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13 pages of results. 71. Editor's Notes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... by 2,000 years and even in conventional circles there are moves to reduce it further, despite the fact that this conflicts with Carbon 14 dating which raises dates. Bob Porter, who agrees with much of David Rohl's work, argued that because of the increasing conflict with calibrated radiocarbon dates, there is need for full publication of the dendrochronologies which have been used. Bob discussed Megiddo and also what has come to be known as Hezekiah's Tunnel', arguing that this has been wrongly identified and that Hezekiah built the older tunnel found nearby. Aidan Dodson outlined the difficulties posed for the New Chronology by development of Third Intermediate period coffins. A distinctive type of yellow coffin came ...
72. Recent Developments in Near Eastern Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... one point - a discrepancy which has never been explained. Thus we can not rule out a dating for the Nebuchadnezzar' destructions in the 5th century, the very time that was suggested by James et al in Centuries of Darkness for Lachish Str. II. This is not to say that we should necessarily accept radiocarbon calibration, as the dendrochronology on which it is based has never been published except in brief preliminary articles. However, another line of evidence also suggests that the Nebuchadnezzar' destruction horizon can not be down-dated beyond the 5th century - Greek pottery. Notable styles of Greek pottery found in the Levant are East Greek Wild Goat', Athenian Black Figure' and Athenian ...
73. Calibrated Radiocarbon and the 'Methodological Fault-Line' [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the surrounding areas whose history is intimately linked with these two have a low' chronology based on historical and ceramic evidence whereas there is a high' chronology for the rest of Europe based on calibrated radiocarbon. It is instructive to see how two leading scientists perceive the calibrated radiocarbon dating phenomenon. Dr Mike Baillie, pre-eminent in the world of dendrochronology, denies that calibrated radiocarbon produces dates incompatible with the historical chronology, indicates that there are no problems for the scientists - the historians must come to terms with the scientific evidence - and hints that his scientific method is superior to anything archaeology can come up with [18]. Professor (now Lord) Colin Renfrew, the architect ...
74. 2nd SIS Cambridge Conference Abstracts [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... researchers have found evidence for abrupt climate change and civilisation collapse as well as sudden sea level changes, catastrophic inundations, widespread seismic activity and abrupt changes in glacial features at around 2200 200 BC. Climatological proxy data together with sudden changes in lacustrine, fluvial and aeolian deposits are clearly detectable at the Atlantic-Subboreal boundary in the archaeological, geological and dendrochronological records from around the world. A survey of ~500 excavation reports, research papers and scientific abstracts on late 3rd Millennium BC civilisation collapse and climate change was carried out in order to assess i) the nature, ii) the extent and iii) the chronology of sudden climatic and social downturns at this particular chronozone. This comparative ...
75. The Logic of Theory-testing: Some Criticisms of MacKie [Journals] [Pensee]
... 28, 1973 REFERENCES 1. H. E. Suess and C. Strahm, "The Neolithic of Auvernier, Switzerland," Antiquity, 4S (1970), 91-99; also C. W. Ferguson, B. Huber and H. E. Suess, "Determination of the Age of Swiss Lake Dwellings as an Example of Dendrochronologically-calibrated Radiocarbon Dating," Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 21 (1966), 1173-77. 2. H. E. Suess, "The Three Causes of the Secular C-14 Fluctuations, Their Amplitudes and Time Constants," Proceedings, 12th Nobel Symposium (Almqvist and Wiksell, Stockholm, 1970). 3. R. Burleigh, I. ...
76. The Earliest Arrival of Celts in the British Isles [Journals] [Kronos]
... A.D . The dating of these splits is highly problematic. Most differences of chronographic opinion are due to differences in dating method. Some prehistorians, like Jacquetta Hawkes, depend chiefly on stratigraphy.(12) Others, like Grahame Clark, prefer radiocarbon dating.(13) Still others, like Colin Renfrew, date events by dendrochronological re-calibration of radiometric results.(14) Other differences, however, are due less to technique than to basic assumption about the nature of diachronic change. Catastrophists, who assume radical discontinuity in protohistoric development, are inclined to prefer the "revised chronology" of Immanuel Velikovsky to all chronologies based on uniformitarian assumptions.(15) My ...
77. How Old is Greenland's Ice Cap? [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... recovered in the 15th century: one reproduced by Hapgood clearly depicts ice sheets in parts of the north - retreating glaciers in southern Sweden, where they no longer exist today, but most of southern and north-west Greenland ice-free, with ice only in the north-east and fingers' extending from this to the south. Just as in tree-ring dating (dendrochronology), the technique of dating ice cores is really part science, part art. The age of the ice can not be measured directly - it can only be inferred from its layering and variations in composition; this is not an easy task at great depths, where the ice has been squeezed and has flowed under tremendous pressure. ...
78. Radiocarbon Dating: An Archaeological Perspective [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... for understanding and pursuing such issues. For these reasons, I strongly recommend Taylor's work to all revisionist chronologists. Study it, and you will be armed with a solid understanding of the radiocarbon dating methodology and its strengths and weaknesses My only caveat is that Taylor's discussion of secular variations as evidenced by tree-ring calibrations proceeds on the assumption that the dendrochronological work is correct - an assumption that I have elsewhere contested as regards the European oaks. This flaw notwithstanding, the book is outstanding. One hopes that in the future Taylor will put out updated editions. Jesse E. Lasken, 1991 \cdrom\pubs\journals\workshop\w1992no1\40radio.htm ...
79. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... has raised (i .e . made older) the dates of the Old Kingdom by several centuries in line with C-14 results. To achieve this he arbitrarily adds the extra centuries into the First Intermediate Period! (Vol II p. xxviii). He has also raised some of the Aegean archaeological period dates, partly to match the dendrochronology date for Thera. Bob Porter Ancient History Study Group, September 1992 Thanks are once again due to Clarice Morgan for providing a venue for this meeting, held on 26.9 .92, and for the marvellous refreshments which she invariably provides. The meeting was opened by David Roth talking about a recently published book, The Sign ...
80. Review: Act of God, by Graham Phillips [Journals] [SIS Review]
... wind or waterborne pumice from Thera (or elsewhere) could have been brought to the site at different times. Also, as Phillips says, because of the problems and confusion surrounding C14 dates, many archaeologists now do not use this dating method'. However, if the next most favoured date' for Thera from both ice cores and dendrochronology of c. 1159BC is eventually confirmed, many chronologists (both conventional and revisionist) will have to do some serious rethinking. There are a few more obvious problems worth mentioning in passing. While dating the Exodus to the Amarna period, Phillips does not say how the traditional biblical periods of the Conquest, Judges, and the eras ...
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