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1514 results found.
152 pages of results. 121. The Ruins Of The East. Ch.12 The Ruins Of The East (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... From "Earth in Upheaval" © 1955 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents The Ruins Of The East In the ruins of excavated sites throughout all lands of the ancient East signs are seen of great destruction that only nature could have inflicted. Claude Schaeffer, in his great recent work, discerned six separate upheavals. All of these catastrophes of earthquakes and fire were of such encompassing extent that Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, the Caucasus, the Iranian plateau, Syria, Palestine, Cyprus, and Egypt were simultaneously overwhelmed. And some of these catastrophes were, in addition, of such violence that they closed great ages in the history of ancient civilizations. The enumerated ...
... if we assent to this, do we not deny the power of mental developement; deny that in his higher natare man its capable of infinite progression? It may be said that some families are fierce, others mild; but it is by no means certain that a reversal in the circumstances under which they are placed would not change the destructive savage into the mild agriculturist, and the peaceable tiller of the soil into the fierce and predutory nomad. Dr. Morton says of the moral traits of the American aborigines "Among the most prominent, is a sleepless caution, an untiring vigilance, which presides over every action, and marks every motive. The Indian says nothing and ...
123. The Legends of the Jews: Volume III [Books]
... Back | Main Contents | Volume Contents | Forward The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Volume III Bible Times and Characters from the Exodus to the Death of Moses The Long Route Pharaoh Pursues the Hebrews The Sea Divided The Passage through the Red Sea The Destruction of the Egyptians The Song of the Sea The Awful Desert The Heavenly Food The Gathering of the Manna Miriam's Well Amalek's War against Israel THE LONG ROUTE The exodus would have been impossible if Joseph's bones had remained behind. Therefore Moses made it his concern to seek their resting-place, while the people had but the one thought of gathering in the treasures of the Egyptians. [1 ] But it was not an easy ...
124. The Celestial Ship of North Vol II [Books]
... writes most interestingly of that which he calls a precious allegory of a primitive creation, which was found on an inscription in a tomb of Seti the First in the so-called "Chamber of the Cow," and which is a portion of the Books of the Prophets, or Horoscopus. It is an allegory concerning Ra the Sun and the destruction of those beings, born of him, whom he thought had uttered words against him, and, because their hearts had become afraid, were fleeing from him. The significance of the allegory is that when the true solar time had been acknowledged, those beings or stars of his early creation, thought to be false and rebellious against ...
125. Ebla Reconsidered [Journals] [SIS Review]
... culture, religion and language of EBA Ebla to the history of the Ancient Near East generally. The work ends with a useful bibliography of publications on Ebla up to 1977, an index, and a superb selection of over one hundred black and white photographs. Of particular interest to readers of this journal will be the possible causes of the destructions which ended certain phases of Ebla's history. The city of the state archives (Mardikh II B 1) ended with "serious devastation" and "the burning of the city" (pp. 53-54). On the basis of correlations between Ebla's pottery and pottery at other sites, the date of this destruction is placed at c ...
126. From Microcosm to Macrocosm: The Fearful Symmetry of Catastrophism [Journals] [Kronos]
... I only believed that it was theoretically possible." However, as R. W. Clark has pointed out, scientific skepticism may well have been increased by wishful thinking, and the underlying instinctual dread of atomic power was shared by others as well. "Einstein's old friend [Frederick] Lindemann was so repelled by the idea of such destructive power being available to human hands that he could scarcely believe that the universe was constructed in this way'," while Sir Henry Tizard of England broached a similar thought to a colleague in the form of a question-"Do you really think that the universe was made in this way?"(7 ) The answer was revealed ...
127. Assyria and the End of the Late Bronze Age [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... stratigraphic evidence of the Late Bronze Age civilisations of the Eastern Mediterranean being wiped out at about the same time. While elimination of the fabled "Dark Ages of Greece", as proposed by Velikovsky, solved the mystery of the "long silence" which followed in the conventional chronology, it still overlooks the need for a cause for these destructions. Velikovsky's own time chart (drawn by John Holbrook in PENSEE IVR, IV, centrefold) apparently links the disasters that ended Mycenaean centres in Greece (Late Helladic IIIb to c transition) with the upheaval of 717 BC at the time of Ahaz's death. Yet the pottery of Late Helladic IIIb is dated by associated finds bearing the ...
128. Untitled [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... the coast of Israel, a 41-line cuneiform tablet was discovered in Building 1104, which is known as the "government house." The tablet was recovered during the removal of a baulk from the western part of the structure, found on a plaster floor that had collapsed from the upper story of the building. The collapse occurred during a destruction and fire that engulfed the building some time in the second half of the thirteenth century B.C . This is the date in the Late Bronze Age which the excavator has assigned to Stratum X12, in which this destroyed structure was found. A variety of broken pottery vessels was uncovered in the same area and they contribute to establishing ...
129. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Jonathan Cape in 1968. Regrettably, he gives no source for his reference to the retrograde nature of Mars: interested members may like to follow this up. - Ed.) War Stars Sir, In the course of investigating the Sodom and Gomorrah event, I was struck by the role played by the archangels Michael and Gabriel in the destruction. Michael acts as protector and saviour to Lot whilst Gabriel wreaks havoc on the cities of the plain. Velikovsky (W in C II, v) has identified Gabriel with Mars and Michael with Venus. Now, there seemed to me adequate evidence to link Venus with the Sodom and Gomorrah destruction, but nothing to implicate Mars from ...
130. On the Recent Discoveries Concerning Jupiter and Venus [Books] [de Grazia books]
... .. lies whelmed beneath the waters of the Serbonian lake. ') [Actually, the Harvard University edition of Herodotus (Loeb Classical Library) connects the quoted sentence about the place where Typhon is entombed with his defeat by Zeus.] THE CRITICISM: II Gaposchkin continues: A cosmic encounter, we read, was responsible for the destruction of the army of Sennacherib by a blast of fire. ' But none of the three biblical accounts of the event mentions a blast: each one ascribes the defeat of the enemy to an angel. (Fn: II Kings, xx, 35; II Chronicles, xxxvii, 2; Isaiah, xxxvii, 36). We ...
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