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35 pages of results. 91. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene periods are all contemporary with one another). Failing to grasp this, Velikovsky while at least cutting the time period down from millions of years to about 2000, has accordingly overrated the scale of the Exodus catastrophe. There is a slim possibility that Velikovsky might place the Flood at the time of the dinosaurs. This can easily be discounted. Stone Age Man could not possibly have survived in a world of flesh-eating dinosaurs like the 18 foot tall Tyrannosaurus Rex. Besides, in Kummel's book on p.37 we find a chart that clearly shows the dinosaurs drowned because of massive invasions of shallow seas upon the continents. The actual figures are ...
92. Wonderful Life [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... because all the diagrams had been neatly excised). The years of labourious work, although they eventually led to a major breakthrough in evolutionary thought, have gone relatively un-noticed in the public eye and Gould bemoans the fact that Opabinia, Anomalocaris, Wiwaxia, Hallucigenia and their like do not have the same familiar place in household language as the dinosaurs. The truth about the Burgess creatures turned out to be more spectacular than the names assigned to them. Very few could be legitimately placed in known taxonomic groups and though about half could be considered to be arthropods (the insect and crustacea group), these were unique and unlike any arthropods today, although they were every bit as ...
93. Palaeontology and Evolution [Books]
... new species could be more or less related to some still living ones, while others were widely divergent. For example, the first vertebrate animals (with backbones) are found only in the Devonian system. The first amphibia appear during the Carboniferous. Ammonites (a kind of Molluscs.) are not found before the Permian. The first dinosaurs and flying creatures appear during the Trigs. Some species utterly disappeared. For example, the end of the Cretaceous saw the extinction of all kinds of dinosaurs and ammonites. The woolly elephant (mammoth) utterly disappeared at the end of the Pleistocene. The examination of the world of fossils (incompletely summarized above in an over-simplified manner) ...
94. Index of Authors
... S. Allan, An Unexplained Arctic Catastrophe by Ev Cochrane, On Comets and Kings by Martin Sieff, The Father of the Gods? by Mike Rowland, Further Thoughts On Time by Terry Lawrence, Ekron and Gath - The Location of the Interior Cities of the Philistines Reconsidered by Trevor Palmer, Tektites, Wildfires and the Extinction of the Dinosaurs By Eva Danelius, An Appendix to My Articles on Hatshepsut and Thutmose III By Wal Thornhill, Snowball Mini-comets C C J. Ransom, The Origin of Certain Unexplained Depressions C. J. Ransom, A Note on the Temperature of Venus C. J. Ransom, Lunar Acquisition C. J. Ransom, Sagan's Appendices: A ...
95. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... distant rather than a nearby supernova. The distant explosion falls short by a factor of 10^6 where a Velikovskian scenario involving a Saturnian nova would be of the right order of magnitude. CYANIDE COMET?- Nature (22/5 /80) vol.285 p.202. The latest catastrophic theory for the extinction of the dinosaurs involves cyanide poisoning! Comet nuclei are known to contain methane and ammonia: cyanides can be formed from such mixtures. Comet Kohoutek, for instance, is known to contain considerable quantities of cyanide. Instead of an asteroid, Prof. Kenneth Hsu of Zurich postulates a comet as his catastrophic agent in killing off the dinosaurs. Heat would ...
96. Book Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... as due to the break up of a large asteroid causing a shower of meteorites; evidence of impacts possibly being two craters in Libya and groups in Kara and in the Ukraine. Rezanov considers this catastrophe, although probably the largest in the history of the Earth, can have done little more than accelerate the ongoing process of extinction of the dinosaurs. Rezanov's view of catastrophes' is more comprehensive than that of some. He includes fluctuations and reversals of Earth's magnetic field, not only in respect of its protective value against destructive cosmic radiation, but also regarding the direct effects of the field upon living organisms. However, he again stresses the lack of any sudden change and resorts ...
97. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... out to contain the biggest fossil find in North America! On the shores of the Bay of Fundy, north of Maine, Paul E.Olsen and Neil H.Shubin have made a quite remarkable find. Evidently there was a great profusion of bones, "sticking out all over the place", and the collection included those of dinosaurs, crocodiles, lizards, sharks and primitive fish, as well as those of the Trilethodonts, the reptiles closest on the evolutionary scale to mammals. They date from 200 million years ago, or approximately at the boundary between the Triassic and Jurassic periods. "The scientists said the new findings point to a catastrophic extinction right at the ...
98. A Personal Report on, and Irreverent Look at, the World Conference 'Planetary Violence in Human History' Portland, Oregon, January 3-5, 1997 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... spoke of the difference in outlook between US and UK astronomers: Americans worry about asteroids, British about cometary interaction. Robert Dunlap: Mass Extinctions'. Dunlap makes documentaries. He had a dream that Earth was struck by a large object and started reading about Velikovsky. He showed the first few minutes of his documentaries on the extinctions of dinosaurs. This was highly unsatisfactory because we got the lead-in but no development or conclusions. The films showed the correlation between impact craters and mass extinctions; there was a very tempting one about dinosaur bones in Alaska. All his evidence suggests either the Earth was spinning in a different direction at one time, with what is now North and ...
99. The Signature of Catastrophe (Reinterpreting the Geological Record) [Journals] [Aeon]
... contemporaneous, rather than sequential. But like the close of the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic upper boundary is marked by extinctions on a global scale, extinctions that uniformitarianism does not satisfactorily explain. Again we see preserved in the rocks the close of an apparent second phase of life and topography in the earth's history-a phase we know as the Age of Dinosaurs, some of those dinosaurs being the largest land-dwellers that ever lived. The earth was undoubtedly a long time recovering from its initial battering, but like the phoenix it continued to live in new form. And the biosphere took on an entirely new aura. Born somehow from creatures of the previous age bearing little or no resemblance to them ...
100. Perilous Planet Earth: Catastrophes and Catastrophism Through the Ages by Trevor Palmer. [Journals] [SIS Review]
... than 10 km and impact energies of the equivalent of 100 million megatons of TNT within the past 500 Myr' This statement would have been anathema in 1950. In chapter 20 Palmer summarises the large number of minor catastrophes that have recently been accepted and the likely consequences such impacts may have had. Chapter 21 deals with the death of the dinosaurs and the iridium layer. Though they were not the first to suggest it, the publication in 1980 by the influential Alvarez team, father and son, of the idea of a major comet impacting the Earth in Mexico and causing the iridium layer and the extinction of the dinosaurs, was suddenly accepted. Catastrophism was victorious, at least ...
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