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35 pages of results. 41. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... neighbouring states. At Yellowstone National Park, more than 1,000km away, a geyser went berserk and did not settle down for 34 hours. On the other hand precariously balanced rocks would seem to indicate that earthquakes have not affected their locality for thousands of years, although one group is found near the Nevada-California border. Problems with polar dinosaurs New Scientist 13.2 .93, pp. 16 and 28-32 National Geographic, January 1993, pp. 36-38 We have previously reported on dinosaur finds in Alaska where, even in those days, temperatures would have been low. Since then, polar dinosaurs have been found at 15 different sites, including a large plant eating sauropod ...
42. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... study. In some cases characters appear to skip a generation and then reappear, as though individuals with two mutant genes can correct them and revert to normal. If this is a widespread capability then it is obvious that all natural selection is doing is keeping organisms true to form; it cannot be selecting for mutants to make new species. Dinosaur Diary(Scientific American, December 2004, pp. 61-67; New Scientist, 19.2 .05, p. 14; 19.3 .05, p. 18) Eight species of dinosaur have been found in Alaska, north of the Arctic circle. They include herbivorous types which appear to have roamed in large herds ...
43. Challenges to Evolutionary Gradualism [Books]
... , crinoids and ammonoids, together with many land animals, died out at the end of the Permian, the final period of the Palaeozoic Era [8 ,11-21]. Similarly, almost a quarter of all known families of animals became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous, the final period of the Mesozoic Era, including all the dinosaurs, the dominant land animals of the previous hundred million years, as well as the winged reptiles, the large marine reptiles, the last of the ammonoids and many bivalves, echinoids, fish, gastropods and plankton [8 ,11-19,22,23]. At both boundaries, the percentage extinctions of species and genera were even ...
44. Doomsday: The Science of Catastrophe by Fred Warshofsky [Journals] [Kronos]
... of virtually simultaneous vibrations of the entire planet.) 4. That continental drift is "catastrophe in slow motion": p. 161. (The Velikovskian view is that such drift, even when rechristened tectonic plate movement, is at most a decelerating crustal readjustment to the stresses of the pre-Hellenistic orbital disturbances.) 5. That the dinosaurs were reptiles: p. 192. (In fairness to Warshofsky, it should be noted that, later in the same chapter, he discusses the more recent view that they were warm-blooded, which is shared by Velikovskians.) 6. That Robert Bakker of Harvard is "the author" of the hypothesis that the dinosaurs were endotherms ...
45. Catastrophes and the History of Life on Earth [Journals] [SIS Review]
... associated with the extinctions at the end of the period, although they must have contributed to the deterioration of the environment [31]. With the rhynchosaurs and proto-mammals wholly or partially removed from the scene during the Triassic-Jurassic transition, the proto-dinosaurs were able to expand their territory without much opposition during the Early Jurassic, before giving way to the dinosaurs themselves. The dinosaurs then dominated the land for around 150 Myr, throughout the rest of the Jurassic and the whole of the Cretaceous period. Then came the last, and best-known, of the big five extinction events, 65 Myr ago, when 70% of existing species disappeared, including all the dinosaurs. In the oceans, ...
46. Confessions of a Cenoist [Journals] [Aeon]
... but astronomers insist these features are old, likely millions of years old. They claim dating measurements furnish incontrovertible proof. Scientists have developed hundreds of techniques that confirm the hoary age of whatever the scientific mainstream alleges is stable or ancient. They firmly date the development of the Solar System, the time-frames of geological strata, the end of the dinosaurs, Egyptian civilization- although these epochs are obscured by the haze that envelops the distant past. If their histories were packaged in storybooks rather than scientific tomes, their stories would begin with the words: "Once upon a time, long, long ago." The urge of scientists and people overall to push things back in time ...
47. Catastrophism And Planetary History [Journals] [Kronos]
... it most probably would have produced snow and ice in the northern latitudes and the sequence of events described in the traditions of these Indians would be accurate memories of what happened. [* See "Khima and Kesil" by Velikovsky elsewhere in this issue. - The Ed] A considerable controversy seems to be generating today over the classification of dinosaurs. New evidence based on a more precise theoretical description of the requirements which creatures of such large bulk had for survival would indicate that they were more akin to mammals than to reptiles. Adrian Desmond, in his book, The Hot-blooded Dinosaurs, suggests that new research has proven almost conclusively that these creatures were warm-blooded, that they bore ...
48. Physics, Astronomy and Chronology [Articles]
... was something which was molten either onto a cool object on the ground, and flattened like a pancake, or sometimes fell and surrounded something. Often inside these concretions is a perfect fossil of a grasshopper or a fly or a fish or whatever. The outside is composed of fused clay mixed with an iron-containing compound. They recently found a dinosaur near Red Deer in Alberta, immersed in 80 tons of this iron-stone, a complete skeleton, the recipient of a celestial plop. Instant death, instant petrification. We have clam shells that we find where the clam has been petrified alive, because a dead clam opens, and these are closed, they were closed when they were ...
49. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... on the accepted notion that the Antarctic ice cap has been in its present position for the last 15 million years. Layers of southern beech leaves only 2 to 3 million years old and only 300 miles from the south pole indicate that the average summer temperatures had to have been at least 50 degrees higher then. How long ago did the dinosaurs live?San Francisco Chronicle date unknown Although proteins deteriorate rapidly after an animal's death and most disappears from a buried animal within 50,000 years, with even the original minerals in bone being replaced by other material, a team of New Mexico scientists claims to have found protein still existing in some amazingly preserved bone of a Seismosaurus. ...
50. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... was accompanied by a climate change (presumably wetter weather, giving rise to peat) at some time round 2000 BC. Cretaceous Catastrophe 1. sources: DAILY TELEGRAPH 21.8 .85: INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE 22.8 .85: NEW SCIENTIST 22.8 .85, p.18 Each new piece of evidence about the dinosaurs and the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary brings forth cries of elation from the opponents or exponents of the impact catastrophe theory. The latest turn in the saga is the discovery of bones of a herbivorous hadrosaur and the teeth of two carnivorous dinosaurs on the Arctic coast of Alaska, five degrees further north than previous evidence of dinosaur life. Leading opponents of ...
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