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152 pages of results.
... ) for the property that she believed was rightfully hers. J Zorn (BAR Sept./Oct. 97 pp. 28-38, 66) has been re-excavating (in a museum!) the finds from the pre-war excavations at Tell en-Nasbeh, generally accepted as biblical Mizpah. This site became the capital of Judah under the Babylonians following the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC. Zorn turned up part of a broken metal ring (purpose unknown) clearly inscribed in cuneiform with the words Ayadara, King of the world, for (the preservation of) his life and .. . ' (p . 38). As with the Ashyahu text we are left guessing what garbled ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 53  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1997n2/37recent.htm
... an event, supposedly at c.1628 BC, with no way of specifying what that event was). This is important because for the last two decades there has been a constant tendency to distort archaeological-historical relations in the East Mediterranean region due to supposed scientific' dates. These have been pulling the Late Minoan I period (the Thera destruction level contained fully developed LM IA pottery) far too early, and hence Minoan finds in Egypt and the Levant have tended to pull dates there too early as well (this is in terms of the orthodox/old chronology [OC], aside from the New Chronology [NC] or other major reductions in chronology). Bietak's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 53  -  01 Apr 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v2004n2/10recent.htm
163. March 23rd, Part 2 Mars Ch.2 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... From "Worlds in Collision" © 1950 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents March 23rd It was apparently some cosmic cause that was responsible for the sudden destruction of the army of Sermacherib and brought about the perturbation in the rotating movement of the earth. Gaseous masses reaching the atmosphere could asphyxiate all breath in certain areas. This explanation requires supporting statements from other sources; disturbances in the movement of the sun could not be confined to the sun over Palestine and Egypt. Also, other circumstances of this catastrophe, like the gaseous masses covering the sky, should have been noticed in other regions of the earth, too. First, a more exact date for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 53  -  03 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/no-text/velikovsky/worlds/2022-march23.htm
... down, and desired them as soon as they should have obtained possession of the land of Canaan, when it would be in their power to make her amends for her preservation of them, to remember what danger she had undergone for their sakes; for that if she had been caught concealing them, she could not have escaped a terrible destruction, she and all her family with her, and so bid them go home; and desired them to swear to her to preserve her and her family when they should take the city, and destroy all its inhabitants, as they had decreed to do; for so far she said she had been assured by those Divine miracles of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 53  -  31 Jan 2001  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/josephus/ant-5.htm
... of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Translated from the German Manuscript by Paul Radin III Bible Times and Characters from the Exodus to the Death of Moses 1911 To My Mother On The Occasion Of Her Seventieth Birthday PREFACE MOSES IN THE WILDERNESS The Long Route - Pharaoh Pursues the Hebrews - The Sea Divided - The Passage through the Red Sea - The Destruction of the Egyptians - The Song of the Sea - The Awful Desert - The Heavenly Food - The Gathering of the Manna - Miriam's Well - Amalek's War against Israel Amalek Defeated - Jethro - Installation of Elders - Jethro Rewarded - The Time is at Hand - The Gentiles Refuse the Torah - The Contest of the Mountains - The Torah ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 53  -  05 Jan 2001  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/legends/vol3/contents.html
... SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1995 (Vol XVII) "Proceedings of the SIS 1995 Braziers College Conference" Home | Issue Contents Cosmic Catastrophes and the Ballgame of the Sky Gods in Mesoamerican Mythology Benny Josef Peiser The ballgame is directly related to the continuous cycle and conflict between Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca, [. .. ] and worldly creation and destruction. ' [1 ] The ritual ballgame was itself a reenactment of the celestial ball-game, played at a time of world-destruction, in which the sun and moon defeated the lords of hell. ' [2 ] Introduction Ever since the Berlin School of Anthropology (Konrad Theodor Preuss, Eduard Seler and Walter Krickeberg) tried to decipher the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 52  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1995/29balls.htm
167. A Testing Time [Journals] [SIS Review]
... time later, the city was abandoned around the end of Middle Bronze IIA and a new Asiatic group of people came in. Thus the Israelites arrived in Egypt towards the end of Dynasty XII and appeared to have left near the end of Dynasty XIII, approximately at the end of MB IIA. This is crucial to the date of the destruction of Jericho. In most textbooks, Jericho was destroyed at or near the end of the Middle Bronze Age (MB IIC) but this is now being revised somewhat because of the finds from Tell ed-Daba and other places, which suggest that Jericho City IV came to an end before the close of MB IIC. David Rohl and John ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 52  -  11 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v2003/046testing.htm
... Opinion is divided as to the dating of the book of Job. Because the earliest known example of Satan as Accuser found elsewhere in Hebrew literature is in the book of Zechariah (3 :1ff), an early post-exilic date is generally assumed. The book of Job was included in the canon of sacred scriptures by the generation before the destruction of the Second Temple (1 ). It was not among those works which the Rabbis debated excluding from the Biblical canon at Yavneh (ca.100 AD) (2 ), despite its disputably heretical content (3 ). The book may well have gone through its final editing at the time of Ezra, who first settled ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 52  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v0104/17job.htm
... poorest mythological memory of the past, and how the Egyptians themselves had managed to survive with their records intact from the earliest times. The passage again will be familiar to readers of Velikovsky. The priest explained that every now and again, at long intervals of time, the stars change their courses in the heavens, somehow causing the periodic destruction of the world by fire and by water. The oldest inhabitants of Greece, and apparently everywhere else, had been wiped out by these periodic catastrophes, but, the Priest proudly explained, the Egyptians had survived them because of the river Nile. Presumably flood waters were carried off by the great river, which also afforded protection from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 51  -  30 Mar 2001  -  URL: /online/pubs/articles/talks/sis/810606pj.htm
170. Cultural Amnesia [Books]
... Saturn exploded into a nova, long before the events that I describe in Worlds in Collision, Seven days before the Universal Deluge began, the solar system became illuminated as brilliantly as if by a hundred suns. In the Deluge, not only the Earth but also other planets of the solar system were engulfed. Nature was wanton: the destruction was great, Mars, Mercury, and the Moon, as the space pictures now reveal, became flying cemeteries. Nothing living remained, although probably there was once life on those planets its destruction was complete. In comparison, the Earth fared well and thus mankind could call itself the "Chosen People": not because all men ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 51  -  29 Mar 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/milton/021cult.htm
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