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35 pages of results. 121. The SIS Evolution Debate Continued [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . One only has to contrast Jill's catastrophist explanation with the orthodox exasperation (Myers, Gould) to see how effective it can be. But one should also consider other examples, e.g ., the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary event. Following the terminal Cretaceous extinctions, there was a profusion in mammal types, filling many niches left by the dinosaurs. The mammal ancestors in the Cretaceous period (whose known fossils would only fill a shoe-box) were invariably very small shrew-like creatures. These evolved in a most spectacular fashion to become large families of land herbivores (e .g ., cattle, horse, pig), of rodents, of land carnivores (e .g . ...
122. Velikovsky and the Decline of Medieval Cosmology [Articles]
... physics and you can discover exactly what happens when one of these things hits the Earth and it's a great bang! I don't want to elaborate the consequences, but within recent years many scientists have got interested in the real possibility that major extinctions that occur in the history of the Earth are actually due to impacting missiles. For example the dinosaurs were wiped out in a very short space of time, and it's becoming increasingly clear that that could happen simply as a result of an impact by a missile of the most extreme size. You can go all the way through the geological record and discover that there is a whole range of possibilities arising because of impacts with bodies of ...
123. On the Disproportion between Geological Time and Historical Time. Part Two - of Earth, Fire and Water [Journals] [SIS Review]
... deposition are infinitesimal. Sea-water itself dissolves bones faster than they can be buried [19]. The most spectacular fossils are polystrates, those that are big enough to pass through several strata. In certain coal measures, for example in Yorkshire and Lancashire, upright fossil tree trunks are not uncommon [20]. Nor are great heaps of dinosaur bones, such as the find in Belgium described by Colbert [21]: "The fossil boneyard was evidently of gigantic proportions, especially notable because of its vertical extension through more than a hundred feet of rock." Laverdiere gives details of numerous fossil whale finds in the hills of the St Lawrence river valley [22]. ...
124. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Today Nov. - Dec. 95, pp. 212-213, New Scientist 23.3 .96, p. 17 Some geologists have now found traces of the K-T iridium layer within the vast outpourings of lava known as the Deccan traps. This is interpreted as meaning that the Cretaceous-Tertiary impact, thought to have caused the demise of the dinosaurs, could not have caused the massive volcanism, which must have started earlier. It all depends upon time scale, however. If the lava flows occurred over a matter of weeks and not millions of years, then they would have caught the iridium fall out from the atmosphere after they had started. Meanwhile geologists have found a pebble ...
125. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 000 years ago, which carried 2,500 cubic kilometres of Norway into the North Sea towards Greenland, ending up 500 kilometres away, and in 1979 300-700 cubic kilometres of sediment fell off the continental shelf of Newfoundland at speeds of up to 80 kph. The Norwegian slide helped the separation of Britain from the rest of northern Europe. Dinosaur Crater too Small (Science Frontiers, no. 151, Jan-Feb 2004, p. 3) New drilling results indicate the impact crater at Chicxulub is not so large after all! If the impact did occur at the time of the extinction of the dinosaurs then it was unlikely to be the sole cause. It was probably only one ...
126. The Prophecy In Paleontology [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... and day and night were not yet truly manifested. And it was precisely in the corresponding geological division, the Late Paleozoic, that such land animals developed. The fourth division of Europe's geological past was opened with the Hercynian Orogeny (of the Permian Period), which ushered in the Mesozoic Era.16 This was the age of the dinosaur, marked by huge land reptiles, sea monsters, and the first flying animals- first the flying reptiles and then the first birds. Genesis 1:20-23 describes God on the fifth "day" creating the latter two groups, the sea reptiles and flying creatures. The original Greek of the Septuagint specifies that these are sea reptiles ...
127. Index of Titles
... Catastrophist Tradition MAGE, SHANE H.: SOME NOTES ON PARKER'S "SOTHIC DATING" Mandelkehr, Moe: The Causal Source for the Climatic Changes at 2300 BC Maria, Tania ta: Black Holes and X-Rays Maria, Tania ta: Cleopatra's Palace Found Maria, Tania ta: Did the Amazons Exist After All? Maria, Tania ta: Dinosaurs Grow Ever Bigger Maria, Tania ta: Djorgovski's Mystery Object Maria, Tania ta: Earth's "New" Companion and a "New" Visitor From Space Maria, Tania ta: Earth's Twin Moons Maria, Tania ta: Magnetic Fields- Solar and Planetary Maria, Tania ta: Mummies Galore Maria, Tania ta: Neanderthal Symphony Maria ...
128. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... remains en masse. ALVAREZ THEORY GAINS SUPPORT - SCIENCE 209 22/8 /80, p.921-3 NATURE 288 18-25/12/80, p.651-6 SCIENCE 210 31/10/80, p.514-7 We have reported the renewed interest in the cause of the extinctions at the end of the Cretaceous Period (when the dinosaurs died off) in WORKSHOP 2:4 and successive issues since. One theory seems to be gaining widespread support, the catastrophist ideas of Alvarez et al that 65 million years ago Earth was struck by a giant meteor/asteroid. In SCIENCE 22/8 /80 there was a paper by R. Ganapathy giving his results of ...
129. A Comprehensive Theory on Aging, Gigantism and Longevity [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... larger in size, to present life forms. Cenozoic-Tertiary time is also interpreted as including the time or times of an icy-watery catastrophe or flood of global or planetary dimension. Cenozoic-Quaternary time (Pleistocene) reveals early post-Flood, post-ice age material, whether from caves, hunting sites, moraines, tar pits or whatever. It is common knowledge that dinosaurs of immense size and often bizarre attire are frequent in the fossil record (Mesozoic strata). What is not well known is that a general gigantism runs throughout the animal kingdom, a gigantism that is intercontinental in geography. Table 2 illustrates the universality and magnitude of gigantism in the paleo-animal kingdom. This record applies to all six major ...
130. "Cenocatastrophism" [Articles]
... catastrophes of global extent in recent times. "Catastrophism" itself, of course, is the name for a model which since the l9th century has existed in opposition to a rival, "uniformitarianism". When Velikovsky published Worlds in Collision uniformitarianism ruled the day. Now it no longer rules the day; the emergent scientific consensus that the dinosaurs were extinguished by a meteorite has left uniformitarianism itself a dinosaur among models. Without quite fully admitting it, science has moved on to the question, What kinds of catastrophism is it most eager to see adopted as models for future research? Cenocatastrophism designates a model for research which assumes that global catastrophes have occurred recently. The next question ...
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