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35 pages of results. 221. Poleshifts, Catastrophes, And Myths [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... question... [of the Pleistocene extinction] is this: Were they killed off or did they die off? It is tempting to explain mass extinctions by finding unique and irresistible agents that clearly are not part of the ordinary ebb and flow of biotic change on earth. For example, in the case of the Cretaceous-boundary [the dinosaur] extinctions, the possibility of extraterrestrial bodies catastrophically impacting the earth has been eagerly accepted by some scholars as a robust explanation for the sudden disappearance of so many dinosaur species."3 Pielou states: "The numerous environmental' [or climate] theories put forward to account for the extinctions-... all fail (in ...
222. Metamorphic Evolution [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... , the infant [like a newborn whale] dives and begins to suckle, . . . "10 In essence, the genetic and behavioral aspects of whales most closely resemble hippos. That is, "if hippos and whales share a close common ancestor, then it must be older than Pakicetus [the oldest whale, according to Gould's Dinosaurs in a Haystack, page 364] which is 49 million years old." 11 Thus, the whale lineage collapses based on this genetic evidence. If whales evolved from mesonychid carnivores, they should not be most closely related at the genetic and behavioral level to hippos, viz.,artiodactyl herbivores. Zimmer's book, At the Water's ...
223. The Gravitational-Electromagnetic Effects of Ultramassive Objects on the Solar System [Journals] [Kronos]
... This black hole is believed to have been molecular in diameter, with a mass of approximately 1020 to 1022 grams, the mass of a large asteroid. It has also been recently repostulated that a 10-kilometer wide asteroid travelling at 25 kilometers per second impacted the Earth, and cast enough meteoritic material into the atmosphere to cause the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.(9 ) From a physical point of view, the problem of collisions or encounters can be treated in a first approximation as a Rutherford scattering of neutral, nonmagnetic point masses.(10) In the Rutherford experiments, positively charged alpha particles were "shot" at a gold foil. These particles interacted ...
224. The Birth of Planets [Journals] [SIS Review]
... holding of these ideas against the ever more contradictory evidence has generated a curious paradox. A new breed of uniformitarians has come into being - super-catastrophic uniformitarians! This breed drives the Sun with nuclear fusion to keep it burning long enough for their slow processes to take place. They blow up stars in violent supernova explosions just to kill off a dinosaur or two (maybe) here on this quiet Earth sailing in the calm backwater of the Solar System. They postulate black holes (or should it be white holes?) to swallow stars or to eject the cores of galaxies in the remote distance. Even the initial formation of the Solar System, it has been suggested, was ...
225. Cometary Catastrophes and the Ideas of Immanuel Velikovsky [Journals] [SIS Review]
... impact energies readily explain the craters observed on planets, and the theory tells us that cratering itself is an episodic phenomenon. Missiles of 10 kilometres or more strike the Earth every 100 million years or so (within episodes of cratering), and it has become increasingly clear in recent years that the major extinctions, like the demise of the dinosaurs, are explicable as side-effects of such major impacts. Lesser impacts which are more common are quite capable of reversing the Earth's magnetic field, so with every episode of cometary activity producing about 20 missiles that reverse the magnetic field, there is almost certainly one larger missile that is capable of wiping out life on Earth. Each major extinction ...
226. ALL Honorable Men [Books]
... organisms evolved. This, then is how Gould and Eldredge chose to express how they were repelled by Velikovsky's theory. In 1971, D. A. Russell and W. Tucker were so repulsed by Velikovsky's cosmic catastrophic scenario that they wrote in Nature, Vol. 229, pp. 553-554, of "Supernovae and the extinction of the dinosaurs." And there are several other papers as well which may be found. (231) Yes, the human brain works in mysterious ways. Morrison and Chapman further suggest that "the catastrophism of . . . Velikovsky has little to offer." (232) Therefore, one would naturally expect astronomers to stay away from ancient ...
227. Society News [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . Even then another school of thought voted for massive endogenous volcanism as indicated by the Deccan traps. Only after evidence was discovered in Yucatan of a crater large enough and from the right time period could it be said that modern catastrophism had truly arrived, although by no means all the establishment accepts the impact theory for the extinction of the dinosaurs. However, in the course of 14 years books on the dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum have drastically changed from declaring that their extinction was not sudden to an impact scenario. Catastrophism, it seems, is indeed alive and well again. Bob Porter had been considering The Egyptian Third Intermediate Period. This is a notoriously difficult period ...
228. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... We also realise that the question of the root cause of the initiation of plate movement, with its vast outpourings of basalt, is still wide open. The degree of orthodoxy or controversy does appear to depend largely upon which expert in the field the author was consulting at the time. He unfortunately accepts without question the slow decline of the dinosaurs and the marshy origin of coal. He mentions without comment an area of sandstones with preserved ripple marks and a mixture of sand dune relics, cemented pebbles formed under water, fossilised plant roots and dinosaur footprints. However, he does document in detail a controversial archaeological find in the northern Yukon Territory which indicates that perhaps early man was ...
229. Exploding Planets and Non-exploding Universesed [Articles]
... high, upper atmosphere of the Earth. Nonetheless, if we are talking about those once per 50 million* year type events, the results are so serious that we have to consider this extreme case in order to have an appreciation for what comes in between with modest-sized impacts. (Sound track from video: "The Death of the Dinosaurs): "Why did the dinosaurs disappear? There are many theories. The most popular one says that in the Cretaceous period a giant meteor struck the Earth."...We lost our soundtrack. You can see the visual effects here, which are the principal thing of interest anyway. The soundtrack is just basically saying ...
230. Monitor. C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Krete-Triassic) boundary revealed fullerines too. No associated crater has been found, but if impact was in a non-shallow ocean none would be expected: even if the crust was disrupted subsequent replacement of sea-floors would hide it. For reasons not clear the impactor is thought to have been of c. 9km diameter similar to the one that extinguished the dinosaurs'. Does this tie up with the final sentence of Permian Pollution', p. 42, C&CR 2001:1 ? EVOLUTION It Came From Outer Space New Scientist 4.8 .01, p. 11, 15.12.01, p. 10 Discovery of microbes more than 40km above Earth's surface has ...
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