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152 pages of results. 231. The Walls Of Jericho [Journals] [SIS Review]
... by an earthquake and which they believed to be those which fell to Joshua and his Israelite army (2 ). Gerstang in turn discovered a double line of walls around the city which had been overthrown violently, apparently by earthquake. The bricks of the wall had tilted outward, adding force to his argument that there had been a violent destruction due to natural causes (3 ). On the basis of the absence of Mycenaean type pottery, Garstang dated the fall of these walls to c. 1400 BC, a date wholly consistent with the internal chronology of the Old Testament, but one which gave rise to the difficulty of dating the Exodus to 1450-1440 BC when, under ...
232. Ebla and Velikovsky [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... author's opinion the most crucial- is that Velikovsky placed the exodus at the end of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt,1 which would put Joseph in the Middle Kingdom as well,2 and Abraham at tine end of Egypt's Old Kingdom. The second is that catastrophes of world-wide dimensions took place at various times in the ancient world, causing destruction and mass migrations. Ebla was a community in western Syria that controlled the traffic between Mesopotamia and Anatolia and Egypt. Its time of prosperity and importance was in the third millennium before Christ.3 Until recently its precise location was unknown; an Italian archaeologist, Paulo Matthiae, working at a Syrian site named Tell Mardikh, however, ...
233. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... contention that their own civilisation was much older than the Greeks'. "You are all young in mind; you have no belief old in tradition and no knowledge hoary with age," one of them told him. He explained that, at long intervals of time, the stars change their courses in the heavens, causing the periodic destruction of the world by fire and water. The earlier inhabitants of Greece had been wiped out through these catastrophes; but, he said, through the protection of the Nile, the Egyptians had not only survived but had preserved the memory of these events. The antagonists of the priest's story were a race of Athenians who had lived 9 ...
234. Seismology, Catastrophe, and Chronology [Journals] [Kronos]
... the Middle Kingdom - a similar effort was made by Claude F. A. Schaeffer, Professor at College de France. The reader of Ages in Chaos is familiar with his work of excavating Ras Shamra (Ugarit), from the chapter carrying this title. He observed in Ras Shamra, on the Syrian coast, obvious signs of great destruction that pointed to violent earthquakes, tidal waves, and other marks of a natural disaster. At the occasion of his visit to Troy, excavated by C. Blegen, Schaeffer became aware that Troy was destroyed by the elements - and repeatedly so- at the same times when Ras Shamra was destroyed. The distance from the Dardanelles, ...
235. Applying the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Pensee]
... its ground plan was then studied and copied. It is in the context of these two possibilities that Tiryns' palace becomes so important for those desiring to connect 13th-century palaces with 8th-7th-century temples (102). The palace of Tiryns has special significance for the Homericists as well. Now that Homer is assigned to the late 8th century while the destruction of the Mycenaean palaces is put in the late 13th, could Homer have been influenced by Bronze Age palaces when he describes them in his Odyssey? Since Homer is removed by 500 years from the palaces he described, "Mycenaean monuments .. . will thus play no role" in any attempt to study the architecture that Homer actually ...
236. Natural Disasters Trigger Hysteria & Panic in Italy [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... mass hysteria and apocalyptic mania. These events are a classic example of how natural catastrophes, depending on their nature and scale, can trigger end-time fears. Natural disasters do not necessarily lead to collective hysteria in form of apocalyptic panic or millennialist movements. In many cases, the scope of the catastrophe is limited in time and extent and the destructive agent is clearly identified. However, if a natural catastrophe results in extreme devastation over a prolonged period of time (as is the case in Italy) and if the agent of destruction is unknown, or if, what appears to be even worse in the Italian case, if the national soccer team is - at the same time ...
237. Nevermore. Ch.4 Poets And Visionaries (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... ." Eiros replies: "The individual calamity was, as you say, entirely unanticipated; but analogous misfortunes had been long a subject of discussion with astronomers. I need scarce tell you, my friend, that even when you left us, men had agreed to understand those passages in the most holy writings which speak of the final destruction of all things by fire, as having reference to the orb of the earth alone. But in regard to the immediate agency of the ruin, speculation had been at fault from that epoch in astronomical knowledge in which the comets were divested of the terrors of flame. The very moderate density of these bodies had been well established. ...
238. Return to the Paelo-Saturnian Ssystem (Forum) [Journals] [Aeon]
... conjectured, a carbohydrate substance that precipitated from Venus' tail? Is it reasonable to speculate that the "mist [that] ascended from the Earth and watered the entire face of the ground" [43] is based on a memory of the erection of the World Tree? How do Saturnists interpret this verse? How long did the destruction at the break-up of the configuration last? What did it involve besides a deluge? Which is understandable as a recollection of that event as described in the Torah, the exile from Eden or the Noachian Deluge? Again, Cardona writes that Saturn was a source of heat. Elsewhere, he wrote a whole article on the associations of ...
239. Poleshift [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... no polar caps, everything outside of them would have boiled...So if the poles cannot move, and yet they did so, what are we to suppose? There is only one remaining alternative: The skin of the Earth moved in parts or as a whole."12 (Emphasis added) Leaving aside a probable gyroscopic destruction of the Earth by a poleshift and probably correlated to it a sudden plate tectonic motion, we must still explain the evidence for the ancient climate which Lyell suggested "the temperature of winter and summer were [more] equitable." If the rotational poles of the Earth were moved toward the perpendicular of the plane of its orbit around ...
240. KA [Books]
... the Greek words for lightning are: sterope, asterope, selas, pur, pur Dios (fire of Zeus), Dios belos, (missile of Zeus), keraunos, skepto (hurl). Latin has: fulgur, poetic fulgor (cf. Hebrew or', light); fulguratio, sheet lightning; fulmen, the destructive bolt, coruscare, to flash, to push with the horns. The Q-CD vol 12: KA, Ch. 20: Sanctification and Resurrection 239 Greek adjective euruopa, far-seeing, is an Homeric epithet of Zeus, and may be relevant in this context. THE SACRIFICIAL FEAST We have already seen, in Chapter VII, details of ...
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