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11 pages of results. 51. Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel [Books]
... not inclined to conclude that man had no existence at all before the great revolutions of the earth. He might have inhabited certain districts of no great extent, whence after these terrible events he re-peopled the world. Perhaps, also the spots where he inhabited where swallowed up and his bones lie buried under the beds of the present seas. Cuvier NEW YORK D. APPLETON and COMPANY 1, 3 and 5 BOND STREET 1883 ...
52. The Great Debate [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... The only opposition to the idea of uniformity came from among those naturalists who in the course of their work had made a study of the earth's surface. The belief that various catastrophes had wracked the earth in the past was shared by a number of naturalists in the early part of the 19th century, including the brilliant French paleontologist, Georges Cuvier, who proposed that fossils were the remains of organisms that had been annihilated by catastrophes and that new organisms- or modified forms of old organisms- resulted after each such holocaust. But the majority of experts lost little time embracing the doctrine of uniformitarianism. Interestingly, the reason for their acceptance of uniformitarianism over catastrophism was not very scientific ...
53. Pterodactyls in the Mesozoic: A Flap in Time [Journals] [Aeon]
... class was originally erected to house the living snakes, lizards and turtles long before the reemergence of the Mesozoic saurians of the early 19th century. As such, the reptiles were, by definition, cold-blooded with a scaly covering and sprawling limbs, unable to sustain energetic activity, and generally confined to climatically equable regions. [Baron George] Cuvier justified the inclusion of pterodactyls, and Owen the dinosaurs, on the basis of some apparently lizard-like bones in the fossil skeletons. Given the state of contemporary knowledge, this attempt to ally past and present lifeforms was laudable for its heuristic value." [8 ] Desmond's pleas haven't fallen on deaf ears, as most paleontologists are cognizant ...
54. Leonardo da Vinci: Rocks, Fossils, and Time [Journals] [Kronos]
... the world as a result of the disappearance of all water into the interior of the Earth, followed by fire destroying all terrestrial life (including the human race). This vision was a far cry from the Aristotelian view of an eternally fixed and secure world. (In modern times, catastrophism has been advocated in the writings of Georges Cuvier and Immanuel Velikovsky. To be sure, catastrophism and uniformitarianism are not necessarily mutually exclusive geological viewpoints.) EPILOGUE In 1516, after years of aimlessness and restlessness, Leonardo da Vinci was invited by the French king to spend the remainder of his life in France. On 2 May 1519, he died at Cloux and was buried in ...
55. "Uniformitarianism in Linguistics" by Craig Christy [Journals] [Kronos]
... the academic linguistic programs of Europe and North America. What it was that led to the writing of this book remains unclear. Overall, the volume seems to be little more than a sketch of the development of linguistic science from the early 1 9th to the late 20th century. Nonetheless, the author's frequent reference to paleontologists and geologists like Cuvier and Lyell strongly suggest that he wanted it to be more. If so, he seems to me to have fallen far short of his goal. In any case, there is regrettably little here in the way of new information or original insight, either for linguists or for catastrophists . REFERENCES 1. Gordon W. Hewes, " ...
56. Epilogue to Ramessides, Medes and Persians [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... ,1862). Bright, W., A History of Israel (London,1960). Cerny, J., Ancient Egyptian Religion (London, 1952). Coldstream, J.N ., Greek Geometric Pottery (London, 1968). Cottrell, L., The Mountains of Pharaoh (London, 1956). Cuvier, G., Essay on the Theory of the Earth (5th ed. 1827). Dayton, J., Minerals, Metals, Glazing, and Man (London, 1978). Desborough, V.R . d'A., The Greek Dark Ages (London, 1972). Desroches-Noblecourt, C., Tutankhamun ( ...
57. Stories of Radioactivity and Mutations [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... crack in this belief is appearing, which has caused a general acceptance of the idea of extraterrestrially induced catastrophes every several millions of years. Gould, a proponent for punctuated equilibrium of evolution, advocates that cultural traditions, not objective science, was the reason for Darwin to accept and reinforce the victory of Lyell's uniformity argument over the catastrophism of Cuvier and Agassiz [17]. But if it is proven that the multi- million year cycle is of too long a span, and that Velikovsky is correct for advocating a much shorter span, then it may well be us, of the era of less than the last two centuries, which posterity will judge as having made a ...
58. Puzzles of Prehistory [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... diversify phyletically, producing the million or more species of organisms found today. No new species has appeared in the course of recorded history. The most that one might expect to find in the way of biota in a wholly uniformitarian world is an astronomically large population of microorganisms of a single species. PREHISTORY AND CATASTROPHISM Since the time of Georges Cuvier, paleontologists have agreed that most of the organic taxa of the past are now extinct. Familiar examples of such extinct taxa are trilobite arthropods, seed-fern plants and oreopithecian apes. The only extinctions known during the historical period are of species whose demise was brought about, directly or indirectly, by human agency. Familiar examples of man's non-human ...
59. Benoît De Maillet (1656-1738): A Forerunner of the Theory of the Desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in Egypt [27] and also his great observational talent and in geology, de Maillet became well acquainted with the Mediterranean coasts, his outstanding works being on the Egyptian shore: Barbary, Acre, Alexandria and Carthage. This would become an earth theory that would influence naturalists such as Buffon and Lamarck and, up to a point, Cuvier as well [28]. Here we shall briefly analyse his transformist ideas about the Earth Sciences [29]. De Maillet [30] first proposes a cosmogonic system on one hand strongly rooted in the myth of the eternal return and, on the other hand, based partly upon both the idea of the plurality of the worlds ...
60. Marx, Engels, and Darwin [Books] [de Grazia books]
... . there had been a scientific type of catastrophism, employing the divine very much as Newton and most modern Uniformitarians did, as a removed and/or mechanical power. This strain had been modernized, even as Newton was writing, by his disciple Whiston, and later by eminent figures such as Vico, N.A . Boulanger, Cuvier, and Buckland. The strain was much more evident in the time of Marx and Engels than now. 3. Marx and Engels were deeply engaged in developing a paradigm of Socialism (or Communism) that was composed of numerous elements: materialism (with atheism); economic determinism (which Engels traced back to the beginnings of life ...
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