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35 pages of results. 11. The Impossible Dinosaurs [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:2 (Sep 2001) Home | Issue Contents The Impossible Dinosaurs TED HOLDEN described the problem of the size of dinosaurs in today's gravity. If size had been such an advantage, why had nothing evolved since to fill their place? Because there are size limits in animals that are designed to hunt, fly etc. A hundred years ago, it was thought that dinosaurs lived in water, but (a ) the area of their feet is too small to cope with muddy ground (b ) their teeth are suited to harder vegetation (c ) The snorkel idea of breathing is unworkable (d ) Fossilised tracks show that walking may ...
12. Dinosaurs Grow Ever Bigger [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon V:3 (Dec 1998) Home | Issue Contents News Flash Dinosaurs Grow Ever Bigger Tania ta Maria It seems that, with every new paleontological discovery, dinosaurs keep getting bigger. In recent years, Patagonia has become something of a dinosaur fossil paradise. The 42-foot long Giganotosaurus and the 100-ton Argentinosaurus had both been discovered in the northwestern corner of this Argentine region. Then, in January of 1996, Fernando Novas, a paleontologist from the Museum of Natural Sciences in Buenos Aires, was responsible for a new discovery. Some bones which Novas brought to light, and which at first were mistaken for the hind limb of a herbivorous dinosaur, turned out ...
13. Catastrophism and Evolution [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of Velikovsky, has proposed that cometary collisions may be responsible for the termination of geological periods, because the generally accepted dates for the stratigraphic boundaries over the last 36 million years correspond to calculated ages of various groups of tektites, which are possibly products of Earth-comet collisions [24]*. Furthermore, an earlier collision might have destroyed the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous Period [24]. The palaeontologist, M. W. de Laubenfels, had previously suggested that the dinosaur extinction might have been caused by a giant meteorite impact [25]. The engineer, Otto Muck, thought that a collision between the Earth and an asteroid might have led to the destruction ...
14. Radioactive Fossil Bones (Comments) [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... with special thanks to Llewellyn I. Price and Marçal Barros) Mongolia. In the December 77 issue of this journal (212) much space was devoted to the discussion of discontinuities in the fossil record and their possible causal connection with radiation bursts from Supernovae. On page 39, Salop mentioned the possibility of a primary enrichment in uranium of dinosaur bones, found in Mongolia and dated from the end of the Cretaceous, as opposed to the generally accepted mode of formation of radioactive bone occurrences by secondary enrichment. There would be migration and adsorption alriqht, but these might be superposed on an originally irregular distribution of radioactive elements throughout the geological column. Such a distribution could even have ...
15. Giants In The Earth [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... like the Saturn Myth is positively required to explain what turns up upon such a careful investigation and that there are, at least, four categories of evidence which suggest that the super animals of Earth's past could not live in our present world at all, due to what must have been a change in perceived gravity. A look at sauropod dinosaurs as we know them today requires that we relegate the brontosaur, once thought to be one of the largest sauropods, to welterweight or, at most, middleweight status. Fossil finds dating from the 1970s dwarf him. The Field Guide to Dinosaurs: The First Complete Guide to Every Dinosaur Now Known shows a brachiosaur (larger than a ...
16. New tallest dinosaur [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2000:1 (May 2000) Home | Issue Contents New tallest dinosaur Kronia List, 09 Jan 2000 Page 13 of the new issue of Popular Science shows a new candidate for dinosaur with the longest neck. Again, for any unfamiliar with this one, scientists have noted over the last few years that a sauropod could not hold his neck upright (in our gravity) since the heart it would take to get blood to its head at such heights would not fit inside its body. They have failed to note that such a creature could not hold its neck outwards either, since that would amount to requiring flesh and blood to deal with ...
17. Tektites, Wildfires and the Extinction of the Dinosaurs [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1987 No 1 (Sep 1987) Home | Issue Contents Tektites, Wildfires and the Extinction of the Dinosaurs by Trevor Palmer Several recent discoveries have strengthened the argument that a global catastrophe occurred 65 million years ago (by conventional dating), bringing to a close the Cretaceous Period and wiping out the dinosaurs and many other groups of living creatures. As discussed in SIS Review VII:A , pp.9-20, the Alvarez team produced the first scientifically acceptable evidence of the cause, in the form of an iridium abundance anomaly at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (C-T) boundary. This could have resulted from the impact of an asteroid or comet, ...
18. Prehistory and Earth Models [Books]
... animals at once. Fossils frequently appear in bunches and there is ample evidence in many cases for drastic distortion of the fossil remains under great mechanical stress, probably while the skeleton was still sufficiently new and ductile to permit such distortions [Ladd, 1957]. Fossil tracks and trails can be understood only by sudden change. For instance, dinosaur tracks were sometimes made in mud and preserved as rock without appreciable distortion or filling in of the track after it was made by the dinosaur. Some of these are tracks now found high in the Rockies where dinosaurs could not have roamed. Ordinarily, such tracks would be expected to fill in within a few hours, days or weeks ...
19. Towards a New Evolutionary Synthesis [Books]
... and birds, but a primitive bird with some of the characteristics of reptiles, he was surely indulging in a verbal and taxonomic quibble, since he was not disputing that birds evolved from reptiles [33]. The view established during the 1970s by, in particular, John Ostrom of Yale, was that skeletal similarities made early carnivorous therapod dinosaurs (especially coelurosaurs) good candidates to be regarded as ancestors of birds [38-40]. During the 1980s, Hoyle and Wickramasinghe attempted to remove Archaeopteryx from consideration as an intermediate in this evolutionary process by arguing that the well-known fossil kept in the British Museum (Natural History) was a forgery, produced by placing a thin layer of ...
20. Catastrophism and Evolution [Articles]
... Such a short timescale certainly required catastrophes to wipe out the animals no longer found living on the Earth, but known from the stratigraphic boundaries over the last 36 million years correspond to calculated ages of various groups of tektites, which are possibly products of Earth/comet collisions (22). Furthermore, an earlier collision might have destroyed the dinosaurs as it terminated the Cretaceous Period (22). The palaeontologist M.W . de Laubenfels had previously suggested that the dinosaur extinction might have been caused by a giant meteorite impact (23). The engineer Otto Muck thought that a collision between the Earth and an asteroid might have led to the destruction of the legendary Atlantis, ...
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