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1514 results found.
152 pages of results. 521. Aphrodite The Moon or Venus? (Continued) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of reference. When Botticelli painted his delicate and tranquil Birth of Venus (as the Latins called Aphrodite), he was working under the effects of 2000 years of brainwashing. He had of course the tradition as it moved through the Song of Love. The major story of her birth is that she was born in the throes of the destruction of Uranus by his son Kronos (Saturn), who severed his father's genitals with a crude sickle of flint and flung them into the sea. From the foam of these organs arose Aphrodite, literally "the foam-born". Actually, she may have risen for the first time as Moon out of the destruction of a heavenly body ...
522. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... plates slip past each other. Possibly it is lubricated by high pressure carbon dioxide from deep within the earth. If so, then an increased build up would eventually cause a massive quake as the plates were pushed apart by the gas. Once a crack in the earth starts it may be drastically speeded up by ultrasound produced by its own destruction. Californians associate earthquakes with certain weather conditions but no reasons are forthcoming. One large earthquake in 1992, however, seems to have left a legacy of recurring small quakes every September after the lower atmospheric pressure of summer may have released pressure on the crust. Could the initial quake have left the local fault lines in a highly sensitised ...
523. The Case for Retaining a Dark Age at the end of the Late Bronze Age. C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the star Anat has fallen from heaven. It slew the people of Syria'. However, Ugarit itself was later destroyed in an event that involved great heat: even the earth was cooked to a deep yellow. Therefore more than one episode needs to be taken into account. This is precisely the situation discovered by archaeologists: two major destruction events separated by a period of about one generation - the end of LBIIB and the end of LBIIC. The first event brought numerous refugees to Cyprus and the second dispersed them further afield, including SW Canaan. This subsequently became known as the land of the Philistines and much later as Palestine. Hence comes the conundrum for revisionists. ...
524. The Miracles of the Exodus by Colin Humphries and The Moses Legacy by Graham Phillips (Book reviews) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the Mediterranean tides, and this has been dated some while previous to Amenhotep III. However, it is perhaps better to allow Phillips view on Sekhmet the benefit of the doubt as fire and ashes clearly fell on the Minoans. As they had close trade and cultural ties with the Egyptians, presumably the latter knew all about the level of destruction on Santorini. Indeed, such a location for Exodus leads to a variety of other points of interest. As Thutmose III refers to Hapiru captives he makes the suggestion these were the Israelite slaves. He also pushes back the destruction of Jericho to the end of the LB age, in late dynasty 19. However, unlike Humphries, ...
525. The Climate Hypothesis [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... the same applies to large red and gray kangaroos. They also require more vegetation than their smaller, extinct cousins to survive. Yet the smaller ones perished while they managed to flourish, exactly the opposite of what the climate theory would predict occurred to various animals. The point to emphasize is that climate cannot be employed as a source of destruction of certain animals (mammoths) if its effects can be shown to also produce environments beneficial to others (camels) which also became extinct. This becomes an especially telling argument with respect to plants and cold blooded life forms. If the climate could exterminate large, warm-blooded animals, then it would have had an even more profound effect ...
... strike the earth's atmosphere. Another admitted meteor was the Siberian Meteor of June 30, 1908. The only educated men who have penetrated the remote scene of this visitation are Leonard Kutik, the Russian geologist, and some companions, who in 1927 succeeded in reaching the spot in Northern Siberia. Over an area of 70 miles or more the destruction of the forests in the track of this body was complete, the trees hurled outwards from the point of contact with their branches stripped off by electric current. At the place of impact is a crateral valley. Russian accounts gave terrifying details of the natives outside the track of total destruction, and the explosions were heard up to 60o ...
527. Saul, David and Solomon [Journals] [SIS Review]
... David and Solomon by J. Eric Aitchison Introduction and Summary Velikovsky had a hero in Saul [1 ] and argued his case eloquently [2 ]. Historical credit for freeing the Near East from the yoke of the Hyksos belongs to Saul, but his great deed was not esteemed, not even recognised. The capture of Avaris and the destruction of the Amalekite host changed the course of history. Once more Egypt rose to power and splendour after being freed from hundreds of years of abject slavery by a descendant of the Hebrews who had been slaves there. ' [3 ] Velikovsky argued that the story of Saul's attack on the Amalekites [4 ] was the same attack that ...
528. Matters Arising [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Horus is most usually credited with being a solar deity. Apollo = Mars? Peter James has drawn our attention to the relationship between Apollo and the mouse. "Mouse Apollo", an oracular mouse, was consulted in the shrine of the Great Goddess.(10) Both Josephus and Herodotus tell of the role of mice in the destruction of the army of Sennacherib, an event described in the Bible as being due to a "ruach", or heavenly blast. Dr Velikovsky identified Mars as being the agent of destruction in the time of Sennacherib and Hezekiah. He also noted that cities in Egypt with the cult of the sacred mouse were sacred cities of thunderbolts and ...
529. Shattering The Myths Of Darwinism by Richard Milton (Book review) [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... manifestation, of course, is not only religious but Biblically monotheistic: creation is carried out by the One True God of Neo-Semitic faith. But most pre-Christian peoples were polytheistic. Among them, scholarly priests as well as laymen saw creation as pluralistic, one god's creation being opposed by the divergent creation of another, and both being threatened with destruction by a third. This view of creation and destruction (or speciation and extinction) is still common among non-monistic Hindus. It accords better than does Biblical creationism with the paradoxical mixture of interdependence and antagonism that zoologists and botanists encounter in surveying relations between individual organisms, populations, and species. In addition to these two types of creationism ...
530. Changes in the Rotation Axis of Earth After Asteroid/cometary Impacts and Their Geological Effects [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... value of the torque developed by the impact has to be greater than a "threshold" value, equal to the stabilizing torque developed by the equatorial bulge. A rough calculation shows that such threshold value can be reached during an impact of asteroids the size of one km. A sudden shift of the poles like this would provoke: immediate destructive phenomena all over the world, due to earthquakes, hurricanes and tides of exceptional magnitude and to a temporary freezing of the climate; a violent burst of volcanic activity in all areas interested by the "reshaping" of the equatorial bulge; perturbation of the magnetic field; change of the Coriolis component acting on all continental masses displaced in ...
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