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152 pages of results. 41. Conquest of Canaan, and, Hyksos and the Archaeology of Palestine [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... "A Chart for the Conquest of Canaan" and "The Hyksos and the Archaeology of Palestine"). I believe a reaction to these articles would be an auspicious beginning for "Interaction". Dr. Bimson realizes that the conventional archaeologist has a great deal of problems with the excavations of Jericho. The Bible tells of the dramatic destruction of this city; this was, of course, unfortunate for the people living there, but it has proved to provide a fascinating challenge to modern day excavators who would find that destroyed stratum. Unfortunately for Dame Kathleen Kenyon, for example, only meagre finds were uncovered for the entire Late Bronze Age. She explained the absence of ...
42. Earth-Venus Contacts in the Late 3rd Millennium BC? [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... catastrophes on Earth has been equally strongly criticised, and has been stoutly defended. However, one major assumption of his thesis has almost gone unchallenged, namely that there was just the one epoch of "Venus catastrophes" (in the times of Moses and Joshua). For in Worlds in Collision Velikovsky collects many examples of Venus goddesses causing destruction but without, in the vast majority of instances, being able to show that these relate to c.1500 BC and not an earlier or a later date. If, as I have suggested on a number of occasions, the Venus deity visited catastrophe on Earth prior to 1500 BC then the matter of ascribing a date of composition ...
43. The World Ages, Prologue Ch.2 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... the Greeks kataklysmos, which means deluge, and a great summer, called by the Greeks ekpyrosis, or combustion of the world. The world, actually, seems to be inundated and burned alternately in each of these epochs." Anaximenes and Anaximander in the sixth pre-Christian century, And Diogenes of Apollonia in the fifth century, assumed the destruction of the world with subsequent recreation. Heraclitus ( -540 to -475) taught that the world is destroyed in conflagration after every period of 10,800 years. Aristarchus of Samos in the third century before the present era taught that in a period of 2,484 years the earth undergoes two destructionsof combustion and deluge. The Stoics ...
44. Paleo-Calcinology: Destruction by Fire in Pre-historic and Ancient Times Part I [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. I No. 4 (Winter 1976) Home | Issue Contents Paleo-Calcinology: Destruction by Fire in Pre-historic and Ancient Times Part I Alfred De Grazia Copyright © 1975 by Alfred de Grazia [Note * This paper is an expanded version of one that was first presented on June 18, 1974 before the international symposium- Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System- held at McMaster Univ., Hamilton. Ontario.] Scientists probing the subsoil in their attempts to build up the record of prehistoric and ancient humanity have paid little attention to ashes and other evidences of high heat and conflagration that they have encountered. We would agree with Claude F. A ...
45. Abraham and Phallicism [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... similar explanation for the two phallic events. These may have been two different, already old, ways of trying to relate to the heavens after Saturn's loss of the column which appeared to have reached from Earth to Saturn. The heavens needed to be assuaged in Abraham's day because of the obvious danger from above which was to culminate in Sodom's destruction. I lean towards the arguments of those who believe Venus was the agent of Sodom's destruction and the source of the sulphur which rained from heaven. Background There are myths which have the phallus as part of the drama. In an Egyptian story [2 ], Osiris, identified as Saturn [3 ], was torn into fourteen ...
46. Philologos | The Legends of the Jews: Volume IV [Books]
... of the Captives The Sons of Moses Ebed-Melech The Temple Vessels Baruch The Tombs of Baruch and Ezekiel Daniel The Three Men in the Furnace Ezekiel Revives the Dead Nebuchadnezzar a Beast Hiram The False Prophets Daniel's Piety ZEDEKIAH The execution of one king and the deportation of another were but preludes to the great national catastrophe in the time of Zedekiah, the destruction of the Temple and the exile of the whole people. After Nebuchadnezzar had led Jehoiachin and a portion of the people into banishment, his commiseration was aroused for the Jews, and he inquired, whether any other sons of Josiah were still living. Only Mattaniah was left. (1 ) He was re-named Zedekiah, in the hope ...
47. Gezer and the Mysterious Gates of Solomon [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... other time was Ashdod under the control of such a rich and powerful neighbor as the gates imply. At Gezer the gateway was built immediately after a period of time that the Israelite Kingdom under Joash invaded Judah and broke down part of Jerusalem's walls after they had taken Amaziah, father of Uzziah, prisoner. There is no disagreement that the destruction associated with Stratum XVIII at Gezer, identified by Dever as the end of MBIIC/LBIA, was the result of the invasion of Thutmose III. Where then is the town the Egyptian king burned and then gave to Solomon's wife? Dever, in order to keep his "Solomonic Gate" identification has had to assume that after Gezer ...
48. Biblical Pentapolis or Midianite Cities? [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History IX:1 (Jan 1987) Home | Issue Contents INTERACTION Biblical Pentapolis or Midianite Cities?Dwardu Cardona My earlier critique of Stan Vaninger[1 ] was not, as he claimed,[2 ] written with the intention of defending Immanuel Velikovsky's synchronism in which he sought to date the destruction of the biblical Cities of the Plain to the end of the Early Bronze (EB) II period. What my comments sought to defend was Walter Rast's and Thomas Schaub's initial and tentative identification of the sites they unearthed at Bab edh-Dhra' and its environs as the biblical pentapolis.[3 ] It was they who dated the destruction of these ...
49. Crazy Heroes of Dark Times [Books] [de Grazia books]
... even have been March 23, -687. A force of 800 men was posted along 150 kilometers of shoreline. With them were liaison officers from the Palace of King Nestor. The famous old sage of the Achaean warriors himself would have been home from the siege of Troy. A clay tablet, one of those inscribed "immediately before the destruction which baked them and rendered them durable"[2 ] begins, "Thus are the watchers guarding the coastal regions."[3 ] What could they be watching for? Obviously no enemy had been sighted nor could the men be in fighting formation, so thinly dispersed were they. It might be as in Jerusalem around this ...
50. A Catastrophic Calendar [Books] [de Grazia books]
... to the world of A.D . 2,000, the human race and its natural environment passed through eight phases. They are posted on the adjoining chart, Figure 7. The set of cases is too small for statistical treatment, but, for heuristic purposes, the typical phase may be said to have begun in general natural destruction, passed through a period of recovery and reconstruction, and then entered upon a second catastrophic set of events. Figure 8 depicts the catastrophic cycle, as it might be dealt with by the topological mathematics of catastrophism. Of the first age of Pangea, no beginning is described here; nor is any end foretold to the present age ...
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