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152 pages of results. 271. 1990 ISIS Fellowship Lecture Meeting [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... pointed most strongly to Thera erupting about then, but that there could have been a multiple or sequential eruption, Thera in combination with another, as yet unidentified, volcano elsewhere. Professor Warren began his talk by outlining the nature of Minoan civilisation, a culture of considerable artistic achievement and one highly devoted to religion. He told of the destruction of Middle Minoan Crete by earthquake and of the rise of Late Minoan IA. Archaeologists date the eruption of Thera to the middle of Late Minoan IA: Professor Warren, with his considerable expertise on the subject, outlined some of the pottery chronology evidence which indicates this dating. He also told of the evidence relating to mainland Greece in ...
272. Coldwater Carbonate Sedimentation [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... , 1974). Pitting and etching of carbonate grains and crystals, rhombic pores and dissolution features indicative of undersaturation of CaCO3, are commonly observed in the Berriedale limestone. Large volumes of the present cold seas are undersaturated, and solid carbonates in contact with these waters are gradually dissolved (Alexanderson, 1975, 1978). If such a destructive process continued over a long period of time, it would have obliterated cold-water carbonate sediments f rorn the stratigraphic record. Pore-filling cements and crystals nucleating over partly dissolved crystals or grains are characteristic of constructive diagenetic fabrics that develop during periods of saturation by cold upwelling currents (Fig. 2). These cold currents maintain CaC03 on saturation level ...
273. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the afternoon session, Peter James examined the place of the Philistines in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages, and discussed their role among the "Sea Peoples" who, he argued, were Asiatics and not from the Aegean. He stressed the fact that there was no evidence to support the theory of the Sea Peoples as an agent of destruction since the Philistines and their confederates were already present in the Levant, and suggested we consider a natural catastrophe as the cause of the widespread devastation. He also felt unable to accept Dr Velikovsky's arguments for placing Ramesses III's battles with the Peoples of the Sea in the 4th century. David Rohl then gave an interesting presentation of slides dealing ...
274. Before the Greeks: Professor Davis's Cretan Decipherments [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Greek [11], and in 1973 Pensee published a chronological and synchronical chart prepared by John Holbrook after consultation with Velikovsky. The salient points of the columns for Greece and Crete are reproduced here: Cretans Greeks Luvians Luvians Linear A -1000 Advent of Greeks LM I LH I Shaft Graves Tholos Tombs = Phase I -900 LM II LH II Destruction of Knossos? = Tarshish Arrival of Cadmus = Nikmed Greeks 1st cyclopean citadels LH IIIa Mycenae & Tiryns Palace construction: Linear B Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos, Thebes -800 2d cyclopean citadels Mycenae & Tiryns LM III LH IIIb Tholos Tombs: Phase III Linear B Atreus & Thyestes -700 LH IIIc Agamemnon Destruction of Knossos? Destruction of Mycenae ...
275. S.I.S. Spring Meeting, 1983 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... was unable to accept Velikovsky's arguments in Peoples of the Sea for putting them in a 4th-century context and identifying them with the Persian armies of Artaxerxes II. Even so, he felt that the Philistines were of crucial importance from an interdisciplinary point of view because of their widespread cultural connections throughout the eastern Mediterranean world, their supposed role in the destructions that ended the Late Bronze Age and their pivotal importance in the historical events and chronology of the Old Testament. Accepted views on the so-called "Sea Peoples" are being re-examined - in particular the idea that they were new arrivals to the Levant at the end of the Late Bronze Age. In the sea-battle above (Ramesses III: ...
276. The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory [Journals] [SIS Review]
... various periodicals. Summary The Saturnian theory proposes a line-up of the planets Saturn, Venus, Mars and Earth, all sharing the same axis of rotation. According to the mytho-historical record, this seemingly outrageous arrangement of planets existed in prehistoric times before it fell apart in a series of catastrophic events. In reconstructing the events in the formation and destruction of this configuration, certain demands which the theory raises have to be met. These events should also have left tell-tale marks on the terrestrial environment. Introduction For those who are not familiar with the Saturnian configuration', the theory, bizarre in the extreme, can be reduced to its simplest form by positing that the planets Saturn, ...
277. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . The date of the Exodus and the archaeological placement of the Israelite Conquest of Canaan are of crucial interest in the debate surrounding Velikovsky's work. In the accepted chronology of the ancient Near East the Exodus fell during the XIXth Dynasty (in the reign of Ramesses II or Merenptah), and the Conquest is supposed to be reflected in the destruction of some Palestinian cities towards the end of the Late Bronze Age. The unsuitable historical context that this provides has led many critics to denigrate the flight of the Israelites and their Conquest of Canaan into a story of a few slaves escaping unnoticed, or into a legend from beginning to end, while the clear indications of the vast natural ...
278. Myths of the Great Fire (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... as another aspect of the Tertiary satellite. That after the end of both in a great fire (the break-down) the sun came into existence' again, is a well-observed. Beyond the equator the Arawaks of British Guiana say that wickedness of mankind so enraged him who lives on high, Aiomum Kondi, that he twice ordered a general destruction: first he scourged the world with fire, and then he flooded it with water. A few men, however, contrived to escape from either catastrophe They found refuge from the fall of fire in underground caverns, while at the time of the Great Flood the ancestral chief Marerewana and his followers were able to escape in a canoe ...
279. The Legends of the Jews: Volume III [Books]
... are always afraid of the consequences of sin, and therefore do not rely upon the assurances God had made to them;" hence Moses now feared to advance upon Og even though God had promised him aid against his enemies. [693] God, however, said to him: "What is thy hand, [694] his destruction has been decreed since the moment when he looked with evil eyes upon Jacob and his family when they arrived in Egypt." For even then God had said to him: "O thou wicked knave, why dost thou look upon them with all evil eye? Verily, thine eye shall burst, for thou shalt fall into their ...
280. ElROS AND CHARMION [Journals] [Pensee]
... of the day. EIROS The individual calamity was, as you say, entirely unanticipated; but analogous misfortunes had been long a subject of discussion with astronomers. I need scarce tell you, my friend, that, even when you left us, men had agreed to understand those passages in the most holy writings which speak of the final destruction of all things by fire, as having reference to the orb of the earth alone. But in regard to the immediate agency of the ruin, speculation had been at fault from that epoch in astronomical knowledge in which the comets were divested of the terrors of flame. The very moderate density of these bodies had been well established. ...
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