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152 pages of results. 551. Ark Myths (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... From: Moons, Myths and Man by H. S. Bellamy CD Rom Home Last | Contents | Next 14 Ark Myths By far the greater number of deluge myths relate that the hero escaped the general destruction by taking to a vessel and sailing to safety. The universality of this trait is really striking and surely indicates a high standard of shipbuilding and navigation in prehistoric days. As we have just seen in some of the Jewish myths, the deluge warning, and the usual accompanying suggestion to build some vessel, were often given to a whole nation, but apparently only followed by very few individuals. Probably most people felt quite safe in spite of the raging of ...
552. The Legends of the Jews: Volume III [Books]
... Back | Main Contents | Volume Contents | Forward The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Volume III Bible Times and Characters from the Exodus to the Death of Moses Moses' Legacy to Joshua Moses' Last Campaign The Complete Annihilation of Midian The Gruesome End of Balaam The Victorious Return from the War Wealth that Bringeth Destruction Moses' Death Irrevocably Doomed Moses' Prayer for Suspension of Judgement God Tries to Comfort Moses Concerning His Death The Intercessions for Moses Moses Serves Joshua MOSES' LEGACY TO JOSHUA After Moses had announced Joshua as his successor before all the congregation, he disclosed to him that the course of his own life was run, and that he would now depart to his ...
553. The Legends of the Jews: Volume III [Books]
... exalt Him. '" Moses then said to God: "O Lord of the world! Thou hast so many nation in Thy world, but Thou carest nothing about recording their numbers, and only Israel dost Thou bid me count." God replied: "All these multitudes do not belong to Me, they are doomed to the destruction of Gehenna, but Israel is My possession, and as a man most prizes the possession he paid for most dearly, so is Israel most dear to Me, because I have with great exertions made it My own." [313] Moses further said to God: "O Lord of the world! To our father Abraham ...
554. "As Above, So Below" Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Straight-Line Phenomena [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... for their societies' needs. This is a fact no longer capable of successful challenge despite conventionalist debunkers' indignant outcries. The ancients studied the movements of the sun and moon, as well as certain bright stars, to detect any disturbance in their motion or time of appearance, because this meant a change occurring in the heavens and perhaps destruction to their way of life would result. They were intelligent enough to know that disturbances were caused by comets and their remnants, meteorites, even though they may have considered these to have been sent by the "gods," perhaps as punishment. "Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake ...
555. Kintraw and Bibby (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... platform is part of a whole body of evidence of distributional, structural, and geomorphological considerations. I believe that the evidence which is so far available supports the hypothesis that the platform is man-made, though I would not regard the matter as closed. I suggest it would be more productive to explore other avenues for information rather than indulge in destructive and ill-informed criticism. J. S. Bibby, Macaulay Institute for Soil Research Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, Scotland REFERENCES W. C. Krumbein, Journal of Geology 47 (1939). P. W. Harrison, Journal of Geology 65 (1957). S. B. McCann, Geol Mag., Vol. XCVIII, ...
556. The Legends of the Jews: Volume II - Moses in Egypt [Books]
... , it turned into blood. To be sure, nothing helped the Egyptians in their distress, for though they drank water from the same cup as an Israelite, it became blood in their mouth. However, this plague did not impress Pharaoh as a punishment inflicted in the name of God, because with the help of the Angels of Destruction the magicians of Egypt produced the same phenomenon of changing water into blood. Therefore he hearkened not unto the words of Moses.[178] The next was the plague of the frogs, and again it was Aaron that performed the wonder. He stretched forth his hand with his rod over the rivers, and caused frogs to come ...
557. Plagues and Comets [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the Moon [18]. Astronomers are most reluctant to conjecture a comet of such size or greater, lacking an historical experience, and it is true that, at a close distance or in collision, a very much smaller body would do the same damage.[19] The comet called by many "Typhon," brought "destructive, diseased and disorderly" changes with "abnormal seasons and temperatures," wrote Plutarch [20]. We shall have more to say about it in the next chapter. COSMIC PLAGUES The fateful encounters between ex-Prince Moses and Pharaoh Thoum took place at the Egyptian capital city, of Itj-towy, near the Delta [21]. They ...
558. The Scientific Reception System [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the work of Velikovsky. However, it would appear that the specialists' functions in the Velikovsky case were primarily to proclaim their competence and to disperse the vulgar masses who claimed to see revelations of value in Velikovsky's writings. Instead of specialism being used as a positive weapon of analysis, it tended to be used as a negative weapon of destruction: Anything un-narrow must be bad. ' Professor Boring wrote in an article on unorthodoxies of science that agreement by trained scientists is the critical determinant of truth [8 ]. His theory, itself unorthodox, and not part of the rationalistic model, was used to show why Velikovsky was wrong even by those scientists who were operating in ...
559. Late Pleistocene Extinctions: No Evidence for Plato's Atlantis [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... and taiga zones. All of this is generally agreed. The argument which pervades Quaternary Extinctions is about possible causes. In 1972, L. Zajdler proposed that Atlantis had been destroyed by the collision of the Earth with the nucleus of a comet [3 ]; even earlier, Otto Muck had argued that an asteroid was the agent of destruction. Were the late Pleistocene extinctions caused by such an agent? Alas, it seems the answer must be "no", or at least, "not directly". For a start, the extinctions were not synchronous. Mammoths were rare or possibly extinct in Europe at a time when they were still plentiful in America. The ...
560. The Unworkable Polar Saturn [Journals] [Aeon]
... that of the Moon, the tidal potential of Saturn in the model would be about 60,000 times that of the present lunar potential. (1 ) Such an immense tidal force and consequent deformation of the Earth cannot move across the face of the Earth twice daily in the manner of the lunar tidal deformation, because of the totally destructive earthquakes, vulcanism, and floods that would result. This gigantic tidal force would in any case hold Earth in captured rotation, that is, with the same face always turned toward Saturn. Due to this the Earth would rotate once with respect to the stars while it orbits Saturn once with respect to the stars, and would rotate ...
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