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35 pages of results. 271. The Problem Of The Extinction [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... ] were the most durable group of warm-blooded giants in history, consistently larger than any other order of terrestrial mammals through a long period of time. This may be because they represented the best combination of giant build and great intelligence. Whatever the reason, they dominated faunal communities through a major portion of Earth's history since the passing of the dinosaurs."7 Peter D. Ward discusses this aspect of survival with respect to the modern African elephant thus: "Because of their size, intelligence, and ability to tolerate a wide variety of environmental changes, elephants are remarkably resistant to extinction. African elephants can be found from the edge of deserts to the deepest rainforest; they ...
272. Electric Stars in a Gravity-Less Electrified Cosmos [Journals] [SIS Review]
... too many astronomers bypass the details of the actual observations; working from predigested summaries of many observations and from prejudged theories (which must be true), they compute and speak of their results as if they were really things that have been observed. I still believe in the primacy of direct observation, and so I am a kind of dinosaur to many of my colleagues. Bruce's work didn't even draw attention when he predicted the quasi-stellar objects (or quasars) which have dominated astronomy in the decade from 1960 to 1970. He described very nicely the phenomena accompanying the galaxy-scaled electrical discharge which he claimed produced the observed quasar. When spacecraft were built and launched, they observed all ...
273. Cosmic Catastrophism [Journals] [Aeon]
... fiction masquerading as fact. But all they accomplished was to make Velikovsky a martyr in the eyes of his followers. Today, scientists not only admit that cosmic collisions could have taken place at some time in the distant past, but some even theorize that the impact of a large meteorite about sixty-five million years ago caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. (14) It has also been suggested that the solar system weaves upward or downward across the galactic plane of the Milky Way about every thirty or thirty-six million years, increasing the likelihood of a collision between the earth and a comet or large meteor. (15) Yet the vast majority of scientists continue to reject Velikovsky's theory ...
274. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... continents as one explanation would have it. Another geologist claims to have found debris in rocks of the period which appear to have come from an exploded star, so it's back to the old nearby supernova' theory. Cretaceous landslide New Scientist 18.4 .98, p. 23 The asteroid which is supposed to have wiped out the dinosaurs seems to have triggered a massive landslide in the Gulf of Mexico. It may have mixed older fossils with impact debris, which would explain why evidence for the timing of the event has not always been precise. Orbital extinctions Scientific American July 98, p. 12 The cosmic dust theory for extinctions has now been refined. Regular extinctions ...
275. Noah's Vessel: 24,000 Deadweight Tons [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... frame members.) The floor loading for the upper decks in the superstructure was 100 lbs. per square foot distributed and a point load of one long ton (2240 lbs.) at 10' x 10' nodes. This strength will support large animals, at rest, such as cattle but will not support the larger species of dinosaur. Grain feed and fresh water reservoirs are assumed distributed on the main deck with hay feed located on upper decks. The foregoing assumptions result from Noah loading his heaviest cargo at the lowest, possible level. This would be on the main deck of the raft. Bins of grain, tanks of fresh water, vessel handling poles and ...
276. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... how could he explain that the several different procedures all seemed to verify each other. He answered that there must have been some fundamental change of a constant, such as the stability of nuclei. Gravity was not mentioned, but this is another possibility, a lower gravity in the past explaining as it does, how beasts the size of dinosaurs could run and pterodactyls fly. Further questions ranged from Lyell to deep sea sediments and coal formation, serving to indicate what an enormously complex subject Michael Garton had opened up before us. Many of us may be mindful to reread Velikovsky's Earth in Upheaval for further examples of catastrophe which the geological record never fails to set before us. ...
277. Anomalous Occurrence of Crocodilia in Eocene Polar Forests Part Two [Journals] [SIS Review]
... present day crocodilia because of the conservatism of this life form: "Loricates appeared early on in the Triassic Period and their anatomical organization retained many primitive features which have come down to us more or less unchanged in today's crocodiles" [96]. The loricates are the only survivors of the mighty Thecodont Archosaurs dominated in the Mesozoic by the dinosaurs. The preference for water shared by all extant species of loricates originated in the Jurassic over 150 MYA, when the mesosuchians swam in the seas. Some mesosuchians like Metriorhynchus and Geosaurus had limbs that had turned into flippers. Fossils of extinct crocodilians have been discovered on all continents except Antarctica. Their provenance includes Europe, the Soviet Union ...
... the Earth and is on a highly elliptical orbit beyond Pluto. It is also assumed that Planet X's orbit is at high inclination to the plane of the ecliptic. David M. Raup in The Nemesis Affair, (NY 1986), p. 143, states, "Yet another explanation for the extinction... [of the dinosaurs and other life forms] has surfaced. D.P . Whitmire and J J. Mattese published a paper in Nature in January, 1985 suggesting that the comet showers could also be produced by an unseen planet, Planet X, lying beyond the orbit of Pluto... The idea of a missing planet in our solar system ...
279. Book Review [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... fossil deposits as normal events, and hiatuses as periods which have not yet been deciphered. But, what if fossil beds are the result of catastrophes, and a hiatus merely the result of more normal times - what a different picture the same facts would present! There is a hiatus immediately after the end of the Cretaceous Period. The dinosaurs are gone, and then, in the first subsequent fossil layers we are presented with an already diverse array of mammalian types. South America possessed an unique three basic stocks: marsupials, ungulant (hooved) herbivores, and the rather odd Xenarthrans (armadillos, sloths and anteaters). There is a great controversy over origins, and ...
280. Quantalism: the Big Picture [Articles]
... , none of these disruptions have occurred since the appearance of human beings. Caenocatastrophism is the theory that global disruptions have occurred within the memory of mankind. Palaeocatastrophism, though long out of favor, has made an undeniable come-back in recent years as a consequence of the Alvarez theory that a late Cretaceous asteroid strike brought about the extinction of the dinosaurs and related fauna . Caenocatastrophism, however, has yet to regain the acceptability that it enjoyed in the 18th century. To the temporal distinction between palaeocatastrophism and caenocatastrophism, I would like to add an etiological distinction between endocatastrophism and exocatastrophism. Endocatastrophism is the theory, set forth by Brendan Stannard , that global disruptions-at least those which have occurred ...
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