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1514 results found.
152 pages of results. 601. Forum [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Hittites". "And David lifted up his eyes, and saw the angel of the Lord (Satan) standing between the earth and the heaven, having a drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem." What King David saw, over Mt. Moriah, was the comet/planet Venus, in its 10th cycle of destruction. It was his 28th year, and the time was 982 BC. This incident so impressed David that this site was chosen for Solomon's temple. There is an inherent weakness that underlies both the Glasgow and Rohl/James chronologies. They fail to understand and make use of the catastrophic Venus/Jubilee and Raash Cycles, from the ...
602. Chapter 4 Scientific ? Radiocarbon Dating [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... with expectations. As with the pyramid of Amenemhet I, this scenario is simply pulled from thin air. Fischer, as a critic of historians' fallacious reasoning, maintains in his chapter on "Fallacies of Factual Verification," "that erroneous understandings of the verification process have caused historians to adopt dysfunctional methods and procedures, which are utterly destructive of empirical scholarship."8 In his chapter "Fallacies of Generalization" he holds that this kind of manipulation of evidence 6 ibid. 7 James et al., op.cit., p. 387 8 Fischer, op.cit., p. 41 122 VELIKOVSKIAN Vol. VI, Nos. 1, 2, ...
603. The Creation of the Earth -- the First Account [Books]
... be called words, is unknown, but it has been supposed to describe utter chaos'. Most probably the passage contains a very much worn-down reference to some myth of the great cataclysm which had practically destroyed the Former Earth, and which has been eliminated from the creation account in the Book of Genesis but for this faint echo. World destruction myths are not infrequent in biblical literature, but most of them are fragmentary. For obvious reasons they appear in the' form of prophetic utterings. In the first chapter of the Book of Zephaniah, for instance, we find the following passage: (2 ) I will utterly consume all things from off the land .. . ...
604. Atlantis (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... , ' and so too the captain of the cable steamer. But the former had cruised, perhaps, hardly two miles from the ruined hails of the royal castle of Atlantis, and the latter may have laid a cable across the very market-places of the Seven Cities. It would be very strange if there were only one report of the destruction of Atlantis, and it would cast a very unfavourable light upon the veracity of Plato. The vast island must have been densely populated, and out of its teeming millions quite an appreciable number must have survived the catastrophe. Besides, Atlantis was a colonial empire, and many of her sons must have been absent upon military, diplomatic ...
605. The Eye Goddess [Journals] [Aeon]
... Serpent Uraeus, who guides the people, O Lady of Fire, O Searing One, O Devourer, O Scorching One..." [19] The mythology surrounding the two goddesses also shares important themes in common. One of the best-attested myths involving Hathor finds that goddess abandoning Egypt for Nubia whereupon she goes on a rampage of destruction in the form of a raging eye. It is only through the magical craft of Shu that the warrior-goddess is pacified and made to return to Egypt. [20] A very similar myth surrounds the Sumerian Inanna, who abandons Eanna to journey to the underworld, where she is raped by the gardener Sukalletuda. It is, in ...
606. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... this had been different 5-10,000 years ago then comet material should still be in evidence, just as the Taurid stream is today. We therefore appear to be living in the post break up period of a giant comet. Such recent events would have had a strong influence on religion and astronomy/astrology and in the long term massive destructive events by bombardment and resulting climate change would have affected evolution via random extinction and survival. Answering questions, Mark Bailey agreed that there are also important electromagnetic effects but there has been little work on this yet. We were very pleased to welcome a second speaker, John Milsom, who had unfortunately been unable to let us know that ...
... ancient civilised races who studied astronomy. This symbol, introduced in all the continents at some distant time, comprised an orb or globe with wings, a fantail or hawk's tail, and serpents' heads crowning the orb. It embraced in short all the characteristics of a comet, its nucleus, its tail, its rapidity, and its destructive power; while the symbol was painted on the pylons of temples in brilliant colours to correspond with its flaming gases. Mr. George F. Chalmers, F.R .A .S . (The Story of the Comets), says that comets without tails outnumber those with them, but it may be objected on the other ...
608. Minerals, Metals, Glazing and Man, by John Dayton, Reviewed by Geoffrey Gammon [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... .C . In Palestine, the term Early Bronze Age is recognized to be a misnomer, since the EB I, II, and III strata there reveal very little copper and no bronze. Only in Middle Bronze levels is there substantial evidence of metals and metallurgy. The excavator of Ras Shamra, Claude Schaeffer, attributed this to widespread destruction in Anatolia at the end of the Early Bronze Age, which brought to an end the rich civilizations of Troy III, Alaça Hüyük, and Alishar, and forced their skilled craftsmen to migrate southwards, bringing with them their advanced technology.6 In Part III of his book, therefore, Dayton charts the development and spread of the ...
609. David, Solomon & Archaeology: Revised Chronologies Compared [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the Egyptian-allied Solomon would certainly work especially well [16]. A consideration of the end of Megiddo VIIA seems to provide support for specifically a c. 200 year downdating. This would date the end of this stratum to soon after 940/930, i.e . to about the revolt against Rehoboam. This could fit well with destruction at the end of VIIA [17] and could very nicely explain the abandonment of ivories by the populist character of the revolt. The disuse of Megiddo as a royal centre for some time after stratum VIIA would further reflect this repudiation of Solomon's extravagances [18]. In any case, a synchronism between the reigns of Solomon and ...
610. Cosmic Catastrophes and the Day of the Lord [Articles]
... , which you have as a very prominent theme in the Old Testament and it is picked up also in the New Testament, as some day in the future when the wrath of God will be visited upon the Earth and it will be accompanied by all these kind of things. It will be a day of trouble, a day of destruction, darkness and not light, a day of vengeance, a day of battle, thick darkness, gloominess, fire, earthquake and so on. Having said that, I would like to try for a few minutes to develop this theme. The theme is such that one really needs an hour or two to just lay the groundwork ...
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