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35 pages of results. 181. The Book Case [Journals] [Kronos]
... *! * Image] INSERT KII2_114.TIF HERE Coming Soon from Doubleday . . . Immanuel Velikovsky's PEOPLES OF THE SEA Vol. IV in the Ages in Chaos Series. Ask for it in your local bookstore or library; or write to Doubleday & Co., Garden City, N. Y. 11535. The Hot-Blooded Dinosaurs by Adrian J. Desmond. Available from The Dial Press, New York, N. Y.; 238 pages plus index. In hard cover only. $12.95. "A Revolution in Palaeontology"- highly recommended. The Sirius Mystery by Robert K. G. Temple. Available from St. Martin's Press, ...
182. C&C Workshop 1988, Number 2: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... ? * What did they know? * Unique Uranus * Hairy Amber evidence * Thera - bigger yet! * Defenders of the Faith * Black gold * Crater hunting * Gravity violates Newton's laws * Of mice and ancient men * Ice age mysteries * Electricity in astronomy * The moons of Uranus * Advanced ancient technologies * Pluto's atmosphere * Revisionist dinosaurs * Ebabbara evidence * Pore power * Comet, meteor catastrophes 22 REVIEWS: Aeon - A Symposium on Myth and Science 29 The Life and Death of Megaliths 30 All That Glisters is not Gould 32 Stranger in the Valley of the Kings 33 The Archaeology of Ritual and Magic 34 LETTERS from M. A. Cook, D. P ...
183. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... into any more details of possible errors and misleading statements in this truly incredible book when one can quote from the blurb on the back cover: "In contrast to many advocates of catastrophism, Patten proposes a model. That model accords with Newtonian mechanics, geomagnetic principles, gyroscopic theory and historical accounts. " If that's true then I'm a dinosaur, surviving from the catastrophe of 65 million years ago. Eric Crew, 1989 Drew Symposium, 1991 Advance notice is given of the Drew Graduate School Colloquium meeting on Friday and Saturday April 19-20th 1991 on the subject of Evolution as a Cross-Disciplinary Theme'. Among the guest speakers committed is Niles Eldredge. Further details available from Roger Wescott ...
184. C&C Workshop 1989, Number 2: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... ? * `Planet is a Comet' * meteorites from the moon * Big Bang moribund? * mudflows on Mars * Voyager reaches Neptune * aurora generator * incredible star turn * comet orbits calculated * British cometary Dark Ages * chaos reigns * interpretations at fault * hidden eruptions * tidal earthquakes * Cretaceous Catastrophe? * warmer Antarctica? * dinosaurs leave their mark * life from comets? * unusual auroras * unpredictable climate models * Himalayan `Piltdown' * Thera theories * Iraqi finds * Exodus redating debate * new Bronze Age civilisation * New Kingdom discovery at Saqqara * Rameses found? * Hebron tradition * very ancient Peru * radiocarbon errors * capital find? * `catastrophism gone ...
185. Evolution Symposium at Southwestern University [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... other's viewpoints. Raup's second lecture epitomised the theme of the symposium, that a revolution had occurred about the thinking of evolution because of a 1980 discovery, with the result that gradualism is out and punctuated evolution is in. Raup admitted that when the Alvarez group first said in 1980 that the ending of the Cretaceous Period (and of the dinosaurs) was due to a meteorite hitting the Earth, he had thought the group was out of its mind. Yet by 1984 Raup and Sepkoski had become well known for their 32 million year cycle theory of meteorite impacts. He said that their cycle theory presentation was not well written, but they had been very lucky in that it ...
186. Wobbly World [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... shift in the pole by studying seamounts in the Pacific Ocean. The Washington Post concludes its report with the comforting note that: "There were no people around at the time, and Sager said that while this change is speedy to a geologist, it would not have been noticed by the dinosaurs who populated the planet then." ...
187. Faulting and Vulcanism [Books]
... , p. 323. 4. O. Kelly and F. Dachille, Target Earth, 1953, pp. 81-5. 5. J. J. Gilvarry, Nature, vol. exc, 1961, pp. 1048-53. 6. A. Dauvillier, La Physique Cosmique, 1951. 7. W. E. Swinton, Dinosaurs, 1962, p. 34. 8. ibid. pp 139 141 9. C.R . Academic des Sciences, Paris, vol. ccxlv, Stance du 29 Juil. 1957, pp. 547-9. 10. W. E. Swinton, op. cit., p. 34. 11. C.R ...
188. A Few Question Marks [Books]
... based upon observation of particular facts or experiments. Observation and experiment are restricted to events which are NOTES AND REFERENCES 1. It may be noted that the word bird is avoided, as the first flying animals were in fact reptiles for which the name of `bird' does not seem suitable. 2. E. H. Colbert, Dinosaurs, 1962, pp. 211-22. 3. Chitin is a hard, horny substance forming the protective shell (or exoskeleton) of certain crustaceans and the wing-cases of certain insects. ...
189. Cataclysmic Evolution. Ch.15 Cataclysmic Evolution (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... various species and many species in toto were rather suddenly exterminated, in conflict with the idea of slow extinction in natural selection, conforms with the theory of cataclysmic evolution. The enigmatic observation that the larger animals were particularly subject to extinction-the giant mammals that succumbed at the end of the Tertiary, and again in the Pleistocene, as earlier the dinosaurs did-is comprehensible if one thinks of the better chances smaller animals have of finding refuge from the ravages of nature. Natural selection had its role, too, but not in procreating new species; it was a decisive victor in the survival or dying out of new forms, in the struggle for existence, not only between individuals, races ...
190. C&C Review 1996:1: Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Roth E-mail All Subscriptions and Enquiries should be sent to the Hon. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Val Pearce (Mrs), 10 Witley Green, Darley Heights, Stopsley, Bedfordshire LU2 8TR, UK. Front cover: The 19th century catastrophist, William Buckland, examined the lower jaw of Megalosaurus, the first dinosaur to be described and named. (Reproduced by kind permission of the Natural History Museum, London). © The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies, Nov. 1996 ISSN 0953-0053 ...
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