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152 pages of results. 21. Recent Developments in Near Eastern Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... archaeologist. He suggests that tenth century archaeology should be downdated into the ninth century, thus breaking the false link between Solomon (who remains in the tenth century, of course) and fortifications at Megiddo, Hazor and Gezer, together with the red slipped, hand burnished style of pottery (Iron Age IIA). Also, the numerous destructions usually attributed to Shishak would require other explanations. Finkelstein particularly cites the cases of Jezreel and Arad. At Jezreel the pottery of the large fortified enclosure is of Iron IIA style but is presumably dated to Ahab (believed to be the builder of the enclosure) in the ninth century. This point has also been made at several recent ...
22. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of the MB I camp sites in North Sinai have some Egyptian pottery (Gophna 1992, p. 127-8). The Israelites must have maintained a separate pottery tradition while in Egypt. The shaft tombs near Jericho and elsewhere would represent Israelites (their camp was nearby at Gilgal) but the MB I remains on the tell immediately following the destruction of the EB city probably represent other nomadic groups. The MB I building remains which Cohen and Anati identified in the Negev and north Sinai were not necessarily Israelite since the Israelites in their wanderings did not settle in one place although they may have constructed some buildings during longer stays in particular places. The replacement of MB I by MB ...
23. In Search of the Exodus [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... heaps of ruins. Some cities submitted, and others were pragmatic and avoided confrontation. It is generally recognized that the lists themselves are repetitive and stylized, tending to include communities, distant as well as near, that sent gifts through trade or diplomacy as well. The same is true of the Book of Joshua, which records the total destruction of a list of cities in Palestine, and the extermination of their inhabitants; the divine appellatives are similarly repeated, in that Joshua is aided and abetted by the Lord God Yahweh. At the same time, however, we may discern that the incoming Israelites failed miserably to subdue the Canaanites, Amorites, and indigenous peoples, as ...
24. Paleo-Calcinology: Destruction by Fire in Pre-historic and Ancient Times -- Part II [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. II No. 1 (August 1976) Home | Issue Contents Paleo-Calcinology: Destruction by Fire in Pre-historic and Ancient Times- Part II Alfred De Grazia [* This paper is an expanded version of one that was first presented on June 18, 1974 before the international symposium- Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System held at McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario. Copyright © 1976 by Alfred de Grazia.] A NEW INTERDISCIPLINARY METHOD The mystery of the "Burnt City" of Troy will soon be a century old, but its solution may be within grasp. It can now be reviewed in the light of substantial advances in empirical ...
25. Enheduanna and the Goddess Inanna [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , conditions must have become very different during the course of time. A similar assumption is made by old-fashioned catastrophists such as Ignatius Donnelly [3 ], Hans Bellamy [4 ] and Immanuel Velikovsky [5 ], but their emphasis is on altered physical environment rather than human perception. According to these catastrophists, Earth's history is littered with destruction events caused by extraterrestrial objects: episodes of worlds in collision' have occurred up to and including historical times when they were recorded for posterity in the form of myth. Velikovsky, a psychoanalyst of the Freudian school, notes that man's behaviour is often dictated by deep-seated compulsion. He explains that cosmic catastrophes would have been terrifying events to ...
26. Chaldean Account of Genesis [Books]
... Moon .- Sun.- Abyss or chaos .- Creation of moon.- Creation of animals.- Man.- His duties.- Dragon of sea.- Fall.- Curse for disobedience.- Discussion.- Sacred tree.- Dragon or serpent.- War with Tiamat.- Weapons.- Merodach.- Destruction of Tiamat.- Mutilation of documents.- Parallel Biblical account.- Age of story . CHAPTER VI.- OTHER BABYLONIAN ACCOUNTS OF THE CREATION. Cuneiform accounts originally traditions.- Variations.- Account of Berosus.- Tablet from Cutha.- Translation.- Cornposite animals.- Eagle-headed men.- Seven brothers.- ...
27. Can There be a Revised Chronology Without a Revised Stratigraphy? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... after it had been captured and burnt by the Pharaoh, who had given the site to his daughter, Solomon's wife, as a dowry (I Kings 9:16-17). In Velikovsky's chronology, this pharaoh is identified as Thutmose I [27]. In the revised stratigraphy considered here, we would expect to find evidence for this destruction of Gezer at some point during LB I, and sure enough we do, including dramatic evidence of burning [28]. The "latest possible date" for this destruction is said to be the reign of Thutmose III, with some archaeologists preferring an earlier date [29]. We may readily identify this destruction as the work ...
28. The Rise of Blood Sacrifice [Journals] [Aeon]
... the emergence of a sacrificial elite, are only rarely taken into consideration by students of religion. This paper tries to show the essential correctness of Mesopotamian myths, which claim the first "cult places" and their priestly personnel to have emerged as institutions for "beclouded" people in need of "counseling" after natural disasters had inflicted "destructions" on their habitats. ENIGMAS OF SACRIFICE The debate on the emergence of human and animal sacrifice in Mesopotamia's Early Bronze Age has been well under way for a hundred years. Only recently, a consensus has been slowly forming that these sacred executions were, indeed, common in the Ancient Near East. (1 ) This position, ...
29. Forum: Did Jews Fabricate Their History Between 500 and 1099AD? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... which proceed from the supposed year of birth of Jesus). Yet we know that the first Crusades occurred some 1100 years after the naissance of Christianity because the Jewish chroniclers used a dating system that referred to another defining moment in Jewish history, one that had occurred, incidentally, in the same century Jesus of Nazareth was born: the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans and the subsequent expulsion of Jews from the Holy Land in 68AD. According to The Crusade Chronicle of Solomon Bar Simson', the Crusaders' attacks on the Jewish communities in Mainz, Worms and Speyer occurred in the year 4856 after the creation of the world, in the year 1028 of our ...
30. "Let There Be Light" - A Criticism [Journals] [Kronos]
... "Let There Be Light" - A Criticism To the Editor of KRONOS: After reading Dwardu Cardona's paper "Let There be Light" (KRONOS,Vol. III, No. 3),1 found a problem with the author's conception of the role collective amnesia played in forming Creation myths. Explaining that mankind repressed painful memories of destruction and fear of god brought about by Saturn exploding as a nova, Cardona states: "Primitive man could not live under these conditions and his mind, in a collective attempt to retain its sanity, reversed the aspect of reality. Out of a demonic entity .. . mankind manufactured for itself a benign god and one of the ...
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