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106 results found.
11 pages of results. 41. Foreword by Prof. Theodore Monod [Books]
... the climatic changes that they may have brought about to realise that we are once again back to the theory of catastrophism. We have here the revival, in a completely new form, of a very well-known old doctrine which has been largely forgotten and which brings us right back to the Discours sur les Revolutions de la Surface du Globe by Cuvier, a work which described `dreadful events' of instantaneous' character, `without any gradation', `sudden and violent causes', `catastrophes', floods', etc. Mr Gallant's book has the merit of courageously opening the file of what could be called neo-catastrophism'. Notwithstanding the author's evident sympathy for the bold ...
42. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... :1 (Sep 1998) Home | Issue Contents Monitor INSIDE SCIENCE Political science New Scientist 4.10.97, p. 49 A reader took the magazine to task for writing that the impact theory of species extinction was invented in the 1980s by Alvarez. He brought their attention to the works of Velikovsky and the latter's acknowledgement of Cuvier, the French catastrophist, and pointed out that the history of cosmic collision theory showed that accepted' science was very much influenced by the political environment of its day. Cuvier lived at the time of the French revolution but revolutionary ideas were seen as a political threat by the British, whose constitution was based on ideas of gradualism, ...
43. Perilous Planet Earth [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Introduction; Part I. Catastrophism: The Story of its Decline and Fall .. . and Resurrection: Section A. From prehistory to 1899: Catastrophism dominates for centuries, but then gives way to gradualism: 1. Mythology, religion and catastrophism; 2. Hutton: fact and fiction about the origins of modern gradualism; 3. Cuvier and Lamarck: choosing between extinction and evolution; 4. Natural theology and Noah's Flood: the high-water mark of catastrophism; 5. Catastrophism, uniformitarianism and idealist philosophy; 6. Lyell triumphant: gradualism dominates geology; 7. Darwin and evolution; 8. After the Origin: the triumph of evolutionary gradualism; Section B: From ...
44. The Mechanism Of Evolution. Ch.15 Cataclysmic Evolution (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... in which he offered a theory of evolution through the appearance of new traits and faculties in response to usage; usage in response to need; and need as the consequence of changes in physical surroundings. These new acquired traits, he assumed, were inheritable. Lamarck also taught uniformity, and thus he was an opponent of his contemporary, Cuvier, who taught catastrophism. Charles Darwin, generous to Alfred R. Wallace, whom he declared to be an independent discoverer of the theory of natural selection, never agreed, despite the admonitions of Lyell and Huxley, to acknowledge his debt to Lamarck; in a letter to Lyell he referred to Lamarck's book as "absurd" and ...
45. Authors Preface [Books]
... , Aristotle (384-322 BC), doubted the reality of catastrophism in the latter part of his life. So did Strabo (64 BC- AD 21). Notwithstanding the evolutionary ideas put forward at the end of the eighteenth century by Lamarck and Saint-Hilaire, theories of catastrophism prevailed till the middle of the nineteenth century. The authority of Cuvier (the `father of palaeontology') and Linnaeus made it an article of faith for their time, till Lyell and Darwin brought about its downfall. The belief that divine intervention was the cause of the global destructions and of successive creations' (necessary to explain the continuity of life) was the great weakness of the nineteenth century's ...
46. Natural Evolution And Revolution. Ch.2 To Know And Not To Know (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... founders of the science of geology- Sir Roderick Murchison, William Buckland and Adam Sedgwick- of the early nineteenth century, who gave the names, still in use today, to almost all the geological periods- Cambrian, Permian, Ordovician, Cretaceous, etc. He also circumvented by silence the founder of mammalian paleontology and ichthyology, Georges Cuvier. These founders of earth science produced consistent data showing that catastrophic events on a global scale had repeatedly interrupted the flow of natural history. Darwin followed Charles Lyell, who was a lawyer by education and who argued the theory of uniformity not as a savant, but as a barrister; it was his book which Darwin read when he ...
47. I.Q.: A University Program [Books] [de Grazia books]
... of Q. Q2. Intermediate Quantavolution. Systematic development of major theses of Q in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Q3. Primeval Quantavolution in the History of Science to 1950. Quantavolution as reflected in Greek thought; the concept of the Deluge; cometary theories of catastrophes; Plato; G. Bruno, Whiston, Cuvier, Donnelly, et al. Q4. The Scientific Reception System and New Science. The Velikovsky Affair and analogies related to PQ in other problem areas of science: ethics and rules of science. Q5. The Catastrophic Origins of Human Nature. Evolutional and quantavolutional possibilities in the rise of mankind; effects of primeval experiences upon human nature ...
48. The Birth Of The Ice Age Theory. Ch.4 Ice (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... phenomenon of drift and erratic boulders in all places. The only alternative had been the waves of translation, or tidal waves travelling on land, but this was completely catastrophic. Now, with the continental ice theory, he felt-he had the correct solution if the catastrophic aspect of the theory, as originally suggested by Agassiz, a follower of Cuvier, was eliminated. It was not yet asked what produced such a cover. Notes. 1. A. Bernardi, "Wie kamen die aus dem Norden starnmenden FeIsbruchstUcke und Geschiebe, welche man in Norddeutschland und den benachbarten Ländern findet, an ihre gegenwartigen Fundorte?" Jahrbuch far Mineralogie, Geognosie und Petrefactenkunde, III (1832) ...
49. The Most Incredible Story, Part 1 Venus Ch.1 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... . Whiston, Newton's successor at Cambridge and a contemporary of Halley, in his New Theory of the Earth (the first edition of which appeared in 1696) tried to prove that the comet of 1680, to which he (erroneously) ascribed a period of 575 ½ years, caused the biblical Deluge on an early encounter. G. Cuvier, who was unable to offer his own explanation of the causes of great cataclysms, refers to the theory of Whiston in the following terms: "Whiston fancied that the earth was created from the atmosphere of one comet, and that it was deluged by the tail of another. The heat which remained from its first origin, in ...
50. Syllabi for Quantavolution [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Demiurgus," Classical J. (1819); R. W. Bass, "Proofs of the Stability of the Solar System," in 4 Pensée; H. B. Baker, "The Earth Participates in the Evolution of the Solar System," Detr. Acad. Nat. Sci. (reprint). VI. Cuvier, Revolutions of the Globe; Derek Ager, The Nature of the Statigraphical Record; D. Stove. "The Scientific Mafia"; reprint, J. A. Eddy, "The Case of the Missing Sunspots," 236 Sci. American. VII R.Juergens, "Radiohalos and Earth History," III Kronos ( ...
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