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1514 results found.
152 pages of results. 211. Chapter II: The Events [The Age of Velikovsky] [Books]
... under acceptable experience. PETROLEUM Along with the hail" of rocks falling, a blazing sticky substance fell from the sky and ran along the ground. Velikovsky cited numerous instances of ancient references to a time when the "water of fire', "fire raid', or a fiery, sticky liquid fell from the sky and caused great destruction. Evidence is given from the Popol-Vull of the Quiche Maya, Annals of Cuauhtitlan, Book of Exodus, and the Midrashim, as well as from stories of the mythologies of Siberia and of the East Indies. The descriptions all indicate a petroleum product was precipitating. The people were obviously unfamiliar with petroleum. When unburned portions accumulated, ...
212. Index of Titles
... Edge, The Brhaspati Brief Response to Marvin Luckerman, A Brief Summary of the Evidence for a Gap in the Bible and Much Earlier Dates for Many of its Major Events, A Briefing Briefings British Forum for the Velikovsky Debate, A British Museum: Compass British Society of Dowsers, The Bronson Feldman, 1914-1982: A Biographical Note Bronze Age Destructions in the Near East Bronze Age Multi-Site Destructions (A Preliminary Review) Bulk Chemistries of Venus and Jupiter*, The Bumblebee Learms to Fly, The Bye Bye Big Bang: Hello Reality C C&C Workshop Prize Crossword C&C Workshop Prize Crossword No. 3 Cabots, the Lowells, and the Temperature of Venus, The ...
213. Imaginary and Expected Catastrophes: Apocalyptic Desire and Scientific Prognosis [Journals] [SIS Review]
... confirmed this finding for the European eastern Mediterranean area: Archaeological research reveals cataclysms, but it cannot tell us the causes or even who the participants were. Catastrophes occurred at regular intervals, explaining the five, clearly separated layers. ' [16] The discoveries of modern archaeology seem to be more or less in accordance with the number of destructions handed down in texts of antiquity. Plato knew of a tremendous inundation as the third' [17] before the Deluge of Deucalion which altogether adds up to four major catastrophes in the Bronze Age. The Indians of Mesoamerica remembered four ages' or four suns' before today's sun (i .e . the Iron Age) [ ...
214. On Comets and Kings [Journals] [Aeon]
... years later by Tycho Brahe, whose precise measurements of the parallax of the comet of 1577 provided the necessary proof that comets moved outside the immediate sphere of the Earth, thereby overthrowing the prevailing Aristotelian view that comets were an atmospheric phenomenon and establishing the scientific investigation of comets on a solid footing. Tycho associated the appearance of a comet with destructive winds, floods, earthquakes, famine, pestilence, war, and the death of kings. (17) A glance at any of the encyclopedias of folklore will confirm the archetypal nature of the mythology surrounding comets. Funk and Wagnall's encyclopedia, for example, included the following description under the heading of comet: "Not only in ...
215. Let There Be Darkness: An Archetypal Analysis of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich [Journals] [Aeon]
... the words of Robert Payne: "The rise of Adolf Hitler to supreme power is one of those events in world history which are almost totally inexplicable in any rational terms...He erupted like a force of nature, a tornado or a hurricane, destroying everything in his path, and even now, though the evidence of his destructive fury lies all around us, it seems unbelievable that a single man could cause such havoc." (1 ) At the same time, "others have argued that Hitler was nothing in himself, only a symbol of the restless ambition of the German nation to dominate Europe; a creature flung to the top by the tides of ...
216. "Heaven and Earth": Catastrophism in Hamlet [Journals] [Kronos]
... Gertrude's bedroom, contain the Climax, Peripety and Recognition. In this section, the concealed national disease is opened to public view - the Ghost was correct, as were Hamlet's intuitions, and Denmark is found to be ruled by an adulterous murderer, a regicide whose monarchy threatens to sever Denmark's ties to divine blessing and bring upon it a destructive curse. Claudius admits his crimes to himself, Gertrude admits her errors to Hamlet, Polonius is killed and the tragic conclusion thereby becomes inevitable. Hamlet's strategy of unearthing proof of the king's guilt has led to a point of no return. The fourth act contains the Pathos and Sparagmos, wherein many suffer as a result of Hamlet's cutting ...
217. Synodos, Part 2 Mars Ch.4 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... From "Worlds in Collision" © 1950 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Synodos We remember that Josephus Flavius, after giving Herodotus' account of the destruction of Sennacherib's army, intended to quote a divergent account of Berosus, and introduced it with the words, "Here is what wrote Berosus," but the account is not preserved. Now, if we know what happened on the night of March 23, -687, are we not able to find out what the missing account of Berosus was? We can assume that Berosus knew that the catastrophe was caused by a planet in contact with the earth. Seneca, in his work, Naturales quaestiones, ...
218. The Celestial Ship of North Vol. I [Books]
... for the same country, the Egypt beyond Egypt, and combine with the "Za-be-ans from the Wilderness." - - Ez xxiii, 42. Kush and Ethiopia are both names of the North, where the constellation called The Thigh, the Matrix of the World, is found. At first, when the elementary Powers ruled lawlessly and destructively, we learn that there was Chaos, and from out of this chaotic dissolution in space, Creation brought with it the beginnings of mythology, and ushered in the first period of Fixed Time. The Seven Stars of the Constellation at the Pole, came to convey the idea of this First Time. They were called "The Beginningless ...
219. Collisions and Upheavals [Journals] [Pensee]
... " Aware of a link between the circuit of heavenly bodies and the catastrophic ruin of previous generations, the ancients ceaselessly watched the planetary movements. Their traditions recalled that when old epochs dissolved, the new "age" or "sun" was marked by different celestial paths. Astronomers and seers diligently watched for any change which might augur approaching destruction and the end of an age. Prior to the second millennium B.C . ancient Hindu records spoke of four visible planets, excluding Venus. Babylonians, meticulous in their observations, likewise failed to notice Venus. But some time before 1500 B.C . Jupiter, for centuries chief among the deities, shattered the serenity of ...
220. Father Kugler's Falling Star [Journals] [Kronos]
... confusion in the sky), and related legends as records of disasters ensuing on the earth; but rationalises the supposedly "insane" finale of Book V of the Sibylline Oracles, despite its obvious similarities, into a "poetic treatment" of the normal seasonal changes in the night sky. He also considers the legends concerning themselves with periodic destructions of the world, as reported most vividly by Seneca, but refuses to see these in connection with the Phaethon legend, preferring to regard them - despite statements to the contrary by Plato and others - as extrapolations of cosmological dogma, with no conceivable support in fact. This work of Kugler is of interest in showing both the possibilities ...
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