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1514 results found.
152 pages of results. 661. Volcanism [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Without the historical dating here, one would be inclined to assign very old ages (as was the case here before Marinatos discovered Late Bronze Age artifacts in the ruins of Akrotiri) in order to account for the superposition of heavy erosional' deposits and then a slow landscaping. Today, volcanism of all kinds may be remanent. Fascinating and destructive as it may be, it is as nothing compared with the volcanism of times past. The Soviet geologist, A.P . Pavlov, declared in 1936: "At the present time, only a residual, negligible manifestation of volcanic activity is observed on the earth; formerly, this activity was perhaps the most typical and almost ...
662. The Stratigraphy of Israel [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... putting David in the Iron Age since the shaft was still there in the Iron Age but it certainly makes it possible to put him in an MB/LB overlap as per my scheme. Jericho and Ai Jericho was the first town west of the Jordan to be conquered and destroyed by the Israelites. Ai was the second. Jericho has destructions at the end of both Early Bronze and Middle Bronze. The EB destruction matches my scheme and the MB destruction matches Bimson's scheme (also Bryant Wood's). Perhaps Bimson has the advantage on me here because I have to explain who built the MB city. The Bible records no rebuilding until the Iron Age although it does mention Jericho ...
663. SIS Talk Transcripts [Articles]
... SIS Talk Transcripts 7th Sep 1980 New Directions in Ancient History and the theories of Immanuel Velikovsky DR ELIZABETH CHESLEY BAITY Site Destructions and Discontinuities in the Bronze Age DR JOHN BIMSON Reassessing the Date of the Arabah Copper Mines DR John Fermor A Revised Astronomical Chronology for Egypt 6th Jun 1981 Catastrophism Old & New PETER WARLOW Astronomical Theories and Ice Ages DR DON ROBINS Problems of Radiometric Dating PETER JAMES Plato's Atlantis and Prehistoric Europe PLUS FILMS of the Voyager Missions to Jupiter and Saturn, presented by WAL THORNHILL 27th Sep 1981 Velikovsky and his Heroes Talk by Martin Sieff 17th Oct 1981 Physics, Astronomy and Chronology A talk by Dr Earl Milton 26th Jun 1982 Velikovsky's History & Cosmology DR JOHN BIMSON ...
664. The Female Star [Journals] [Aeon]
... , for it holds that these particular mythical themes commemorate specific historical events witnessed by ancient man the world over- namely, spectacular cataclysms associated with the respective planets. The Lady of Heaven A survey of the mythology surrounding Venus reveals a vast set of endlessly recurring themes: the planet as mother goddess; the planet as agent of death and destruction; the planet as "eye" of heaven; the planet as "fire-breathing" dragon; the planet as witch-like hag; the planet as paramour of Mars; and countless others. Comparative analysis of the various themes to be found scattered around the globe, in turn, allows for the reconstruction of an archetypal Venus myth which, ...
665. Puzzles of Prehistory [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... non-existent. Among these traumatically-induced innovations, I believe, were the following: 1. Cyclicity, such as alternations between diurnal and nocturnal activity or between estrus and sexual latency; 2. Xenophobia, or hostility toward other communities; 3. Periodic overpopulation, functioning as double insurance against sudden extinction; 4. Migration, occasioned by the frequent destruction of habitats or exhaustion of food sources; 5. Hunting- that is, aggressive predation as opposed to unhurried scavenging; and 6. Ritualism, or the obligatory use, for communicative purposes, of displaced feeding or mating movements. PLANETARY RELOCATION One of the behavioral splits referred to above as dissociative is the distinction, which goes back at ...
666. Heinsohn's Revised Chronology [Journals] [Aeon]
... contexts have been tested by this method, and their thermoluminescence dates support dates obtained by radiocarbon dating of related materials. (27) For example, at Myrtos in Crete an Early Minoan town was destroyed c. 2200 BCE according to the pottery chronology scholars have worked out for Minoan sites. Calibrated radio-carbon dates for burned roof timbers from the destruction layer yielded a mean date of 2520 BCE plus or minus 60 years (which is the date for the wood in the beams, not for the destruction itself). Pottery fragments from the destroyed houses had a thermoluminescence date of 2380 BCE plus or minus 250 years. (28) There are still some problems with these scientific dating ...
667. A Critique of "Ramses II and His Time" [Journals] [SIS Review]
... be untenable, especially in view of the excavations carried out at Boghazköy since 1931. The excavations there have shown in the layer above the destroyed buildings of the New Hittite Empire a complete cultural correspondence with Alisar IV', thus indicating that Alisar IV' does not represent the New Empire in distinction from the Old but was deposited after the destruction of the New Hittite Empire. In line with this the excavations on the citadel mound at Alisar in 1932 have definitely shown that the finer ware of Alisar IV' resembles, or is identical with, Phrygian ware as found at Gordion, a residence of the Phrygian kings till its destruction by the Cimmerians about 680 B.C . ...
... king. And what more can be said, but that those who before were the most intimate friends, were become wild beasts to one another, as if a certain madness had fallen upon them, while there was no room for defense or refutation, in order to the discovery of the truth, but all were at random doomed to destruction; so that some lamented those that were in prison, some those that were put to death, and others lamented that they were in expectation of the same miseries; and a melancholy solitude rendered the kingdom deformed, and quite the reverse to that happy state it was formerly in. Herod's own life also was entirely disturbed; and ...
669. Nor Heaven Nor Earth Have Been at Peace: The Contemporary Foundations of Shakespeare's Cataclysmic Imagery (Concluded) [Journals] [Kronos]
... he describes fit very accurately the movement of a weather front along a squall line at speeds of at least forty miles an hour, if not a great deal faster. The premiere event of the early 1560's, however, was the burning of St. Paul's steeple by lightning on 4 June, 1561, and again in 1563. The destruction of the steeple engendered a veritable avalanche of ballads and homilies about the wrath of God. Among these was a "Lament eche one the blazing fire," A Dialogue of the Rufull burrnynge of Powles, by John Cherlewood, William Sere's The True Report of the burnyng of the steple and churche of Poules in London, and, ...
670. Reviewing Velikovsky'S Venus And Mars Theories [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... and floating away from the Sun in space. One recollection is from Greek, the ancient "fleece of Ares (Aries)." Perhaps there is another slightly-known example, but easily available in ancient literature. We refer to the Bible, and the wing-like, wavy movements that were attributes of the Hebrew Angel of the Lord (the destructive Mars-Sammael). Mars had surface ice but in only one hemisphere: It rotates in 24 hours, 37 minutes. Therefore, ices vaporized and floated away, forming a cometary tail, in a wavy 12hour pattern, off and on. Its surface warming, Martian ices vaporized for 8 to 10 hours, and they didn't for 14-16 ...
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