view of life. Chapter 4 - Nemesis for Evolutionary Gradualism? 4.1 Iridium, tektites and the death of the dinosaurs. 4.2 From Snowbird I to Snowbird II: conflicting ideas about the K-T transition. 4.3 A periodicity in extinctions? 4.4 Continuing arguments: rock hounds, stargazers and the high-tech people 4.5 Current views on mass extinctions. Chapter 5 - The Erratic Descent of Man. 5.1 Early scenarios ...
90. Conference: Our Violent Solar System [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... was nearly finished .. . and he quoted Velikovsky at the post-conference discussion. Will this seminar, by introducing him to Velikovsky and the "Three Musketeers of the Saturn Theory" lead to another "conversion" (and further loss of popularity) for him? Dunno. We'll have to wait and see. Ted Holden's familiar "impossible dinosaurs" is as still a crucial point in the discussion of Earth's ancient history. He's added a few details that I wasn't aware of. First, an estimate of the scale of gravity attenuation necessary for the dinosaurs to have survived: gravity must have been weaker by 2.8 times today's gravity. Second, he mentioned other difficulties ...
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