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35 pages of results. 261. Thales: The First Astronomer [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... cannot be properly addressed until one has taken account of the whole paradigm shift which has assembled us here, and which seems to be accelerating dramatically in the last few years of the 20th century. This is no longer a shift from uniformitarianism to catastrophism; uniformitarianism has been dead since asteroids were allowed to be the agents that killed off the dinosaurs, and punctuated equilibrium displaced crude Darwinism. It is rather what I have called (at the last Portland conference) a shift from palaeo-catastrophism-global catastrophes happened only before humans were around-to ceno-catastrophism-global catastrophes have occurred within human memory, and are indeed inseparable from the emergence of homo sapiens sapiens. The first of the three obstacles to calling Thales the ...
262. Confessions Of A Philosophical Velikovskian [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... The burden of his excellent talk was that, over the last few years, the view had been gaining ground among paleontologists that the geological epochs were punctuated by catastrophes on a global scale. In particular he dwelt on the extinction of the vast majority of all life-forms at the end of the Permian era, and alluded to that of the dinosaurs some sixty-five million years ago. In the questioned period, I `opened my big mouth, ' as they say, in the USA; and asked the speaker if he would comment on the fact that Velikovsky had argued to just the same effect, and from very similar data, in his Earth in Upheaval, which was published ...
263. Forum Part Two [Journals] [SIS Review]
... during the early 1980s, when Louis Alvarez and his colleagues discovered anomalously high concentrations of iridium in the clay layer which marks the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K /T ) boundary. Since iridium is not found in these extreme concentrations in the Earth's crust it was linked to iridium-rich cosmic agents which, subsequently, were made responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs. During the last decade mainstream scientists and the obedient public have gradually accepted the idea of global disasters caused by extra-terrestrial bodies. The most important factor for this paradigm shift, however, was the testability of this catastrophe hypothesis. If, as was claimed, a global disaster of cosmic origin had ever struck the Earth at the end ...
264. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... (New Scientist, 5.6 .04, p. 20; 22.5 .04, p. 19; 31.7 .04, p. 15; 17.4 .04, p. 17; 8.5 .04, pp. 32-35) Starting with the media's favourite, the latest on the dinosaur extinction is that they died immediately due to the heat caused by the now accepted impact, but the aftermath of an impact winter', previously thought to have lasted about a decade, is now deemed to have lasted for 2,000 years, wiping out many marine organisms. How the mammals, birds, crocodiles, snakes, ...
265. Origins: Today's Science, Tomorrow's Myth, by James E. Strickling [Journals] [SIS Review]
... admired by 19th century catastrophists, nor does he consider supernova explosions, collisions between neutron stars, passage through dark matter', extensive volcanism or crustal displacements, all of which have been put forward as possible mechanisms for catastrophes on Earth. Even more surprisingly, apart from a single paragraph on the Alvarez theory about the late-Cretaceous death of the dinosaurs, there is no acknowledgement of the potential catastrophic effects of asteroid and comet impacts, a topic which has received enormous coverage over the last 15 years. Whilst not all catastrophes could have been caused by these, some undoubtedly were: even today we see asteroids and comets in Earth-threatening orbits and on the surface of the Earth, associated ...
266. Thoth Vol IV, No 9: May 31, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... Collision was published, the viewpoint of orthodox science has changed dramatically, leading some to say that the only mistake Velikovsky made was presenting his theory at the wrong historical time. Over the intervening decades various innovators began to investigate catastrophic possibilities previously ignored. One of the milestones in this trend was the hypothesis of Leo and Walter Alvarez, claiming dinosaur extinction by asteroidal impact. While the initial response of official science was ridicule, over time the hypothesis began to gain general acceptance within the scientific community. Soon thereafter, the respected biologist Stephen Jay Gould acknowledged the occasional catastrophe in a theory of "punctuated equilibrium." And the British astronomers Victor Clube and William Napier opened the door ...
267. Puzzles of Prehistory [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... occasioned by rotation, might be expected to deepen the global ocean in some places more than in others, but nowhere to permit land to break the oceanic surface.) Consequently, one would not expect to encounter plants, snails, insects, or terrestrial vertebrates such as man. Paleontologists, of course, would expect to find no fossil dinosaurs, mammoths, or moas. They could reasonably expect to find no fossils at all, since fossilization is an exceptional, rather than a uniformistic, process. Geologists, even if endowed with futuristic diving and drilling gear, could not count on finding earth strata, such as those that mark off geological eras, periods and epochs because ...
268. Thoth Vol I, No. 16: June 15, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... debunk the story. He returned with bad news: the reports were correct. Everyone now accepts the existence of meteorites but the confirmation came too late to save hundreds of specimens from being unceremoniously thrown out of museums as "superstitious artefacts". The now widely-accepted theory that a hugh meteor struck the Earth 65 million years ago, pushing the dinosaurs into extinction, also came in for a least as much abuse as the idea of micro-comets when it was originally proposed. When the late Nobel Prize-winning physicist Luis Alvarez and his team first published their evidence for the giant impact in 1980, one authority described it as "a nutty theory of pseudoscientists posing as paleontologists". Today it ...
269. Scientific Dating Methods In Ruins [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... radiocarbon technique can be. When errors of this magnitude are found in the literature, we have a clear indication that something is wrong. These anomalies, and others reported below, will illustrate that this dating methodology contains problems. The radiocarbon dating technique is, perhaps, accurate dating back no more than 50,000 years. However, dinosaur bones, coal and oil that are supposed to be millions of years old have yielded radiocarbon dates. (8 ) Based on this methodology, these dates are not possible. J. Ogden, the director of a radiocarbon dating laboratory in Wesleyan University in Ohio, stated that the investigator is first asked what date he will accept for ...
270. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... engraved rock art has been dated at 45,000 years, 13,000 years earlier than the first in Europe. (See also Early Men Get Older', last issue.) On the other hand, claims for the survival of large and delicate protein molecules begin to transcend the realms of credibility. Proteins have been found in dinosaur bones supposedly 75 Myrs old and 30 Myr old DNA obtained from insects trapped in amber is twice as old as any previously found. Is it just conceivably possible that there is something wrong with the dating techniques? Astronomers cause tectonic upheavals Robert Matthews - Science correspondent Astronomy Professors Lyttleton and Bondi of Cambridge University have been treading on the geologists ...
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