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11 pages of results. 61. The Continuing Evolution of Evolution [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the two streams of insight promises to transform our understanding. The order inherent in the busy complexity within the cell may be largely self-organized and spontaneous rather than the consequences of natural selection alone." These arguments are developed in the first section of the book. Kauffman points out that the early nineteenth century Rational Morphologists, including catastrophists such as Cuvier, saw the similarities in the body plans of different organisms as evidence that there might be some underlying simple laws of form. Darwin, in contrast, concluded that the similarities were evidence of common descent. Darwinians became increasingly reductionist in approach, concentrating on the spread of advantageous individual features by natural selection without worrying about the complexities of ...
62. Opening the Floodgates [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... involving a universal Noachian Flood, in attempts to keep them consistent with accumulating field evidence. However, by the end of the eighteenth century it was becoming apparent that the Flood, even if it had occurred, could only have been one of many factors responsible for the formation of the Earth's features. Early in the nineteenth century Georges de Cuvier published the results of many years painstaking research into the geology of the Paris basin, and concluded that there had been several sudden advances and retreats of the sea. These were associated with major catastrophes, for on each occasion almost all the animals and plants then living were annihilated, a new set emerging in the aftermath. He proposed ...
63. Comments: on the First Issue [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... the supposed catastrophe was universal, why did monotheism only arise on the Nile or on Mount Sinai? The fact that Jews every year commemorate Passover contradicts the repression of a supposed traumatic experience. Mankind does have a memory - Eskimoes even remember the mammoth! Repression would seem typical only of the Age of Enlightenment: even a catastrophist like George Cuvier devoted a third of his geological volume to argue that myth has no value (2 ). Velikovsky cannot have it both ways: explaining monotheism with an Exodus cataclysm and leaving the possibility of other explanations open; valuating myth as a source of historical information and claiming that memory of historical catastrophes has been repre,ssed. I do ...
64. Arctic Tundra Mammoth Steppe Or Velikovskian Poleshift? [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... but, more importantly, warmer in winter (the temperatures... "were nearly equalized") and that subsequently the climate became violently extreme after the mammoths became extinct. Lyell was inventing a moderate climate to support the supposition that mammoths could live in Siberia during the long, dark winter season. This was completely understood by Georges Cuvier who earlier understood, as did Lyell, that "this eternal frost did not previously exist in those parts in which the animals were frozen, for they could not have survived in such a temperature"29 Ivan T. Sanderson explains that in Alaska, mammoths could not have migrated. "Nevertheless, it is possible that mammoths migrated ...
65. Victory of The Sun [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Pre-Columbian America, University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas. Cohane, John Philip (1967), The Key, Crown Publishers, New York. Coleman, P. J. (1967), "Tsunamis as Geological Agents," 15 Journal Geol. Soc. Australia, 267-73. Colman, William (1964), Georges Cuvier, Zoologist, Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Cook, Arthur B. (1964), Zeus, a Study in Ancient Religion, Biblo & Tannen, New York. Cook, Melvin A. (1957), "Where is the Earth's Radiogenic Helium," 179 Nature (January 26), 213. (1961-62) ...
... that does not The Glacial Epochs. 185 agree with immediate and sudden change of climate, that locked the mammoth in " pure, clear, glacier ice," without rush of waters and transportation of sand or mud, can be accepted, as all debacles of urging floods leave the principal features unexplained. Listen to the emphatic declaration of Cuvier : " If they had not been frozen up as soon as killed they must quickly have decomposed by putrefaction." Again let me call the attention of my readers to the remarks of this illustrious man, in contemplating the physical change the earth underwent, by means of which perpetual winter involved the polar world. " But this eternal ...
67. Neocatastrophism? [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... (Glastonbury, U.K .) . Derek V. Ager of Swansea University College, UK, has been so kind to check the palaeontological terms and names. Abstract The acceptance of faunal discontinuities in the history of the Earth has lately been, somewhat disparagingly, described as neocatastrophism and represented as a regression to the long-discredited ideas of Cuvier and his time. A re-examination of the issues has yielded the result that at the turning points of the great geological eras, and to a lesser extent at the boundaries of formations, there have occurred fundamental changes in the composition of the animal world, produced by the massive andmore or less simultaneous extinction of numerous stocks and the appearance ...
68. Floods and Tides [Books] [de Grazia books]
... From: The Lately Tortured Earth, by Alfred De Grazia Home | Issue Contents CHAPTER FOURTEEN Floods and Tides Paleontology is based largely upon the classification and ordering in sequence of marine fossils. Cuvier, one of its founders, claimed as the best evidence of universal floods, that land animals were always found in association with marine fossils. Terrestrial strata were laid upon marine strata which were superimposed upon terrestrial strata. In 1796, he named three ages and three catastrophes, evidenced by three quite different aggregates of species. Man appeared following the last of these, he believed. Today, many fossil deposits consisting solely of land animals can be pointed out, but the presence of ...
69. Catastrophism and Anthropology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . Not only did all the famous scholars of antiquity write about these natural disasters but, moreover, during the 18th and 19th century the newly established science of geology gave rise to findings and strata which clearly seemed to testify to major natural upheavals. As a consequence, scientists of Europe's enlightenment (among others Vico, Boulanger, Whiston, Cuvier) related the origins of ancient customs and rituals to these past cataclysms. Vico and Boulanger accepted the ancient belief that the Earth had undergone many natural disasters and that from these global upheavals all institutions and religious ceremonies were derived. Yet, with the emergence of 19th century evolutionary gradualism, all fields of science banned catastrophe theories completely from ...
70. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Those aspects of the meeting not covered in this issue will be reported next time. Catastrophist Geology Han Kloosterman has announced the first issue of his new journal, which will appear with the following contents: "Catastrophist Geology" / Johan B. Kloosterman (= folder); Comments by Derek V. Ages, A. Brouwer, Georges Cuvier, V. Axel Firsoff, Pierre Routhier, Harold Tresman and others; "Scientific Censorship and Thought Control" by H. C. Medley; "Geophysical Time Series and Catastrophism", by Vít Klemes; "Actualism in Geology and in Geography", by W. J. Jong; "Ager's Neo-Catastrophism", by Jan ...
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