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128 results found.
13 pages of results. 31. An Investigation into the Reality of the Early Medieval Dark Age [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of any arguments about the year, suggesting that the calendar has indeed been maintained on a continuous basis. There is no evidence whatsoever that 300 additional years were inserted at some point - yet today Jewish chronology agrees with the traditional Christian one that the destruction of the second Temple in Jerusalem occurred over 1900, not 1600, years ago. Dendrochronology Niemitz devoted about a quarter of his article to questioning the reliability of dendrochronology, which has claimed to confirm the conventional dates for some early medieval and Roman sites. For example, studies on oak timbers have indicated that the first Roman fort at Carlisle was built over a period of a few years centred on the traditional date of 79 ...
32. Sean Mewhinney's Critique Based On Bombastic Subterfuge, Evasion And Denial [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... years on either side, they identified it as the signature of the Thera eruption. This was in 1980." 20 Mewhinney next turns to how corroboration then came from tree ring dating related to climate and new evidence from the Greenland ice sheet which supposedly confirmed the validity of the uniformitarian analysis of Thera. He goes on to cite the dendrochronological work of Valmore La Marche and Katherine Hirschboeck that Thera caused a severe cold spell which is found in the American Southwest's bristlecone pines dated to about 1627 B .C . 21 He also explains how a similar date was also found in the Greenland ice which would corroborate Thera's eruption date of 1645 B.C . with an estimated standard ...
33. Recent Developments In Near Eastern Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the well known Byzantine one (Jerusalem Post 24th June 2004). Much of what follows relates to chronological problems caused by scientific' dating techniques. I am a scientist with an MSc (also an MA in archaeology) but science needs to be done carefully and published and checked. We still await any sort of final publication of a dendrochronology stretching back into the BC period, except for Hollstein's in 1980 which was subsequently found to have a 70 year error. Since the calibration of all carbon dates is based on such dendrochronologies, the lack of publication should be a glaring omission, but there seems no way to get the world of historians and archaeologists to realise the omission ...
34. The Velikovskian Vol. IV, No. 4: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... pars operis tanti nobis committitur CONTENTS Sean Mewhinney's Critique Based on Bombastic Subterfuge, Evasion and Denial Hyprocrisy * Ice Cores or Crystalline Spheres * Oxygen Isotope Layers, Snow Layering or Diffusion Layering * Corroboration or Disconformation of Ice Cores from Volacanic Material in Ice * Varves as Corroboration or Disconformation of Ice Cores * Heinrich Layers and the Greenland Ice Cores * Dendrochronology and Varves and Greenland Ice Cores vis a vis The Younger Days * Ice Modeling vs. Reality * Contradiction between the Different Ice Cores * Gas Evidence Culled by Glaciologists * Conclusion to Ice Cores Ice Age Milankovitch or Epicycles The Marine Chronology and Milankovitch * Hemispheric Negation of Milankovitch * Velikovsky on Milankovitch and Milankovitch on Milankovitch * The Equatorial Region ...
35. Rohl's Chronology - Implications for Mediterranean? [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... the average calibrated C14 date for the Thera eruption is 1670 BC. It is the frost signature in the European oaks which supplies the date of 1628 BC.) If the problems which I highlight below remain problems, and are not solved by the scientific community, then there should be sufficient doubt cast on the 1628 date (and the dendrochronology curve) to permit other proposed dates for the eruption - dates based on historical arguments. So what are those problems? Long-lived samples versus short-lived samples. Wood samples are known to give artificially high C14 dates because a tree can live for several centuries before its use in a building. The impression given would be that the building and ...
36. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Nature, 22nd Nov. 1990, pp. 353-4 (F . Hoyle), in Australian Physicist, Dec. 1990, p. 279 (C . Keay), and in Astronomy Now, April 1991, p. 14 (M . Beech). C. Leroy Ellenberger, St. Louis, USA. Further Thoughts on Dendrochronology Dear Sir, The controversy over the calibration' of radiocarbon dates by dendrochronology (tree-ring dating) looks set to run for some time to come (see recent articles and correspondence in C. & C. Review and Workshop). The Irish chronology developed by Professor Mike Baillie in Belfast is based on trunks of old oak trees recovered ...
37. Stonehenge: Neolithic Man and the Cosmos, by John North [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the member of the horse. He makes the point that over time, and because of precession, the viewing points of the alignment have changed. The first stage of activity at the site he dates as early as 3250 BC, the second at around 2250 BC and a third at 1740 BC, dates that lie very close to significant dendrochronological anomalies, or narrow tree ring events. How much significance we should attach to these dates I am not sure, but if strange things were happening in the sky at these times one can understand why Neolithic and Bronze Age people found it imperative to look at the night sky. North even considered the viewing platform was in use in ...
38. Society News [Journals] [SIS Review]
... reign lengths or whatever. This led to further argument re the starting point of 664 BC, the resulting synchronisations and the reliability of the Greek historians and the Bible. Trevor commented that the importance of the book is that it puts forward a thesis with certain revisions of chronology and certain synchronisms which can then be tested and argued about. Dendrochronology Bob said Baillie has not published his dendrochronology. There are two published dendrochronologies: a bristlecone pine chronology about 25 years ago in a relatively short article and a German chronology in 1980 going back to 700+ BC, which was the one that was found to have a mistake in it. They chopped 60+ years out of that ...
39. New Scenarios for Solar System Evolution [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... version presently accepted by the majority of scientists (the big bang scenario) and in possible alternative versions. The session on geology discusses a number of questions associated with the crucial and difficult problem of accurately dating events in the far past but more importantly for the consequences on the dating of the Homo Sapiens history on the Earth (radiocarbon, dendrochronological and radiometrical dating techniques). The problem of climatic variations and glaciations in the late pleistocene and holocene, so important to understand the Homo Sapiens past, is discussed. Two particular topics that have always fascinated man, namely the deluge traditions and the antiquity of the great Giza Sphynx, are discussed from the geologist point of view. ...
40. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... e . that it was becoming more dense. It is refreshing to see the new approach: the ancient source is taken at face value, and believed ; a new cosmology is adopted (400 rather than the conventional tens of millions of years from red giant to dense dwarf) and at last a most plausible explanation is arrived at. Dendrochronology Reaffirmed source: JOURNAL OF NEAR EASTERN STUDIES 44:4 (October 1985), pp.295-317 If there have been doubts as to the accuracy and validity of carbon-14 dating, and in particular to the application of tree-ring calibration curves to correct the secular variation in carbon-14, these must surely have been dispelled. In a superbly presented ...
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