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152 pages of results. 381. Solomon and Sheba [Journals] [SIS Review]
... or proposed as the Queen of Sheba. If she hailed from Yemen, who was she? Her Family I accept Velikovsky's basic alignment of Israel's early kingdom with the 18th Dynasty but prefer Thutmose II to Velikovsky's Thutmose I as Solomon's father-in-law Thutmose I had only two daughters; Hatshepsut and another who died as a child. The archaeological evidence for destruction at Gezer in Late Bronze I-II that Bimson [8 ] equated with its sacking by Solomon's Egyptian father-in-law (cf. I Kings 916), fits just as well or better to Thutmose II. If Thutmose II and Hatshepsut were Solomon's parents-in-law, it is possible that it was their daughter, Neferure, who was given to Solomon for ...
382. The Two Faces of Love [Books] [de Grazia books]
... as the goddess Athena, was born out of Zeus' forehead, lacking association in such case with either Dione or Eros. Proclus, much later, but still authoritative, has this second later Aphrodite also born from the sea like the first [5 ]. The first goddess, Aphrodite Urania, was born in the throes of the destruction of Ouranos by his son Kronos (Saturn), who severed his father's genitals with a sickle of jagged flint and flung them into the sea. From the foam of these organs arose Aphrodite, a foam god, literally foam-born (aphrogenis), the "one who is generated from foam." [6 ] Only three words ...
383. Chapter 14 Agronomy and Climatology [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... extra yield of 10 per cent."3 The process of holding flood waters to irrigate the southern Mesopotamian plain at least three to four times a year for a summer crop, or six to eight times for a summer and winter crop, will undoubtedly enable the growth of rich crops at first, but this process also leads to the destruction of the soil. Daniel J. Hillel discusses this problem: "In many of the older countries, where human exploitation of the land began early in history, we find shocking examples of once- thriving regions reduced to desolation by man-induced soil degradation. Some of these civilizations succeeded all too well at first, only to set the ...
... deity of the Underworld. But on the face of it the problem becomes more difficult when we are told that Prometheus ruled over a part at least of Egypt, whereas the Greek legends one and all relate him to Thessaly, for there, as Eschylus relates, did "Father" Prometheus warn his "son" Deucalion of the impending destruction whereby he and his wife Pvrrha escaped the deluge by building their ark. Furthermore, the historian enters into an explanation to show that the venue of this event lay upon the Ocean, but that later it was called the Nile. Such a claim, apart from all else, definitely indicates that the Egypt we call by that name ...
385. The Poem of Erra [Journals] [Aeon]
... I shall say Dwell in Esagila' [the underworld]... I shall destroy the cities and turn them into barren land... I shall get into the house of the gods, there where the evil man has no access. At the abode of princes I shall let the rogue dwell. (27) Surveying the destruction wrought by Erra, Marduk laments: Of all the countries what is there left steady? He has taken the crown of his lordship: kings and princes... forget their ordinances... the bond between god and man is undone: difficult it is to knot again. (28) Identifying Erra The key to the ...
386. Pandemonium [Books] [de Grazia books]
... more about the earth sciences. There will be a place for a few acoustical geologists among volcanologists, seismologists, meteorologists, and paleontologists. When a bad local flood occurs, as it did at Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) in the spring of 1973, the physical processes are mediated by television through their sights and sounds; there occur physical destruction, economic dislocation and distress - all of them mediated through the eyes and ears. Admissions to nearby mental hospitals went up sharply; also the use of hard drugs, and the suicide rate. In the great Alaska earthquake of 1964, the destruction, death, terror, sounds and sights all together made their lasting impact on people ...
387. Authors Preface [Books]
... generally prevailed, periodically interrupted by world-wide cataclysmic events. These questions are the subject of this work. The learned world (within the limits of available knowledge) seems to have been divided throughout man's history into two parties: one which favoured global catastrophism and one that opposed it. Most philosophers of Antiquity believed that our planet experienced periodic worldwide destructions changing its face and wiping out almost all living creatures. Plato (427-347 BC) emphasized this idea in his Critics and Timaeus. His pupil, Aristotle (384-322 BC), doubted the reality of catastrophism in the latter part of his life. So did Strabo (64 BC- AD 21). Notwithstanding the evolutionary ideas put ...
388. Tunguska-Type Impacts Over the Pacific Basin Around the Year 1178 AD [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a disruption of the normal local Pacific fauna but would provoke very strong torrential rains over the usually dry Peruvian coastal region. This may have been the main cause of the observed strong erosion of the Tucume pyramids and a factor for disruption of the local irrigation system. However the demise of the coastal civilisation may also to be related to a destructive tsunami. Central America The fifth argument comes from Central America, relating to the origin of the Aztec civilisation and to some extent explaining the Aztec obsession with human sacrifice. When Cortes reached central Mexico, he met the stronghold of the Aztecs, who were living in a small region west of the great Popocatepl-Ixtacihuatl volcanic range, in a ...
... the nation was ready to be destroyed after a miserable manner, came to his brother Jonathan, and desired him that he would imitate his brother, and that care which he took of his countrymen, for whose liberty in general he died also; and that he would not permit the nation to be without a governor, especially in those destructive circumstances wherein it now was. And where Jonathan said that he was ready to die for them, and esteemed no inferior to his brother, he was appointed to be the general of the Jewish army. 2. When Bacchides heard this, and was afraid that Jonathan might be very troublesome to the king and the Macedonians, as ...
... him on that account was become very great; and besides this very disagreeable circumstance, the affair of the soldiery grieved him still more, who were alienated from him, from which yet these kings derived all the safety which they had, whenever they found the nation desirous of innovation: and all this danger was drawn upon him by his destruction of his brethren. However, he governed the nation jointly with his father, being indeed no other than a king already; and he was for that very reason trusted, and the more firmly depended on, for the which he ought himself to have been put to death, as appearing to have betrayed his brethren out of his ...
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