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152 pages of results. 311. Genesis and Extinction [Books] [de Grazia books]
... From: The Lately Tortured Earth, by Alfred De Grazia Home | Issue Contents CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN Genesis and Extinction Man is an exceptional creature, creative and destructive. He is a walking catastrophe for other kinds of life. Rashmi Mayur, in agitating for a "Kalotic World Order," projects that mankind will extirpate most species of life within this generation in exchange for 1.5 billion more people. J.W . Carpenter has cited estimates that 25% of all existing species may become extinct by the year 2000 [1 ]; this is not the work of man alone perhaps, for the Earth itself may be enduring a longer-term decline stemming from its ancient cosmic ...
312. The Role of Collective Amnesia in Retarding the Acceptance of Correct Ideas in Science [Journals] [Kronos]
... of this compares with the insecurity engendered (especially if one is a scientist) when it comes to understanding that the planet on which we travel has been involved in cosmic accidents; even more if it seems that the plan of propagation and evolution has made the role of such accidents of collision not incidental but a precondition of evolutionary progress and destruction alike. This is, in my view, the main cause of the emotional outbursts that have followed Worlds in Collision. The idea of a great fear living in man since the days of the great catastrophes presented itself early to me - I was a student of psychology before I became a student of history, natural history, and ...
313. Recent Developments in Near Eastern Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... pictured in a BBC2 Horizon' programme on 23rd Sept. 2004) - such items were probably his bread and butter' line. Demotion of some bullae to fakes may be relevant to the question of whether Str. 10 at Jerusalem is to be identified as that destroyed by Nebuchadrezzar II in 587/6 BC, or a Persian period destruction, perhaps in Nehemiah's time. Two bullae with identical names to biblical characters, which were found in an official excavation, are not in doubt but it is now questionable whether any additional support for the 587/6 BC date can be deduced from other bullae with biblical names and similar scripts. This question of the correct placement of ...
314. The Great Flood -- General Remarks [Books]
... than one report, and there seems to be no tribe that does not remember a great water catastrophe in its distant past. Most peoples, in fact, consider the Deluge as the earliest major event in their history that they remember. At first sight it seems to be a strange thing that an event of negative' character like the destruction of the world should feature so large in the folk-memory and be told with so much circumstantial detail, while that positive' event, the creation of the world, is comparatively rather rarely mentioned and hardly ever much elaborated. The most likely reason for this peculiar fact we have already explained in our chapter on the creation accounts: it ...
315. The Comet Of Typhon, Part 1 Venus Ch.3 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... globus immodicus) of fire, also as a sickle, which is a description of a globe illuminated by the sun, and close enough to be observed thus. Its movement was slow, its path was close to the sun. Its colour was bloody: "It was not of fiery, but of bloody redness." It caused destruction "in rising and setting." Servius writes that this comet caused many plagues, evils, and hunger. To discover what were the manuscript sources of Abraham Rockenbach that led him to the same conclusion at which we have arrived, namely, that the Typhon comet appeared in the time of the Exodus, is a task not yet ...
316. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... it would have been incorporated into Pi-Ramesse, but it is probably more acceptable to argue for a decline or abandonment in the mid-to late-18th Dynasty. Although the Hyksos leadership were driven out, most of the Asiatic workforce probably remained as is evidenced by continued foreign customs and pottery by with increasing Egyptianisation. Stratigraphically Daba just fades out without an obvious destruction level (Bietak 1991, p. 47). The last MB' stratum with housing is D/2 and this has formerly been taken as the final Hyksos level. On the theory proposed here, D/2 would be well into the 18th Dynasty and the final Hyksos stratum would probably be E/1 . This idea ...
317. Evidence that the Earth has Suffered Catastrophes of Cosmic Origin in Historical Times: the Conclusions of the 2nd SIS Conference [Journals] [SIS Review]
... catastrophe event - perhaps the only large event in the historical period - is that first outlined by Mandelkehr. Dated to about the end of the Early Bronze Age, it was probably felt world-wide. As Bob Porter notes, the end of the Early Bronze Age is the only instance (in historical times) of the sort of widespread contemporaneous destructions which would accompany a major catastrophe event. 2. Similarly, as John Bimson explains, there is increasing reason to doubt the idea of the Exodus as a major catastrophe event (unless it is synchronised with the end of the Early Bronze Age as suggested by Porter). If there was a catastrophe at the time of the Exodus ...
318. The Mechanism Of Evolution. Ch.15 Cataclysmic Evolution (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... From "Earth in Upheaval" © 1955 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents The Mechanism Of Evolution Natural selection-the Darwinian mechanism of evolution is simultaneously destructive and constructive. In the struggle for existence it eliminates all the unfit among the members of a species; and it destroys the species that cannot compete with others for the limited resources of livelihood. The winners in this struggle are those individuals that because of some characteristic-or favourable variation-have an edge over other competitors. "Under these circumstances favourable variations would tend to be preserved, and unfavourable ones destroyed. The result of this would be the formation of new species" (Darwin). As shown on previous pages, ...
319. Tower Myths (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... . ' Robot guns with automatic range-finders and sights to be used against the god armed with thunderbolts- even if this is only a myth' in the ordinary sense of the word, an idle wonder-tale, it is unique! Josephus writes in his Antiquities of Nebrod, the grandson of Chamas: He wanted to revenge himself on God for the destruction of his ancestors, thus: he would build a tower so high that the waters of another flood, with which the world might be afflicted, would not be able to submerge it. ' From these myths there breathes the indomitable courage, the bold, keen spirit, of men who were thoroughly conscious of their accomplishments. Their ...
320. A PERSONAL MEMOIR [Journals] [Aeon]
... 3 ) Nieper also explains that: Turbulence in the Tachyon-Field may be the mechanism causing earthquakes. During a strong turbulence, upper stories of the houses are the first to be destroyed, while the last to be destroyed is the part where the house touches the ground. For a shock which takes place exclusively at the Earth's surface, the destruction would have to proceed exactly the opposite, due to the inertia of the mass of the building versus the trembling motion of the terrestrial surface. In the Great Tumaco earthquake in Columbia, 1979, with a strength of 8.5 , there was observed the liquefaction of the Earth's surface which destroyed its load-carrying capability (Science, Jan ...
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