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35 pages of results. 101. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... in the media for alternatives to Lyell and Darwin will be welcomed by catastrophists, but this 30-minute documentary on the new Creationist movement was an opportunity missed. The giveaway clue was its production as a religious programme in the Everyman series, rather than under the editorial control of BBC2's Horizon science documentary unit, which produced "The Death of the Dinosaurs". While not overtly biassed against either catastrophism or creationism, this presentation lacked any hard discussion of the issues involved. The ubiquitous Stephen Jay Gould (surely biology's answer to super-star Carl Sagan) maintained a loyalty to Darwin, even while beating a retreat to his chosen ground of punctuated equilibria. A professor Smith of Sussex University squirmed ...
102. On Ecological Niches in Evolution [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... settled down, the new inhabitants of an ecological niche have much in common with the former inhabitants, whether they are closely related to them or not. Jill thinks my example of ammonoids replacing ammonoids at the end of the Palaeozoic Era was a poor one, because of the close relationship involved, so let us consider what happened when the dinosaurs became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous Period. There were no survivors to stage a recovery, as happened with the ammonoids on the previous occasion, and their roles as large land animals were eventually taken over by the mammals. However, the body plans of dinosaurs and mammals had much in common, the main difference at the ...
103. Velikovsky Symposium- Florida, July 12 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... claeys00.html When the sky Fell on our heads: Identification and interpretation of impact products in the sedimentary record by Nikos Drakos, CBLU, University of Leeds U.S . National Report to IUGG, 1991-1994, Rev. Geophys. Vol. 33 Suppl., (c ) 1995 American Geophysical Union. The big problem with the dinosaur extinction by meteorite impact theory was that 45 years ago people did not know what the signature for a large meteorite or comet impact would look like. Regardless of whether the Chicxulube impact caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, geologists now know what to look for in terms of evidence indicating such an impact. However, even though the Holocene ...
104. Return to the Paelo-Saturnian Ssystem (Forum) [Journals] [Aeon]
... Is this an allusion to Saturn's ring(s )? If not, what was it? Finally (at least as far as this section is concerned), I would like to correct something else that Cardona misunderstood. When I mentioned that "Alvarez's meteor...[left] the mammals intact without a trace of the nasty dinosaurs who had kept us scurrying on the night-time forest floor," [45] I never intended to suggest that humans were around at that time! I haphazardly used the term "us" to connote our remote, common biological ancestors with the rest of the primate family. 2. YHWH [Editor's note: This second part of ...
105. Thoth Vol V, No 1: Jan 15, 2001 [Journals] [Thoth]
... a study could likely shed light on whether fission or fusion took place, when it took place, and the amount of fissioning/fusioning that occurred. It could also eliminate possibilities such as the radiation being natural, or even modern contamination events (such as surreptitious disposal or dispersal of radioactive waste). For example, Amy mentioned radioactive dinosaur bones and wondered what caused that. Knowing that the radionuclide is uranium strongly suggests that the radioactivity is natural. Determining the isotopic ratio of U235/U238 would confirm it, and a careful analysis of decay products associated with the uranium would clinch it with near absolute certainty. There is also a mechanism that is known .. . ...
106. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... jungles of the Carboniferous Period there emerged an organism that for the first time in the history of the world had more information in its brain than in its genes." Or "The R-complex [an entity of which more anon] is functioning in the dreams of humans; the dragons can be heard, hissing and rasping, and the dinosaurs thunder still." Sagan is much given to wonder as well as to purple passages. He wonders whether "the ritual aspects of many psychotic illnesses" and "the frequent ritualistic behaviour in young children" (what young children has he been watching?) represent a failure of neocortical control. And noting that australopithecines were only three-and-a-half ...
107. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the release? Impacts, volcanism or climate change? Evidence for a large impact at the time of the earlier Devonian extinction has been found in the form of shocked grains of quartz in Moroccan rocks, but no impact site has been identified. Moving on to the Cretaceous catastrophe, a site in Alaska has produced a massive amount of Ceratopsid dinosaurs, indicating that they roamed in large herds, like caribou, and died together in a catastrophe. Still more recently, at only 55 Myrs. at the end of the Palaeocene, there was a dramatic shift in carbon isotope ratios and a steep rise in water temperature. The blame falls once again on those methane hydrates, but ...
108. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... remains of at least 8 genera of ground sloths, some of which reached the size of elephants, have been found in Brazil and details fit descriptions of Mapinguari. However, more extreme descriptions, such as it being one-eyed, having a mouth in its belly and devouring the head of victims, seem distinctly mythological. Macmillan's illustrated encyclopaedia of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals, p. 261 Chalicotheres were huge browsing creatures, related to the hoofed animals, but exceptional in that they had large claws instead of hooves. They flourished in the Miocene period, up to 5 Myrs ago, but vanished along with an enormous range of huge mammals before the Ice Ages. However, decorations on ...
109. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Italy 2 Myr old tree trunks were unearthed. Relatives of trees which do not grow in Italy today, they were upright, though listing, and thought to have been buried in clay during an ancient earthquake. They looked, felt, and even smelled like living trees'. In Mongolia's Gobi Desert is one of the richest assemblages of dinosaurs ever found. They must have been buried soon after death and the rock suggests burial could have been due to violent sandstorms. Although supposedly 80 Myrs old, Freshly exposed skeletons sometimes look more like the recent remains of a carcass'. The Gobi, even in the Cretaceous, was supposed to have been dry yet the remains of ...
110. On the Possibility of Instantaneous Shifts of the Poles [Journals] [Aeon]
... to F.C . Hibben) of mammoths roamed Siberia and Alaska, large animals the size of which can be found today only in tropical regions, or in those areas where the supply of fodder is guaranteed all the year round. It's against common sense that precisely during the ice age, one of the largest zoological communities since the dinosaurs existed in those very areas which are today reputed, due to their extreme climatic conditions, as the most hostile on Earth. With the mammoths there were dozens other animal species, the majority of which are extinct today. Of these species we have a great number of skeletons, several complete animals that have been perfectly preserved in the ...
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