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152 pages of results. 61. Chronological Problems in the Archaeology of the Hittites [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the theory of a massive migration of "Sea Peoples" through Anatolia and the Levant, destroying the Hittite Empire and driving its inhabitants to the south-east. The "Sea Peoples" theory rests on an interpretation of Ramesses III's war records that has certainly been taken too far. Even some careful scholars have been misled into accepting that "the destruction of Hattusha is connected, in the inscription of Ramesses III's eighth year from Medinet Habu, with the invasion of the peoples of the sea' who were advancing toward Egypt" [6 ]. Hattusa is not mentioned, nor is the destruction of any city. The fragmentary passage of the relevant inscription [7 ] describes troubles to ...
62. Some Preliminary Remarks About Thera and Atlantis [Journals] [Kronos]
... would seem unwise to trust any "old" carbon dates, and even the relatively young ones could appear too old from the impregnation of dead carbon.(2 ) Second, as to this being part of a global convulsion, more recent investigations of the event reveal that the eruption was an isolated occurrence, and was not nearly as destructive of nearby lands as had been claimed.(3 ) Third and fourth, regarding Venus and the Exodus, Velikovsky has the former pass very near the earth giving impetus to the latter at the end of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt = the Middle Minoan II ceramic period of Crete. This would fall some two centuries earlier than Thera ...
63. A LOOK AT THE FUTURE [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... catastrophes in the past, our ancestors generally believed that another catastrophe would follow. In the old traditions, this future catastrophe is known under names such as "Day of the Lord", "Day of Wrath", "Doomsday", "Ragnarok", and "End of the World". Some people even thought that world destructions repeat themselves at regular intervals, although there was a remarkable disagreement regarding the length of these intervals. Heraclitus taught that the world is destroyed in conflagration after every period of 10,800 years, but according to Aristarchus of Samos , the earth under-goes one destruction by fire and one destruction by water in each period of 2,484 ...
64. Natural Catastrophes During Bronze Age Civilisations [Journals] [Aeon]
... Liesching Preliminary Remarks If the Portland World Conference sponsored by Kronia Communications in January of 1997 provided a surfeit of possible planetary scenarios, each more preposterous than the previous one, the Second Cambridge Conference was deliberately set up to by-pass any planetary possibilities. One speaker even appeared to deny that any catastrophes of an extraterrestrial nature were required to cause the destructions attested in the Near and Middle East. The Conference was a worldwide event, with attendees and speakers from as far away as Australia, South Africa, Hawaii, Japan, Canada, the USA, even Russia, and various Continental European countries in addition to the bulk who came from the UK. There were about 100 attendees, ...
65. Skara Brae: A Time Capsule of Catastrophism? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . He has contributed articles on prehistoric archaeology to Current Archaeology and New Scientist and on ancient history to the SIS Review and Kronos. The curious Neolithic site of Skara Brae in Orkney shows great promise as a "type site" of catastrophism for prehistoric Europe. While there are no written records, the evidence supports a model for Skara Brae's destruction weaving together earthquake, violent climatic conditions, drastic cultural change and fear of extraterrestrial catastrophe around the end of the 3rd millennium BC. Cover picture (photo B. Moore): One of the extraordinary dwellings of Skara Brae, a Neolithic village of Orkney destroyed by natural catastrophe towards the end of the 3rd millennium BC, The huts ...
66. The Mesoamerican Record [Journals] [Pensee]
... general Mesoamerican period called the Early Formative, 1500-800 B.C . The second reaction is that the dates as they stand, particularly according to the revision proposed by Berger et al., bring to prominence the kinds of explanation for the four-phase sequence at La Venta which the catastrophic hypothesis would suggest. In a simplified version, the complete destruction of the Olmec I ceremonial center would correspond to the beginning of a new phase of celestial instability; the three renovations of the Olmec II Complex A would be accounted for by recurrent destruction caused by the close approaches of Mars; and the final abandonment of the site would reflect the last acts of the celestial struggle. In a more ...
67. The Hyksos and the Archaeology of Palestine [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a previous article (1 ) I attempted to show that the conventional date for the end of the Middle Bronze Age in Palestine (c . 1550 BC) is too high by over a century. At the end of the Middle Bronze Age almost all the major MB II C cities in Palestine were violently destroyed. I argued that these destructions were the work of the Israelites under Joshua, as recounted in the Old Testament (Josh. l-11). The implication of the Old Testament traditions is that the Exodus occurred in the middle decades of the 15th century BC, and that the Conquest began about a generation later (I Kings 6:1 ; Judg. 11: ...
68. Catastrophe and Divine Fires [Books] [de Grazia books]
... indeed upon the very words and acts of Moses, that the Israelites shunned the gods of the sky-the sun and moon, planets, and stars and would not fashion religious images. Although Yahweh is reconciled to the existence of other gods, he is zealous to be first and exclusive with his chosen people, on pain of their destruction. Yet the people knew there was more to the sky-scene than Yahweh. Heaven to the people of Israel was a thickly populated region. Besides the gods of their enemies, there were hosts of angels, animals and ancestors, not represented alone in the stars but by all the meteorites that flew in the disturbed skies. The heavenly ...
69. Chaos and Creation [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the more forceful is the reality behind the theme. GLOBAL RUINATION AND ITS PERPETRATOR In 1948, Claude Schaeffer published his comprehensive review of the field studies of Ancient Near and Middle East civilizations. He concluded that all had been concurrently destroyed by earthquake or other cause on several occasions. The many cities shown on the map of Figure 33 suffered destruction by natural causes, twice or more in the Jovean, Mercurian, Venusian and Martian periods. He goes far towards demonstrating that the conventional divisions of the Bronze ages are in fact divisions by catastrophe. No existing settlement escaped. Rockenbach, a careful collector of ancient materials, published in 1602 a work fixing a great cometary disaster at ...
70. The Riddle of the Earth [Books]
... are affected. Public arrangements are upset. Not only, indeed, are agriculturists and producers of almost all commodities hit hard by incessant bad weather but the whole life of the community is thrown out of gear. As these words are being penned great areas in the Thames valley and elsewhere are flooded, and the actual loss in damage and destruction is enormous. Any question of meteorological conditions is one therefore which affects one and all of us intimately, directly and indirectly, our healths and our pockets. In regard to the weather another observation is to be made. The commercial centre of the world and the seat of the greatest population amongst the white races is on either side ...
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